
美 ['ɔ:gənaɪzd]英 ['ɔ:gənaɪzd]
  • adj.有组织的;系统的;有条理的;有安排的
  • 网络组织力高;有组织计划性;组织性



1.[obn]有组织的;系统的involving large numbers of people who work together to do sth in a way that has been carefully planned

2.有条理的;有安排的arranged or planned in the way mentioned

3.有条理的;有效率的able to plan your work, life, etc. well and in an efficient way


求外企的面试题目_百度知道 ... Team player 合群 Organised 组织力高 WHAT TO SAY 应说甚么? ...


必备单词BEST2 - 豆丁网 ... waste 浪费 organised 有条理的 manage 管理 ...


理诺士酒店管理学院(Les Roches Bluche) ... Pro active 积极 Organised 有组织计划性 Self confidence 自信 ...


...(extendible)、多样性(varied)、组织性organised)、舒适性(comfortable)、恒常环境(constant in environment) …


外研社高中英语词汇表 ... nervous adj. 紧张的;焦虑的 organised adj. 有组织的;有系统的 atient adj. 耐心的 ...


Douglas Education Consultants Limtied -... ... 有规律 orderly 有组织力 organised 思想周到 thorough ...


《老友记》视听精讲第63期:莫妮卡是天生的妈妈... ... responsible 负责任的 organised 井井有条 kook 怪人,疯子 ...

Italy's farmers union, which organised its public launch, said the tomato is free radicals in the body, which can damage human cells. 负责新品推广的意大利农民联盟表示该品种富含番茄红素,这是一种红色素,它含有抗氧化剂。
The miners seem to be well-organised, says the BBC's Gideon Long in Copiapo, near the mine in northern Chile. 这些矿工组织得似乎不错,BBC的吉迪恩•朗在智利北部一个矿山附近的科皮亚波说到。
We feel a strong need to set up an organised system again to promote agreement with a more responsible concept of design. 我们觉得非常有必要再次成立一个有组织的机构,以协定出更加合理的设计概念。
Shivinder observed that the best American hospitals did not just have good doctors. They were also superbly organised. 舍温德注意到,美国最好的医院不只是有好医生而已,他们的组织也十分严密。
Up to half a million people joined a union-organised protest in London against the British government's spending cuts. 50万人参加了由英国工会联合总会组织的示威游行,抗议政府削减公共开支。
I'm very organised and controlled and need to go to bed at night knowing what I'm going to wear the next morning. 我非常有组织和有控制的,需要去睡觉,晚上还不知道我要穿上第二天早晨。
The moment of reflection was organised following the Japanese earthquake and tsunami a week ago which has claimed thousands of lives. 这次的默哀仪式是为了纪念在一周前发生的日本地震和海啸中数以千计的罹难者而组织的。
b. A general site cleaning and maintenance operation shall be organised at least once a week. 乙一般站点的清理和维修业务应举办至少每周一次。
You're more likely to see a dance performance by a troupe from the Lisu ethnic minority, or make an organised visit to a Lisu home. 你更可能看到的是来自傈僳族歌舞团的舞蹈表演,或者有组织地参观一个傈僳族家庭。
"Europe risks being left behind, " she said at a lecture in London organised by the International Institute for Environment and Development. “欧洲面临着被赶超的危险,”她在国际环境与发展协会在伦敦举办的一个报告上如此说道。
"It's certainly been well organised, " he said. "In terms of audacity it rates as one of the highest I've seen. " “这显然是事先组织好的,”他说,“这是我所见过的最大胆的抢劫案之一。”
Credit to Fulham, they were very organised and difficult to break down but we kept pushing and we got a bit of luck with the goal. 谢谢富勒姆。他们组织得有条不紊,防守非常顽强,只是我们一直压在前面攻打,有那一球实在是我们的运气。
It was an enormous surprise and a wonderful evening as well as farewell that Mirka had organised for me. 这是一个巨大的惊喜和完美的夜晚,当然也是一个米尔卡为我准备的告别晚会。
The loan was organised in the form of a currency swap agreement between the Bank of Thailand and the HKMA at market interest rates. 贷款以泰国中央银行与金管局签订的货币掉期协议形式进行,息率按照市场水平。
They were very organised and we have to give them credit for that. It's up to us to try and break them down and in the end we did. 他们的组织非常好,我们必须为他们鼓掌,这取决与我们拼尽全力,在比赛结束后击倒他们。
Like the previous years, the Association continued to participate in charitable activities organised by other institutions. 一如既往,体育会继续参与由其他团体或组织举办的慈善活动。
They may be able to give you somewhere to live for a while and help you get things organised. 他们也许能够给你暂时提供一个住的地方,帮助你把事情安顿好。
This week, however, a presidential adviser talked of an "organised plot" to destabilise Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife, Carla Bruni. 然而,这周一位总统发言人说这是一桩计划好的阴谋来破坏总统和他夫人的关系。
It states: "The absconding may be at the facilitation of organised crime groups and the children may then be exploited for financial gain. " 文件中有这么一句:“这些幕后黑手可能是受雇于某些犯罪团伙,为获取金钱利益而贩卖儿童。”
Any haulage service established as a monopoly on waterways used for transit must be so organised as not to hinder the transit of vessels. 在用于过境的水道上设立的任何垄断性拖航服务,其组织不得妨碍船舶的过境。
Many institutions, from neolithic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number. 从新石器时代的村落,到罗马军团中队,许多机构都似乎是围绕邓巴人数来组建。
Our brains seem to be organised to make random comparisons of the contents of our memories. 我们的大脑似乎会有组织地对我们的记忆内容进行随机对比。
"In the past, one of the barriers to retail investors getting organised was that they had no way of finding each other. " “过去,散户投资者组织起来的障碍之一就是无法找到对方。”
The guy who organised the fixtures this season must have come out of a special school, because he is more intelligent than I am! 这个安排本赛季赛程的家伙肯定来自于一座特殊的学校,因为他比我更聪明!
Tata eventually secured its prize in an all-night auction organised by the takeover panel in London a year ago. 最终塔塔在一年前的在伦敦由合并工作小组组织的通宵竞标中周全了自己的收购。
They had no plan to deal with such a crisis. Getting governments organised in eurozone summits or G20 meetings was the best they could do. 这些人对于该如何解决这场危机全无打算,把各国政府组织起来参加欧元区峰会或G20会议就是他们能想到的最好办法了。
The official contact with you may well come all of a sudden, and be accompanied by an organised showing of our craft. 与你们的官方接触很可能会出乎意料地到来,并且伴随着一个我们的飞船的有组织的展示。
After the flooding in 2010, the government turned this into a more organised attempt to move the farmers off the land altogether. 在2010年一场大洪水之后,政府改变了原先的策略,试着用更有组织的方式把农民从这块土地上全部搬走。
Speaking by telephone to the BBC in an interview organised by the president's office, Mr Yar'Adua said he was making a good recovery. 再一次由总统办公室组织的BBC记者采访中总统发言,他现在正在康复中。
The winner was announced at the end of the two-day New Science of Happiness and Well-Being Conference, organised by Merry and his wife. 评选结果在由梅里夫妇组织的、为期两天的“快乐与幸福新科学研讨会”结束时揭晓。