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第三人称单数:opts 现在分词:opting 过去式:opted




时至今日 To This Day Project - Shane... ... investigation 调查,审查,研究 opted 选择 pecking 啄 ...


帮忙答英语2 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... (dressed) 演说4. (opted) 采纳5. (normal) 不正常的6. ...

Mr Venizelos has opted for a tax amnesty to increase revenues, the second in less than a year. 在一年不到的时间里,这是维尼泽洛斯先生第二次采取税收赦免政策来增加收入。
How much would Greece suffer if it opted for default instead? 如果选择违约,希腊将遭受怎样的折磨呢?
Little wonder then that the company has opted for a little glitz to mark the day when full production of its cars resumes. 难怪在MG汽车重新投入成批生产之时,该公司选择带一点奢华的方式来纪念这一天。
He might be Superman to some, but his body is catching up with his age and he opted to get out with plenty of time to enjoy his family. 他在有些人眼中也许是超人,但他的体能已随着年纪渐长而走下坡,于是他决定趁早退休,以便享受天伦之乐。
Although he publicly considered other alternatives, including offers from Inter and overseas, the Czech opted to call it a day. 尽管他公开表示自己会考虑其他球队的邀请,包括国米和海外淘金,但捷克火爆男最终决定挂靴。
opted . . . for a piano recital featuring classical pieces for her performance. . , . 意思是她选择举行钢琴独奏会,为大家演奏古典乐曲。
"He seems to have opted for a different route. And frankly we do not have any more trust in him. " “看样子他已经选择了一条不同的道路。而且坦白说,我们已经不再信任他了。”
Bosh hinted that he opted to join the Heat to assure himself of at least one elite teammate, with the hope of two. 波什暗示说,选择加入热火是确信这支球队至少还有一名精英队友能同他并肩作战,而如今是俩。
But I still opted for the tripartite, figuring that there was no legal bar for the government to enter into such agreement. 但我依然选择了这个三方协议,主要是因为法律上没有明确的障碍来阻止政府进行这样的协议。
Oh no! The word was co-opted and everything you know of as Christianity is distorted. For example, the earliest "Christ" was a woman. 噢不!这是个指定词,你所知道的全部基督教知识都是扭曲的,比如,最早的“基督”是个女人。
It had no right to enter into an agreement that automatically put their works in Google's system unless they opted out. 如果作家们不明确表示不参加这份协议,就自动将作家们的著作放到谷歌的系统上。
Yet the dark truth of his Paraguay was that he co-opted even his opponents into that system with him. 然而事实上这个国家的黑暗还在于,反对者在他的巴拉圭里居然也被他指派到这个系统中和他一起腐败。
Property and financial stocks were among the hardest hit by disappointment that the PBoC had not opted for a bigger rate cut. 因中国央行未出台更大幅度降息而引发的失望情绪,令地产股和金融股等受到最沉重的打击。
A few years ago, they might have chosen a piece of jewelry, but this time they have opted for a handbag with a designer tag. 如果在几年前,他们可能只须买一副首饰。但这次他们要选一个名牌手袋。
Poor people are "no longer getting the benefit" of the election, he said. Instead, it is being co-opted by big companies, he said. 穷人们在选举中“再也得不到好处了”,他说到,相反,好处都被大公司拿去了。
He began to get up but then opted to lay on the ground and delay the game for 92 seconds-a tactic that helped preserve Ghana's lead. 他摔倒后,一开始想站起来,但后来又选择了躺在地上,比赛因此延误92秒。这是一种有助于加纳保持领先优势的战术。
I've opted to leave the post as it stands so that the comments make sense and also because it helps with the general discussion. 但我还是决定不再改动我的日志这样评论们就不会说不通了而且它也更适合于广泛讨论。
Due to the ongoing review, the company also opted not to discuss the unaudited results in public or hold a conference call with analysts. 鉴于正在进行的审查,该公司还决定不公开讨论未经审计的业绩,也不与分析师举行电话会议。
Tsugumi Uemura, a public-relations worker at the company, opted out of the management track in April in part because she didn't feel ready. 该公司公共关系部门的一位员工TsugumiUemura今年4月份选择了不被晋升的道路,部分原因是因为她觉得没有准备好。
The Federal Reserve, the market believes, has opted to allow inflation to increase as a way out of the current problems for the US. 市场相信,美联储(Fed)已经决定允许通胀继续上升,以便让美国走出当前的问题。
In raising rates, even at a time of such uncertainty, the European Central Bank has opted for the latter. 尽管不确定因素很多,但欧洲央行加息的举动表明了选择后者的立场。
Europe will be pursuing austerity, China is trying to rein in bank lending but America has opted for another fiscal stimulus. 欧洲仍将厉行紧缩政策,中国正在控制银行借贷,而美国选择的是再一次财政刺激。
So for now at least, Bashar appears to have opted for a crackdown over change. 因此,至少在目前,巴沙尔似乎已选择了镇压而不是变化。
"I had an excellent Prince William look-alike, but unfortunately he opted out, so I was left with no good look-alike, " she said. “本来我有一个非常棒的威廉王子明星脸,但遗憾的是他退出了,剩下的明星脸都不太理想,”她说。
While he sensibly opted to remain in the warmth and comfort of the clubhouse, we set out with grim determination. 他很聪明地选择留在温暖舒适的会馆里,我们两个则抱着宁死不屈的决心出发了。
He seems to have opted for a different route. 看样子他已经选择了一条不同的导读。
But Matthew opted for a tolerant strength, he still Pierre by an image sketch, and twisted caricatures. 而马修却选择了宽容的力量,他因势利导地还皮埃尔一个肖像素描,并滑稽地漫画式。
For years he had talked about being cremated , but he made no provisions in his will , and his family opted for burial . 多年来一直有传闻说,他是被火化的,但其遗嘱中并没有提到这点,他的家人于是选择了土葬。
So in a time of desperation, I opted for silence, do not want to indulge in language in the sad or cry. 于是在一次次的绝望后,我选择了静默,不想再次沉迷于文字中哀怨或呐喊。
Mr Obama might have opted to send a "clean" bill to Congress and to use the economic crisis to force it through without too many additions. 奥巴马原本有机会将一份“干净”的议案提交国会,并利用经济危机迫使国会通过而不必塞入过多的附件。