
美 [peɪs]英 ['peɪsi]
  • n.步;步态;步调;步速
  • v.踱;(马)溜蹄走;〈美〉(在比赛中)继续领先
  • prep.〈外〉对不起
  • 网络在二十步处;走十步;速度

复数:paces 现在分词:pacing 过去式:paced

slow pace,rapid pace,same pace,good pace,brisk pace
set pace,increase pace,maintain pace,pace slacken


一、 本垒至二垒及一垒至三垒之间的距离为42paces),以这种距离化成正方形,其各垒间距离为90尺。二、 没有局数限 …


选择题句有问吗?... ... * at 30 cents a pound 每英镑三十分 * at 20 paces 在二十步处 * at 72 years of age 到七十二岁时 ...


希区柯克悬念故事集(双语)(第3季) ... 走十步 10 paces, 我们这样就扯平了 We ' ll be on equal terms . ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... paces n. (一)步, 速度, 步调, 步法, 步态 floral adj. 植物群的, 花似的, 花的, 植物的 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... paces n. (一)步, 速度, 步调, 步法, 步态 floral adj. 植物群的, 花似的, 花的, 植物的 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... paces n. (一)步, 速度, 步调, 步法, 步态 floral adj. 植物群的, 花似的, 花的, 植物的 ...


“家·宝贝”运用从孩子个性出发,学玩一体活动式教育系统(PACES),通过基于《儿童身心测评及咨询指导系统》的环境、课程 …


由儿科和先天性电生理学会PACES)和HRS的合作起草的专家共识称,估计年轻人中每1000人会有1-3人可能患有预激综 …

When she was a few paces away from it, she removed her veil, and Aladdin saw for a moment, one of the most beautiful faces in the world. 当她离门数步时,她卸下面罩,于是阿拉丁刹那间看到世上最美丽的脸宠。
All that Edmond had been able to do was to drag himself about a dozen paces forward to lean against a moss-grown rock. 爱德蒙所能做的也只是把自己向前拖了十几步,靠在一块长满苔藓的岩石上。
It was the shadow of a man, who must have been standing on the border of the clump of shrubbery, a few paces in the rear of Cosette. 那影子好象是立在树丛边,在珂赛特的背后,离她只有几步远。
It will now be put through its paces to see just how much photonic puff it can provide. 现在它正在将接受考察,以便确定它能提供多少光推进力。
To see how the tool kits compared, I decided to use that same program to put Buoy through its paces. 为了看出工具包之间的对比情况,我决定使用Buoy来构建这同一个程序。
In this manner she advanced a dozen paces, but the bucket was full; it was heavy; she was forced to set it on the ground once more. 她那样大致走了十多步,但是那桶水太满,太重,她只得把它重又放下来。
Today Andy wobbles down the main street of Malong, searching to remember how to walk. A few paces behind, Ed walks ready to catch him. 今天,马普安在马龙的大街上摇摇晃晃地走着,努力想记起该怎么走路,李爱德在他身后几步跟着,准备随时扶住他。
Moreover, because a mobile phone knows where you are, Google will be able to send you ads for a shop or restaurant only a few paces away. 此外,由于手机知道你在哪,谷歌还能给你发送距你咫尺之遥的商店或餐馆广告。
That's a pretty significant difference in paces when trying to predict what you are capable of in one by doing the other. 如果你要用你正在进行的一项训练来预测你另外一项的能力,这个配速的差别是太明显了。
the pilot again changed the course of the boat , which rapidly approached the island , and was soon within fifty paces of it. 掌舵人又改变了小帆船的方向,船就急速地向岛子靠拢过去,不久就离岛只有五十步之遥了。
I put my book down, and thought, it was such a large park, if Mother looked for her son here, how many worried paces had she taken? 我放下书,想,这么大一座园子,要在其中找到她的儿子,母亲走过了多少焦灼的路。
A few paces away, a monstrous, meter-high sea spider was staring at me with beady eyes, poised to spring at me. 离我们几步远的地方,有一只高一米的梅蜘蛛,斜着眼注视我,就要向我身上扑来。
If one warrior is a bit slow, and only retreats fifty paces, he might see another in front of him, who has gone hundred paces. 假如有一个士兵跑得较慢,只逃五十步,却看见前面另一士兵已经逃了一百步。
He walked on a few paces, and went off to look over the tops of the hedges. 他走了几步,从篱笆上面望去。
Pulled by the jeep, he ran alongside for a few paces, his feet hardly touching the ground. 他被车拖着,脚不沾地地向前跑了几步。
Between rounds, Alcazar paces back and forth, catching his breath and shaking the feeling back into his hands. 回合间休息,阿尔卡扎尔前后踱步,调整呼吸,试图恢复被打麻了的的双手。
He looked at his son one hundred paces away with an apple on his head. 他望着站在一百步远,头上顶着苹果的儿子。
Like it or not, life goes on. I feel lost, so I keep on roaming. Aimlessly roaming, what if I let my paces stop. 中意与否,生活得继续。我迷失了,所以我一直流浪下去。失去目的地的流浪,若我停止了步伐又能怎样?
he remarked , feeling the set of it at the waist and eyeing it from a few paces with real pleasure. 他说着,摸了摸腰部的大小,又退后几步打量着这衣服,感到由衷的高兴。
We made our way slowly in the direction of Marguerite's grave. The superintendent led the way, Armand and I following a few paces behind. 大家慢慢在向玛格丽特的坟墓走去,警长走在前面,阿尔芒和我在后面几步远的地方跟着。
Claire de Lune, our silver and black mottled Great Dane, always accompanies me, a few paces ahead and slightly off to one side. 克莱尔,一条银色和黑色相间的大丹犬(GreatDane)始终陪伴着我。它时而走我前面几十步开外,时而轻快地跑到我的一边。
The workout: walk at various paces with mirrors to the front and sides to check technique; posture, arm carriage, foot action, etcetera . 锻炼计划:用不同的速度行走,观察你的前面和侧面的镜子来检查技巧,姿势,胳膊的摆动,步伐等等。
There are three paces of time: The future is slow in coming; The present is flying like an arrow; The past is always at a standstill. 时间的步伐有三种:未来姗姗来迟;现在像箭一般飞逝;过去永远静止不动。
You'd go through your paces all the way and then all this would get sorted out in some mysterious and not entirely transparent process. 你一路上按部就班,然后,某种神秘的、不完全透明的程序把你选出来。
The first priest explained that he drew a circle on the ground, stepped a few paces back and pitched the money towards the circle. 我在地上画个圈,走远几步,然后把所有捐得的钱往圈里面扔。
He's taken aback. Rises and paces floor for a second or two. Stops, places both hands on table and leans forward. 他吃了一惊。站起身,来回踱了一会儿。停下来,双手放在桌子上,探过身去。
A woman stood before her, a few paces distant. 原来是个妇人站在她面前,隔开她只几步远。
Zhu went out to investigate, and there, a few paces from his door, he saw a huge python! 祝出去查看,就在门口几步远的地方,他看到了一条巨蟒!
The count was only a few paces away, running awkwardly because of his tied hands, when he tripped and fell. 伯爵离他只有几步远了,由于双手紧绑,所以奔跑得碍手碍脚,他不断地磕磕绊绊,终于摔倒在地上。
He is always ready to show his paces. 他总想显露自己的本领。