
美 [ˈpædəd]英 [ˈpædɪd]
  • n.便笺本;护垫;拍纸簿;爪垫
  • v.覆盖;蹑手蹑脚地走;虚报(账目);做黑账
  • 网络棉服;垫料;棉衣



n. v.

软材料of soft material

1.(吸收液体、保洁或保护用的)软垫,护垫,垫状物a thick piece of soft material that is used, for example, for absorbing liquid, cleaning or protecting sth

纸张of paper

2.便笺本;拍纸簿a number of pieces of paper for writing or drawing on, that are fastened together at one edge

用于清洗for cleaning

4.百洁布,菜瓜布(刷锅等的小块粗糙材料)a small piece of rough material used for cleaning pans, surfaces, etc.

水生植物of water plants

7.浮叶(尤见于睡莲)the large flat leaf of some water plants, especially the water lily


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The fisherman padded his back, as if to a child who was stuck while eating. "Then what? " He asked in a low voice. 渔夫拍拍他的背,像是拍着一个吃呛了的孩子。“然后怎么样?”他轻声问。
And his fib fooled the child. Then he padded her head, and he got her a drink, and he sent her to bed. 他骗过了小女孩。然后拍了拍小女孩的头,帮她拿了杯水,叫她回去睡觉了。
No way, it seems to be a , the children put on a cotton-padded jacket on as soon as possible, toward the toilet to . 没办法,看来是憋不住了,孩子就赶快披了棉袄,一溜小跑地奔向厕所。
A boy in a dull green padded jacket is walking against the wind, but later, he no longer seems capable of walking without staggering. 一名男童在一个单调乏味的绿色软垫外套,是走对了风,但后来,他似乎已不再能行走,没有惊人的。
Unlike a padded dash, when your fingers come into contact with the hard polymer's sharp edges, there is just a sense of discomfort. 不像加垫冲,当你的手指接触到硬聚合物的锋利的边缘,存在的仅仅是不舒服的感觉。
Hilariously, Redvers squeezed into a tight dress, padded his mother's bra with toilet paper and wore a black wig. 雷德佛斯把自己塞进一件紧身裙中,穿着他母亲的胸罩,里面塞满厕纸。还带着假发。
Thus, my newly-made cotton-padded gown, which had not been worn even once, accompanied me to the pawnshop. 新做起来的我的棉袍,一次还没有穿,就跟着我进当铺去了!
The West Wind looked like a wild man, but he had on a sort of padded hat, that he might not be hurt. 西风看起来像个野蛮人,不过他倒是戴了一顶加垫的帽子,这样比较不会受到伤害。
Her letter to her aunt was not long enough, so she padded it out with information about the weather. 她给她姨妈的信不长,她又添加了些有关天气的内容。
His Gandhi like figure padded around the room, observant and ready to help. 他像甘地一样虔诚,善于观察,随时帮助学员。
The shield that accompanies a stick is called a Farhi and is usually made from a soft padded material. 盾伴随棍子被称为Farhi通常是由一个软衬垫材料。
The space between the end of one record and the beginning of the next record is padded with the existing contents of the file buffer. 一个记录的结尾与下一个记录开头之间的空白由文件缓冲区内的现有内容填充。
He padded around the house as quietly as he was able, and kept his voice down when he was playing war games with his toy soldiers. 他在屋里蹑手蹑脚,尽力不发声响,跟玩具兵玩战争游戏时也会压低音量。
Char and binary columns that do not allow nulls are always padded to the length of the column. 始终将不允许为空的char和binary列填充到列长。
The light from the high windows is dappled, as if in a church, and the padded silence is broken only by a gentle bubbling. 高高的窗户中透出的光线斑杂,仿佛身处教堂,只有一些气泡能打破这寂静。
She was able to save only an old military cotton padded garment and some bedding, while all other things were rushed away. 只剩下一件军队发的旧棉上衣和一套被褥,其它一切都被水冲走了。
The frame also has a front column (13) on which a pair of padded curved bars (44) are connected for the upper leg bones of the patient. 所述框架还具有前柱(13),一对用于病人大腿骨的曲形衬杆(44)连接在所述前柱上。
An old worker spread his padded coat on the floor and insisted that I lie down for a while. 一位老工人把大衣铺在地上,一定要我在上面躺一会儿。
It's like a padded bra, but it's filled with some sort of liquid so it moves. 就是像填充胸罩一样只是里面装的是可以流动的液体。
The design of this chair was inspired by fighter planes, from its aluminum wrapped curves to its padded leather seat and back. 这款椅子的设计是受战斗机启发,外侧是铝片制成,坐垫和椅背是用皮革填补而成的。
If the column name is shorter than the column width, the output is padded with spaces up to the next column. 如果列名短于列宽,则使用空格填充输出,直到下一列。
However, this does not take into account the fact that the image header must be padded to the section alignment. 然而,这并没有考虑图像标题必须按节对进行填充的事实。
If the length of the formatted value is less than alignment, then the region is padded with spaces. 如果格式化值的长度小于对齐方式,则用空格填充该区域。
Column headings can be included, html tables can be formatted, and columns can be padded left or right to a set width with any character. 列标题可以包括,HTML表格也可进行格式化,和栏目,可以垫的左边或右边一组宽度与任何字符。
A padded coat was made for him by his mother. 他母亲给他做了一件棉上衣。
Christensen wore a padded muscle suit to fill out his frame to the proportions required by the armor. 克里斯滕森身穿一套肌肉填塞服,使自己的体型符合盔甲的比例要求。
She looked around and padded off across a ravine, toward the edge of the blue spruce and Douglas fir forest that would be her new home. 她环顾了四周一下,便健步越过沟壑,跑向她的新家——一片由蓝色云杉和道格拉斯冷杉组成的丛林。
His knees had become raw meat like his feet , and though he padded them with the shirt from his back . 尽管用撕下的衬衫布包了起来,他的脚和膝盖还是磨得血肉模糊。
He had tried to accommodate himself to me. Yet with two silk-padded quilts he still felt icy cold, suffering sleeplessness till daybreak. 他曾经尝试迁就我,但盖上两张丝绵被仍是手冷足寒,一晚困着熬到天明。
If required, the number is padded with zeros to its left to produce the number of digits given by the precision specifier. 如果需要的话,则用零填充该数字的左侧,以产生精度说明符给定的数字个数。