
美 [ˈoʊpən]英 [ˈəʊpən]
  • v.打开;开放;开启;张开
  • adj.开放;营业;坦诚;开放的
  • n.公开;户外;野外;旷野
  • 网络打开文件;开路;开着的

第三人称单数:opens 现在分词:opening 过去式:opened

open door,open mouth,open space,discussion open,open sea
open window,open account,open box,open letter,open fund
wide open,suddenly open
completely open,barely open


开着not closed

1.开放的;敞开的allowing things or people to go through

2.张开的;张着的with eyelids or lips apart

3.展开的;开放的spread out; with the edges apart

4.畅通的;开放的not blocked by anything

未系着not fastened

5.敞口的;未封的not fastened or covered, so that things can easily come out or be put in

6.没扣上的;敞开的not fastened

未围着not enclosed

7.开阔的;未围上的not surrounded by anything; not confined

敞开not covered

8.敞开的;露天的;裸露的with no cover or roof on

对宾客for customers/visitors

9.[nubn]开放;营业if a shop/store, bank, business, etc. isopen , it is ready for business and will admit customers or visitors

比赛;建筑物of competition/building

10.对大众开放的;公开的;人人可以参加的if a competition, etc. isopen , anyone can enter it

11.[nbn]~ to sb(比赛、建筑物等)对特定群体开放if a competition, building, etc. isopen to particular people, those people can enter it


12.[nbn]~ (to sb)可得到;可使用to be available and ready to use

无防范not protected

13.~ (to sth)易受损害;脆弱likely to suffer sth such as criticism, injury, etc.

不隐匿not hidden

14.人人皆知的;不保密的;公开的known to everyone; not kept hidden

性格person's character

15.诚恳;坦诚;直率honest; not keeping thoughts and feelings hidden

16.~ to sth思想开明的;不固执己见的willing to listen to and think about new ideas

待定not yet decided

17.~ (to sth)未决定的;待决定的not yet finally decided or settled


18.稀疏的;不密的with wide spaces between the threads


be an open secret

是公开的秘密if sth isan open secret , many people know about it, although it is supposed to be a secret

have/keep an open mind (about/on sth)

愿意聆听(或接受)意见;(对…)不怀成见;思想开明to be willing to listen to or accept new ideas or suggestions

keep your ears/eyes open (for sth)

(对…)保持警觉;注意;留心to be quick to notice or hear things

an open book

容易被了解的人(或事)if you describe sb or their life asan open book , you mean that you can easily understand them and know everything about them

an open invitation (to sb)

(给…)随时可以来访的邀请an invitation to sb to visit you at any time

with open arms

热烈地;热情地;诚挚地if you welcome sbwith open arms , you are extremely happy and pleased to see them


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... clean 打扫 Open 打开 Tidy 弄整齐 ...


开放式创新(Open Innovation)包括开放Open)与创新(Innovation)两部分。 关于创新(Innovation),基本上,创新就 …


字典中 发 字的解释 ... (4) 出发;上路[ set out;start off] (6) 打开;开启[ open] (8) 征发;征调[ call up;requisition] ...


MAX+plus II_百度百科 ... New…_________ 新文件; Open…_________ 打开文件; Delete File…____ 删除文件; ...


具有开路Open)、短路(Short)及电阻负载端(Resistive Terminations)的传输线特性。6 传输线 具有电抗性或非线性负 …


七年级英语单词表 ... on the right 在右边 open 开着的;营业中的 market 市场;市集 ...


端口扫描基础nmap - perseus的日志 - 网易博客 ... -sL( 列表扫描) open( 开放的) closed( 关闭的) ...

Standing at the side of the bed, near the headboard, flips the bottom sheet open across the bed. 站在床的一边,抛床单,而后展开到整个床上。
V- shaped bar bent to a half- circle is attached to the body , close to the front of the disc in full open position . 一个V形杆弯曲成半圆状附加在阀体上,在阀门处于全开状态时紧靠阀瓣前部。
You've got to keep your eyes open and mind sharp to get ready to jump at any chance. 还要睁大眼睛,保持头脑机敏,随时准备抓住任何机遇。
The particular claims define the shape of that key; much like a physical key is used to open a lock in a door. 这些特定宣告会定义该金钥的形状,就像是用来开启门锁的实体钥匙。
The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was a quiet man, staying among the tents. 两个孩子渐渐长大,以扫善于打猎,常在田野;雅各为人安静,常住在帐棚里。
Even more important, the internet is an open platform, rather than one built for a specific service, like the telephone network. 互联网是一个开放平台,而非专为某一种特定服务而建(如电话网),这点更为关键。
However, John does believe that his character would not return, but he would be open to suggestions. 但是,约翰说他的角色应该不会再出现了,但是他会为剧组提些意见。
She had obtained private intelligence that Mr. Darcy did not wish for cards; and Mr. Hurst soon found even his open petition rejected. 她早就看出达西先生不想打牌,因此赫斯脱先生后来公开提出要打牌也被她拒绝了。
Sheep Head, Morocco. After it has been sitting in the open amongst the flies all day, bring it home and boil it up into a soup. 产自摩洛哥,把放在外面一整天、围满苍蝇的羊头带回家煮汤,然后……
I left Elton John's and a hefty number of half-naked chicks with their mouths open in order to hang out with you at Christmas. 我离开EltonJohn家,那边有一大群半身赤裸的少女张着她们的嘴只为了能和你在圣诞节混混。
I sat down at her desk, picked up a newspaper and started reading. Suddenly I heard the wooden door of the outside room open with a squeak. 我在她桌前坐下,随手拿起一张报纸来看,忽然听见外屋板门吱地一声开了。
What you may fail to understand is the speed with which democracies can shift their attitude from the open hand to the clenched fist. 但你也许未能理解的是,民主国家的态度能快速地从张开的手转变为攥紧的拳头。
And, ask your pharmacist to put your medicine in large, easy-to open containers with large-print labels. 最后,让你的药剂师将药放在大的,容易打开的容器里,并贴上用大号铅字排印的标签。
An open, usually four-sided area at the intersection of two or more streets, often planted with grass and trees for use as a park. 街区;位于两个或者更多街道交叉口的一种开放的,通常是四边的区域,以种植草木用于公园装饰
A man on his deathbed called his wife and instructed her to open a wooden box under his bed. 一男病得快死了,叫他老婆在他床底下找出一个盒子,并示意她打开。
But when he came out, the parrot was sitting in the cage. The door was open. 但当他出来的时候,鹦鹉正在笼子里,笼门还开着。
Her incredible size allows her to play some minutes in the power forward position but she prefers a more open game. 她令人惊讶的高大身材使她可以随意胜任大前锋的位置,她是她更喜欢作为一名后卫去打开放灵活的比赛。
It's getting me back to the open, no-rules art that I started with which has been a nice change. 他让我思维开阔,艺术的无约束性得到了很大的改变。
She showed them the rooms, and what a beautiful house it was; but she did not open the door of the little room. 她带朋友们观看了许多房间,房子确实很豪华。但是,她没有打开那间小屋的门。
Members of Gongmeng, also known as the Open Constitution Initiative, said it had paid slightly late, but in full. 公盟成员称,他们只是略晚于规定时间缴纳税款,但当时就已经缴清了全部税款。
Since his arrival in Denver, Iverson has been saying that Anthony is like the Christmas present he has not been allowed to open. 自从来到丹佛之后,就像是他一直还没有被允许拆封的圣诞节礼物。
shall during business hours on any day during that period be open to the inspection of any member or creditor of the company without charge. 须在该段期间内任何一日的营业时间内,免费供任何公司成员或公司债权人查阅。
Perhaps not immediately, but a push to open up overseas trading of China's notoriously restricted currency does seem to be underway. 可能现在还没有,但人民币看来的确是正在推动海外交易放开。
She was afraid to open it because she was positive that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. 她不敢看,因为她确信,治病的费用将会花费她整个余生来偿还。
But what about the deeper question of whether businesses' own data might be better exploited if it was open? 那么商业数据源后是否能够更好地得到开发这个更深层次的问题又如何解答呢?
Open your eyes and take in all the beauty around you. Even during the worst of times, there's still much to be thankful for. 睁开双眼,把身边的美好事物都纳入眼里。尽管在你最糟糕的时期,仍然有很多值得你感谢的事情。
The grid is already more open to cyber attacks than it was just a few years ago. 今天的电网已经比几年前的电网更容易收到网络攻击了。
It's me, Carlo Ancelotti, director Ariedo Braida and a few of the players. If he ever gets lonely in London, our door is always open. 前去拜访的人有我,卡尔洛·安切洛蒂和布拉伊达以及一些球员。如果他在伦敦感到孤独,我们的大门随时都是敞开的。
But if you're the right type of person to do it, a whole new world of vertical fun will open up. 不过,如果你是适合攀岩的人,一个垂直乐趣的新世界将会从此展开。
Bush admitted that, growing up in Texas, he had not been as open to elements of America's diverse culture. 布什承认,因为在德州长大,所以他对美国多元文化的构成不够敏感。