out of my mind

  • 网络疯了;失心疯;走出我的脑海

out of my mindout of my mind

out of my mind


James Blunt_爱问知识人 ... No Bravery 勇气不再 Out Of My Mind 疯了! So Long,Jimmy 永别了! 吉米 ...


WILL YOUNG_百度百科 ... 9. Going My Way 走自己的路 10. Out Of My Mind 失心疯 11. Friday s Child 星期五之子 ...


mind的意思 及用法_百度知道 ... out of mind 心不在焉;忘却;发狂 out of my mind 走出我的脑海 come to mind 想到 ...


Colbie... ... 12.Breakin' At The Cracks( 碎裂) 13.Out Of My Mind( 你在我心上) 14.What I Wanted To Say( 我的心里话) ...


帮忙翻译歌词breathe easy_百度知道 ... Out of my mind 我的大脑之外 Nothing makes sense anymore 没有什么东西能让我感 …


《There s... ... theres no air 这里便没有了空气 out of my mind 在我的脑海里 nothing makes sense anymore 没有了任何的意义 ...


... No I....can't breathe easy 不 我 无法呼吸 Out of my mind 在我脑海外 Nothing makes sense anymore 任何事都不再有意义 ...

For the longest time, I pushed it out of my mind. 很长一段时间以来,我都将它拒之脑后。
In the office, I turned to be out of my mind from time to time, with your image flikering and glittering all the time. 在办公室里,我一次又一次地走神,你的身影一直在我的脑海盘旋。
The last time I moved, it was a big deal -- I had to abandon all my stuff and was out of my mind with stress. 上次在我搬家的时候,真是劳师动众--原来的一切东西都要扔掉,搬家的压力让我喘不过气来。
Cover for it out of my mind, but deep have been such a cute little dog. 盖了我的心,但深有这样一个可爱的小狗狗。
I didnt notice but it had got very dark and I was really, Really out of my mind. 我没有看到,但它已经变得很暗,我真的,真的出了我的脑海。
Well, I'm trying to get it out of my mind and into my mouth. I'm starving. 我也想把这种感觉抽出来,然后放入口中,我饿极了。
When I told him my destination was Tehran, he thought I was out of my mind to go there. 当我告诉他我要去德黑兰的时候,他觉得我一定是疯了才会想要去那里。
He'll just tell me to put it out of my mind for my own good. 告诉我别再想这件事为了我自己好
I just can't seem to get it out of my mind. I really want that job. 我似乎就是没法不去想它。我真想得到那份工作。
And, like many of the grief-struck, she fears for her own mental state: "Half the time, I think I must be totally out of my mind. " 像其他的悲伤者一样,她担心自己的这种精神状态:“一半的时间,我想我一定是疯了。”
I just can't seem to get it out of my mind. 我总是没法不去想它。
I tried to shut all the memory of him out of my mind, but I failed. 我努力把有关他的记忆从脑海里排除,可是没有用。
Ever since I heard that song on the radio I've been unable to get it out of my mind. 自从我从收音机里听到那首歌以来,我就不能够把它从我的记忆中抹去。
And then I said to myself, I've just got to get this thought out of my mind as quickly as possible. 然后我告诫我自己,我要把这个念头尽快的抛在我的脑后。
It was something I had to get out of my mind as quickly as possible. 伤病让我错过了很多比赛,而这正是我必须尽快忘却的。
The past week hasn't been easy, nobody can imagine what I've been through. It has been a really bad time. I must just put it out of my mind. 过去的几个星期不太容易,没有人想象我是怎么过来的,这真是一场煎熬,我必须把他抛之一边。
What if my heart was stung, get out of my mind this, let me sentimental old place. 我的心仿佛被什么刺痛了,赶紧离开了这个令我难忘,让我感伤的老地方。
Maybe people think I was out of my mind. If that was the case, you would make a mistake. I mean it. I really dreamt all that last night. 或许有人认为我疯了。如果真是这样,是错误的。我是认真的,我真的在昨晚梦见了这一切。
I'd swear to myself to do better next month, and satisfied with that vague goal, put the whole thing out of my mind. Repeat. 我对自己发誓下个月我会做好一点,并对这个模糊的目标感到满意,接着就把它抛到九霄云外去了。
LINCOLN: That man today. The question. I can't get it out of my mind. Jennings's opened a can of worms. 林肯:今天那个人,那个问题,我心里放不下。詹宁斯让我心里很不舒服。
I had known that tune in my infancy, but it had long since passed out of my mind. 我曾在我年幼的时候记得歌的调子,但已经有很久记不起来了。
You scared me out of my mind, coming up to me suddenly like that. 你突然来到我身边,着时把我吓死了。
But I can't get it out of my mind. 可我就是忘不掉。
And I couldn't get Daddy and his confident deathbed prediction that I would win out of my mind. 我始终想着老爸在临终前确信的预言,他说我会胜出。
Could you tell me again what I should do next? What you said yesterday has slipped out of my mind. 你能再一次告诉我我下一步该做什么吗?你昨天对我说的话我已经忘了。
So, I met this guy while I was on vacation in Nevada. His name is Thomas and I can't get him out of my mind! 我在内华达州度假时认识一个很棒的男孩,他叫汤玛斯,我一直对他无法忘怀!
Anyone who thinks I'm not scared out of my mind whenever I do one of my stunts is crazier than I am. 那些认为我在做惊人表演时一点也不害怕的想法简直比我本身还要疯狂。
I shall give you up and get you out of my mind. 我应该放弃你并且让你走出我的心里!
Karina: I'll try, but it's hard to put everything out of my mind. 卡瑞娜:我试试看,但要忘却所有烦恼有点困难。
I will try, I just need a little time To get your face right out of my mind, To see the world Through different eyes. 我会试试看,我只是需要一点时间挣得到你的脸在我的脑海中,去看世界通过全然不同。