
美 [ˈpæd(ə)l]英 ['pæd(ə)l]
  • n.桨;船桨;(机具的)桨状部分;(尤指)食物搅拌器的桨叶
  • v.用桨划船;蹚水;赤足涉水;狗爬式游泳
  • 网络划桨;球拍;踏板

复数:paddles 现在分词:paddling 过去式:paddled

paddle boat
wooden paddle


n. v.

3.[sing]蹚水;赤脚涉水an act or period of walking in shallow water with no shoes or socks

普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... pad 衬垫 paddle page 页 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... cellphone n 手机 paddle vi 划桨;涉水。 stream n 溪;川;流 ...


急求乒乓球专业术语的英文_百度知道 ... underspin 下旋球 paddle 球拍 Love-one 0 比1 ...


外研版高中英语必修五和选修六 - 豆丁网 ... shelter n. 遮蔽物 paddle vi. 用桨划(小船) lie vi. 说谎 ...


赵丽词汇5500最新——可下载_英语_天涯部落 ... century 世纪,百年 paddle 踏板,桨 cent 分,一分钱 ...


字典中 桡 字的解释 ... (6) 屈弱,削弱[ weaken] (1) 船桨[ paddle] (4) 屈服[ yield] ...


英文词汇-建筑词汇表(23)-专业词汇-中国教育文摘 ... pad foundation 垫式基础;垫式地基 paddle 桨叶;搅棒 padlock 挂锁;…

However, until the next game, get better from the last paddle boat lift first, and then the ship can act. 但到下一次比赛,得由上次的优胜船先举桨,然后各船方可以行动。
My high school boyfriend spanked me with a coat hanger that he'd twisted into a paddle shape. 我的高中男友用衣架扭出了桨的形状来抽我。
ruby : that ' s why i use the pen - hold grip on my paddle . it allows me to put a lot more engish on the ball. 茹比:所以我才用握笔式握拍法。因为发球时,球可以转得更厉害。
Sharks: If it's trying to take chunks out of your boat, hit it with a paddle or a pole. 鲨鱼:如果它试图从你的船里抓出矮胖的人,用船桨或撑篙打它。
One of the problems you will solve in the next part is how to handle the ball physics and how to detect which part of the paddle you hit. 你在下一章里要解决的一个内容是如何处理球的物理效果和如何侦测你碰到的是挡板的哪一部分。
Video: James Kofi Annan: He was hit with a paddle, you know, in the head. And this reminds me of my childhood, when I used to work here. 视频:詹姆斯.科菲.安南:他被人用船桨给打了,看,打在脑袋上,这让我想起了我自己的童年,当时我就在这里工作。
PP: And steep canyon walls, and hes just paddling with his hands as fast as he can paddle and trying to do the very best job that he can. 皮特:周围是陡峭的峡谷壁,他只是用自己的双手尽可能快地划桨,试图尽其所能,把工作做到最好。
His parents cannot take care of him anymore ; he must learn to paddle his own canoe. 他的父母再也不能照顾他了;他必须自食其力了。
That was the only way I was going to survive , " she said, referring to the double-ended paddle used on sea kayaks. " 那可能是我唯一能够求生的机会。她一边说着一边指着那在划艇时用的双面桨。
An Indian was lying in the bottom of the canoe , and was propelling it slowly but certainly to the shore, using his hand as a paddle . 船舱内躺着一个印第安人,以手代浆,缓缓地把独木舟准确地向海岸划去。
But the baby wildcats would not slide in and paddle over; they were afraid of the water; they did not like to get wet. 可野猫娃们是不会照着做的,他们怕水,又不愿弄湿自己。
"I got attacked by a shark. " Bethany yelled. Her friends turned and saw her trying to paddle with one arm missing. “我被鲨鱼袭击了”Bethany大声叫道。她的朋友转身看到她正试图用单手划着。
Noah had said something about missing the view when he started to paddle, but she'd shaken her head, saying she was fine the way she was. 诺亚开始摇浆时说这样可能有一些景色看不到,她却摇摇头,说她这样很好。
boat and sail have been flung together and there soldiers in it trying to paddle. 一个简易船和帆被仓促地装在一起,有士兵在里面努力划桨。
Prior to the Europeans have been used to control the direction of the side paddle, much less the use of the rudder. 此前欧洲人一直用侧桨来控制方向,那远不如使用舵。
The idea here is that the ball acts as an "anti-paddle" forcing you to use your forearms instead of your hands to hold onto water. 这个想法是球充当了“反桨”的角色,强迫你用你的前臂而不是你的手来抓抱水。
A rubber ball attached to a paddle by an elastic string loses energy as it flies away from the paddle. 一根弹性绳把一只皮球拴在一块叶片上当球飞离叶片时,球失去能量。
But having a strong steerage with my paddle, I went at a great rate, directly for the wreck, and in LESS than two hours I came up to it. 我以桨代舵,使劲掌握航向,朝那失事的大船飞驶过去。不到两小时,我就到了破船跟前。
The front legs do not paddle, weave, or overlap, and the elbows must lie close to the body. 前腿不摇晃、交织或者交叠,肘部紧贴着身体。
Canada bans corporal punishment for children under two and over twelve years of age, as well as the use of any objects such as a paddle. 加拿大禁止体罚两岁以下和十二岁以上的孩子,并且禁止使用实物殴打孩子。
It was a bad night to be out in a paddle boat . But he had sworn when he set out that nothing could make him turn back. 对于船上的人来说,那晚从屋里出去简直是个最坏的选择了,但是他发誓,没有什么能使他回头。
And Marley does more than just doggy paddle, this golden retriever loves to dive and swim right to the bottom of this seven-foot pool. 马莉会的可不只是狗刨式游泳,这只金色的寻回犬还喜欢潜水,可以直游到这个深七英尺深水池的底部。
Winter of xiamen but felt less than a chill, see the beach is full of gulangyu is bare feet up in the sea legs paddle tourists. 冬天的厦门却丝毫感觉不到一丝寒意,只见鼓浪屿的海滩上到处都是卷起裤管光着脚丫在海边戏水的游客。
For a while it was thought that moving the arms in shorter strokes, like a caterpillar paddle wheel, would increase speed. 有一段时间人们一度认为手臂的蠕虫状划水(短划水)可以增加前进的速度。
Isolation used to involve inserting a wooden "paddle" between the shoe and the current rail and then tying the shoe up with a strap or rope. 经常在集电靴和供电轨之间插入一块木板来隔离,然后用带子或绳子将集电靴系起。
An early form of badminton played with a flat wooden paddle and a shuttlecock. 毽球旧时的一种羽毛球游戏,用一个扁平的木桨和羽毛球进行游戏
then they would paddle down the river to a Hudson Bay Company post, where there would be warm shelter and plenty of food. 他想,他们可以沿河道划船,到达那个温暖而又有足够食物的寓所——哈得孙海湾公司的一个驻扎点。
In the meantime, Mouse scrambled into Bear's canoe and chewed a deep cut in the handle of her paddle close to the blade. 同时,老鼠偷偷地溜到小舟上在船桨边啃了一个大洞。
The surface of the paddle blade is non-uniform rational B-spline surface, the surface has met precision requirements for paddle blade. 桨叶曲面为非均匀有理B-样条曲面,达到了桨叶曲面的精度要求。
With his football helmet still at home and the game about to start, he was up a creek without a paddle. 橄榄球比赛快要开始,但是他把头盔放在家里了,使他陷于困境之中。