out there

  • adv.那外面
  • 网络在那里;在那儿;在外面

out thereout there

out there


人们说:在那里out there),人跟人的关系,有如丛林或动物园。It's academic(now).那已成为学术问题了,已无实际意义。


利益并不是放在那儿out there),而是通过社会互动建构的9。换言之,物质力量本身的作用有限,行为体(agent)通过规 …


一个让人迷惑的世界就在外面Out there),但是当我在你的怀抱中时(when i'm in your arms) 它就有意义(不再迷惑)了 …


out ... out of keeping (和周围)不调和 out there 向那边; [口]到战场 int. [古] 表示“愤慨, 谴责"等 ...


广州版四年级英语下册单词 带音标_百度文库 ... have fun 玩得开心 out there 到战场,在那里 sea 海,海洋 ...


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... Only joking! 开玩笑而已 out there 外面的那个地方 rice noodles 米粉 ...

It was remarkable. We had gone out there assuming that there would be plenty of methane still there and the fact was that it was all gone. 真是让人吃惊,我们本来认为还有很多泄漏出来的甲烷在那里的,可事实是甲烷都不见了。
The only thing left to do is to see if there is a framework out there which can help us to assemble something like this in the elegant way. 唯一留下来要做的事情就是看看有没有一个框架,可以帮助我们以优雅的方式装配类似这样的东西。
I've no idea how popular this will be, so I'm going to put this "out there" and see how much interest there is. 我不知道对此事的反响将会如何,因而我将是低调开场,看看大家对此的兴趣有多大。
Knowing what you want and putting it out there will do you far more good than letting the boss throw out a number first. 你要知道自己想要什么并表达出来,这带给你的好处要远远大于让老板先提出一个数额。
Publishing those travel pieces in the Times was a way of reminding me that there was a writing world out there. 在《纽约时报》上发表这些旅行见闻对我是一种提醒,它提醒我写作的世界还存在着。
Get out there and do stuff, try not to use the train of thought "Well, I deserve this, " too often. 不管是出门还是做事,不要总是有“这是我应得的”这样的念头。
It was not all that easy today but I'm going to go out there all the time do my thing and show the world that I'm probably the best. 今天的比赛不怎麽轻松,但是我总是会尽全力去做,向世界证明我是最好的。
"We wanted to put it out there that it is not all negative in this part of the world, " Mr Okere says. 奥克尔表示:“我们想证明,在这个地方并不都是负面的东西。”
I don't understand. -Yes or no? -You know, life is just as complicated for me as any other woman out there. . . 我不清楚。-是或否?-你知道,生活对于我,和那里的任何其他女人一样复杂…
We were happy to get him a win out there today - he said to my girlfriend during the match that it was his only birthday wish. 我们很高兴能把赢球作为礼物送给他——他和我女朋友说过这也是他唯一的生日愿望。
"There is still a lot of enthusiasm and support out there for her, " says a leader of a women's activist organization. “现在希拉里依然有很多热情的支持者,”一位女权运动组织领袖称。
"If every mutation out there was reported, it would be like reporting changes in the weather, " he said. “倘若报告所有的突变,那就像报告天气的变化一样,”他说。
Thompson: If you think it's a colossal waste of time, and here's why, in a ROWE it's up to you to put that out there to the meeting manager. 汤普森:如果你觉得那是对时间的极大浪费的话了。这也就是为什么,在实行“颠覆”的公司,要由员工来决定是否要把经理晾在那儿的原因了。
It's amazing how much misinformation is out there that women have picked up. 惊人的是女性找到了很多误导信息。
"Certainly it was a reflection of the fact that there are so many things out there, " she says. "I wanted to take advantage of it. " 她表示:“这无疑反映出,外界存在着很多其它的可能性。我希望利用这些可能性。”
You see it out there with everything else, and you see how it stands, and how it lasts, how people make fun of it or how they adore it. 你能看到,它(声誉)就在那儿,和一切别的东西一起,你能看到,它是怎样竖起来的,怎样持续地,人们又是怎以取消它或崇拜它的。
In your experience as a professional musician, what are the main do's and don't's for any new band trying to get their music out there? 作为职业乐手,对试图发表自己音乐的乐队们有什么建议,有什么可以做的什么不可以做?
The data is "out there" and the processing power to make sense of it is, too: All that is needed is for you to make it happen. 数据“是现成的”,处理能力也是:您只需要实现它。
I did some competitive research and one of the best design companies out there was charging such a low rate that it was blasphemous! 我曾经调查竞争者,最佳设计公司中的其中一家收费之低廉,简直亵渎神灵!
I think this definition is correct, but my views on love and how much is out there. 这样的定义我想也是对的,但那与我的爱情观多少是有些出入。
Now I'm finally at peace with it and am able to put it out there. 现在我终于对将它公之于众变得平静。
When this story broke, it was played as though there were just a few fake gold bars floating around out there. Not so, it seems. 当这个故事发生,它扮到好像那只是几条假金条浮在那里,但它看来并非如此。
It's just a different atmosphere out there. Much more space on the sides and in the back. When you hit the ball, the sound is different. 这里的氛围完全不同,边线和底线后有更多的空间,当你击球的时候,甚至声音都是不一样的。
Know of any other Internet-based mapping systems out there that designers should know about? 除了这里的设计人员应该知道的以外,你还知道任何其他基于互联网的地图应用系统吗?
It turned out there was quite a bit more . . . At the end she began to gasp. "Oh dear, oh my dear, oh my dear dear God, oh sugar! " 结果,还差的可不是“一点点”…最后她开始呻吟。“哦亲爱的,哦我亲爱的,我的天啊,太美了!”
Once you have made these changes and adopted this new healthier mind state it is up to you to get out there and enjoy life. 一旦做出了改变并养成全新的健康思维模式,你便能自由地随处畅游、享受生活。
Cook with medium fire for about 4 minutes. Don't let the boiled water spill out . There the noodle is ready and take it out of the water . 中火慢煮,使水沸不溢出,等4分钟左右,面条软硬适合食着口味,即可捞出。
A distant boat lies on its side in the sand like an old wreck that's been left to rot in the sun. There's someone out there. 一只远方的小船躺在沙滩边,向一只留在太阳下渐渐腐烂的残骸。有一个人在船的外面。
Live with it. - I always thought that I knew so much about programming, but there is always someone out there better than you. 我常想,我对编程了解已足够多,但是总有其他人比你优秀。
Get out there and shoot your own little journey, cut it out, desaturate it, spin it around and whack it into this piece. 摆脱它们的影响并开始你自己的创作征途,重新剪裁、降低饱和度、旋转或拆成碎片。