
美 [ˈaʊtwərd]英 [ˈaʊtwə(r)d]
  • n.外表;外在事务;周围世界;〈罕〉外部
  • adj.表面的;外表的;外出的;向外的
  • adv.同“outwards. outward and homeward”
  • 网络外面的;公开的;外部的

outward sign


1.表面的;外表的connected with the way people or things seem to be rather than with what is actually true

2.外出的;向外的going away from a particular place, especially one that you are going to return to

3.朝外面的;向外的away from the centre or a particular point


英语词汇的奥秘 ... backward 向后的,向后 outward 向外的,向外 inward 向内的,向内 ...


高中英语... ... overcoat n. 外套,大衣 outward a. 外面的;公开的;可见的;向外的 n.外形 outer a. 外面(表)的;远离中心的, …


背一遍就想上考场四级单词(文本)_百度文库 ... backward 向后,往回 outward 外表的,向外的 awkward 尴尬的;笨拙的 ...


高中英语... ... overcoat n. 外套,大衣 outward a. 外面的;公开的;可见的;向外的 n.外形 outer a. 外面(表)的;远离中心的, …


Flashcards about 高中英语词汇十 ... outing 郊游,远足 outward 向外的,外出的 overcoat 大衣 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... outstanding 显目的 outward 外部的 oval 椭圆形 ...


高考3500词 ... outstanding a. 突出的,杰出的,显著的 outward a. 向外的,表面的,外服的 oval n. 椭圆形 ...

He had schooled himself to be able to postpone the ritual for as long as a whole day, while hiding all outward signs of his inner torment. 他已锻炼自己能够推迟仪式一整天的时间,掩藏所有内在煎熬的外在迹象。
The matter of choice is given, and known as a content dependent not on the will itself, but on outward circumstances. 任性的内容不是基于意志本身,而是外界所给予的,以意识到外在环境的制约为基础。
The SocGen team appeared to have dressed either for an outward-bound course or a company disco; its slidebook could fit into a back pocket. 而法兴团队的衣着看上去更像是去出海旅行或是参加公司聚会的。其图册能轻松放进后兜。
As it grows outward, it runs out of room and is forced to double back into a horseshoe shape. 随着它向外生长,空间扩大,增大为以前的两倍,成了马鞋的形状。
Spreading the lower side of the front panel plate outward ( arrow B ) , detach the plate from the body . 向外侧拉伸前面板框的底边(箭头),把板从机体上卸下。
Customs formalities shall be completed for an inward and outward means of transport to shift to transport business within the territory. 进出境运输工具改营境内运输,需向海关办理手续。
This was his way of teaching me how I ought to write to him; for he by no means underrated the importance of outward forms and ceremonial. 通过这种方式,让我懂得如何给他写信;因为他决不轻视外在形式和礼节的重要性。
The front inclined plate is inclined forward, and the side inclined plates are inclined outward and simultaneously are inclined forward. 前倾板向前倾斜,侧倾板向外侧倾斜的同时又向前倾斜。
Between them, they taught her all that a gentlewoman should know, but she learned only the outward signs of gentility. 凡是大家闺秀知道的事情,她们已经没有一样不教她,可是她所学得的,只是一种表面的礼貌。
Meter A man and a woman are at a picnic in the park. This picnic is the center of every picture outward to the view among the galaxies. 一男一女在公园里享用野餐。这野餐是以下每幅图的中心。
The malicious path of youth Yin, with him that absolute being the general mundane outward is absolutely utmost anti- wrong. 少年阴狠的道,跟他那神一般的外表,简直就是个极端的反差。
Experts suggest this may be because men find it easier to express emotions like anger in an outward way or take it out on others. 专家解释说,这可能是因为男性觉得向外表达愤怒这样的情绪、或者在别人身上发泄更容易。
The app uses the outward facing camera on a smartphone to help a pedestrian look both ways (or at least one way). 这项应用采用智能手机自带的外置摄像头帮助行人观察其左右两侧的路况(至少是一边)。
Abundance is a state of being. It radiates outward. It shines like the sun among the many moons in the world. 充足是人的一种心态,它向外辐射,它就像许多月亮所围绕的太阳普照整个世界。
The finger is still crooked to this day bent at the bottom knuckle a full 45 degrees outward from his other fingers. 伤好了后小拇指就一直弯曲着,到今天仍然是这样:小拇指从底部关节向外与其他拇指形成了个45度的斜角。
a certain gentle wistfulness was the only outward change in her demeanour . 一种温婉的沉思态度,是她举止行动上唯一外现的变化。
The flaps are a pair of flat surfaces on each wing that can extend outward to increase the surface area of the wing. 襟翼是两翼上各一对的平面,可以向外伸出从而增加机翼的表面积。
This outward mutability indicated, and did not more than fairly express, the various properties of her inner life. 外表上的千变万化说明——其实是恰到好处地表现出;她内在生命的多方面的特性。
In terms of per capita growth in economic output, the years of outward orientation outperformed the years of import substitution. 就人均经济产出增长率而言,出口导向时期高于进口替代时期。
The inward and outward means of transport staying at a place with a Customs office shall not depart there unless permitted by the Customs. 停留在设立海关的地点的进出境运输工具,未经海关同意,不得擅自驶离。
Researchers now report just such a discovery: the joint of a beetle leg that turns inward and outward like a screw. 现在,研究人员正是关于这样一个发现做出报告:甲虫肢体关节内外旋转和螺丝的原理异曲同工。
Valuing cultural taboo an important function to seem to be in outward the exchanges is importance. 重视文化禁忌在对外交流中重要作用显得尤为重要。
At the start of the movie, an arc of plasma arises close to the surface and balloons outward into space. 影片开始时,等离子体的弧线上升接近太阳表面并向太空膨胀。
Voice of Steve Johnson: It's easy to focus on what you can see. After all the Bible tells us that man judges by the outward appearance. 史蒂夫·约翰逊的声音:我们很容易把注意力放在睛能够看见的事情上。毕竟,圣经告诉我们,人根据外表作判断。
Peas may be around but said with a smile, "I did not look outward, but I heard you say that I feel. " 可身边的豆豆却笑着说“我虽然没有往外看,但我听你一说我就感受到了。”
Jane accepts the break with outward composure, but soon visits heR aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, in London, hoping to see Bingley theRe by chance. 洁英表面上镇静地接受了这一关系的中断,但不久便去伦敦探望她的姑母加德纳夫人,希望在那里能邂逅彬格莱。
Next morning, take a small amount of hot products in the palm, from the inner corners of his eyes rolling gently push outward. 每天早上下,取少量产品在掌心温热,由内眼角向外眼角滚动式轻轻按压。
But everyone does not know that our whole bodies seem to be nothing more or less than the outward expression of our thought. 但是并不是每个人都知道我们身体其实是我们内在思想的外在表现形态。
It had a crazy board fence around it, which leaned inward in places, and outward the rest of the time, but stood upright nowhere. 坟地周围有一道歪歪斜斜的木板栅栏,有些地方往里倒,有的地方往外斜,总之,没有一个地方是笔直的。
In June, Voyager 1 relayed data that showed it was no longer traveling amongst the outward flow of solar wind particles. 今年6月,旅行者1号发回数据表明,它不再在向外传送的太阳风粒子流中旅行。