


Under the Treaty of Rome, however, the European Union has behaved as if the Med were a frontier, rather than an organising principle. 然而在罗马条约下,地中海在欧盟仅似一个边缘地带,而不是主要组成部分。
Q. What advice would you give to management in organisations that are trying to establish a culture of self-organising teams? 对于想要建立自组织团队文化的组织来说,你对组织的管理人员有何建议呢?
Mr Hoffa said he had urged the ACFTU to be as aggressive in organising in local private companies as it had been with foreign enterprises. 霍法表示,他已经敦促中华全国总工会拿出对待外企的态度,同样坚决在民营企业组建工会。
The 36-year-old star is determined to bring a smile back to Eva's face and is organising a girls-only night out for her. 这位36岁的明星发誓要让笑容重回到伊娃的脸上,并正在为好友组织一个纯女人派对。
However, Bocog, the Beijing games organising committee, insisted yesterday it had never promised full freedom. 然而,北京奥组委(Bocog)昨日坚称,从未就完全自由(上网)作出承诺。
The power of organising a large number of men into a corporate group depends on a special kind of genius. 把大量的人组成一个社团依靠的是一种特殊的天才。
Setting up training programmes. Organising a training workshop, deciding on the sort of training required and who will need training. 安排培训程序。组织培训工作间,决定培训顺序以及谁将参加培训。
"Organising Wal-Mart, KFC and McDonald's is all good, but they should be going after local companies as well, " he said. “在沃尔玛、肯德基(KFC)和麦当劳(McDonald)中组建工会非常好,但他们也应当将中国公司列为目标,”他表示。
Mark brown, a member of the organising committee, felt a sudden impulse to deal with at least some of those problems. 马克。布朗是组委会的一员,他突然感到一阵冲动,要处理其中一些问题。
Canny marketing also played a part, with Kodansha organising lectures and discussion groups all over the country at the time of the launch. 精明的营销手段也起到了作用,新书面市期间讲谈社在全国范围内组织了针对《源氏物语》的演讲和讨论活动。
TILL THEN, thank you so much to you all, for organising, putting in so much effort, and of course for turning up. 对于今天的徒步旅行,非常感谢大家所有人,感谢你们的组织,感谢你们的百般努力,当然也感谢大家来捧场。
Candidates must be experienced, able to work to targets, pro-active, self organising and able to write articles to a professional standard. 应聘者必须具备丰富的行业经验,目标明确、积极主动、自律性强,能够撰写具备专业性水准的文章。
Then he said what he really thought, arguing "of all the many ways of organising banking, the worst is the one we have to day. " 他说了他的想法,“在所有管理组织银行的方法中,恰好我们用了最坏的一种。”
The president said he'd step down by January next year, but only after organising parliamentary elections. 总统表示他明年一月份之前会下台,但是要在举行议会选举之后。
Despite the stress of organising it, he added, he felt "a deep calm and peace" as darkness swept across the land. 尽管人员流动疏导管理的压力很大,他补充说,在黑暗笼罩大地的那一刻,他感到一种“平静安宁”的氛围。
HSBC says it has a policy of never paying journalists and that it was not involved in organising the China Charity Foundation event. 汇丰表示,公司有从不付钱给记者的政策,而且该公司没有参与中华慈善总会的活动组织。
Candidates must be experienced, able to work to targets, pro-active, self organising and able to counsel students. 应聘者必须具备丰富的行业经验,目标明确、积极主动、自律性强,能够为学生提供咨询服务。
Organising such ownership structures for banks would not be easy, but it might lead to a healthy state of affairs. 要为银行建立这样的所有权结构并非易事,但它或许会引导银行走向健康发展的态势。
An elegant organising idea is no use if a company cannot come up with good products or services, or if it has clueless bosses. 一流的组织理念是没有用的,如果公司不能把它转化为好的产品或服务,或者如果公司老板无能的话。
The conference's organising committee is now working on a further statement of principles, to be released later. 会议组委会正忙于进一步完善方针的内容,不久后就会公布于众。
A digital scan of the passport and ID photo of each player and each accompanying person must be sent by email to the Organising Committee. 参赛棋手和陪同人员的护照扫描件须以电子邮件方式发给组委会。
At the time, I was a BBC correspondent, and the Seoul Olympic Organising Committee had the idea of getting foreign journalists involved. 当时,我是英国广播公司(BBC)的记者,而汉城奥组委(SeoulOlympicOrganisingCommittee)希望让外国记者参与。
And he was introduced to a minister who, he was told, was keen to help Obama's organising efforts. 他还被介绍给了一位牧师,他被告知这位牧师对他的组织成果很感兴趣。
2An elegant organising idea is no use if a company cannot come up with good products or services, or if it has clueless bosses. 如果策划不出优良产品和上佳服务,或者公司老板无能,再好的组织理念也是徒劳。
Whatever you're organising, be prepared to proceed solo, but ensure arrangements are flexible. 不管你怎么组织,做好自己干的准备,但是也要保证计划的灵活性。
Any similar evidence that shows skills such as team working, organising and planning would be useful to put in as well. 任何可以证明自己能力的内容都可以放进简历,比如说团队合作精神,组织能力和策划能力。
Look for an organising characteristic in today's world and speed is among the top contenders. 要在当今世界找出一个包罗万象的特征,速度当在首选之列。
One of the KNPB's young members says that they are only interested in organising demonstrations against the occupation. KNPB的一个年轻成员说,过去他们只是想通过有组织的游行示威活动来反对占领。
It was a complex start to the project, right from organising the tendering process, to hiring the right contractors to do the building. 作为这个项目的开端---招标就是一个非常复杂的过程,我们需要雇用一个合适的承包商。
Mr Brown is organising an international meeting in London to discuss the danger. 布朗正在召集一个在伦敦举行的国际性会议,商讨如何应对危险。