
美 [peɪd]英 [peɪd]
  • adj.有偿的;付费的;有报酬的;有薪金的
  • v.“pay”的过去式和过去分词;“I pay”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络付讫;已付;支付



1.有偿的;付费的for which people receive money

2.有报酬的;有薪金的receiving money for doing work


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I had a lot of fun this afternoon and I'm so pleased to see the hard work of our guys paid off this weekend. 看到全队在这个周末的辛勤付出得到了回报我非常开心。
To be top of that list shows what a great player he is and that's why we paid the money for him. 他以在得分榜上名列前茅来证明他是个伟大的球员,这就是为什么我们如此高的价格的原因。
She said that she was being paid by the hour. 她说她按小时受费?
If the money was not paid promptly the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop. 如果钱没有准时支付,歹徒们会马上派一个人来砸掉他的店,让他破产。
Most have paid a few hundred dollars for tests on only a few genes, to see if they are likely to contract a specific disease. 这之中大部分人只是花几百美元给自己的部分基因组测序,看看自己是否容易患上某种特殊的疾病。
Meanwhile, the reporters had not been paid and therefore decided to take matters into their own hands by going public on the Internet. 但是由于记者们长期没有得到工资,所以他们决定通过自己的手把这件事在网上公之与众。
Somebody asked him what he would get paid. "I'm going to do this for a dollar, " he said. 有人询问他的薪水是多少,“我担任这一职位只拿1美元,”他表示。
It satisfies the question that people have been wondering since the beginning of time: 'how much do they get paid to do that? 它解答了人们从一开始就想知道的问题:你的收入是多少?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. 老师的工资应该根据学生所学多少来支付,同意与否?
I've never really paid attention to the box office, earned how much money, any film makes before. 我从来没有真正注意到票房,赚多少钱,之前任何电影都是这样。
If higher rates are paid for that funding, it will get passed on through higher consumer mortgage rates, however, he said. 不过他也指出,如果融资利率上升,那麽将通过更高的消费者抵押贷款利率传导出去。
The matter to which attention should be paid and necessary preprocessing before modeling based on sections were analyzed. 分析了基于剖面建模应该注意的问题和需要的预处理。
Though the alleged authors of Zotob and Sasser were caught, it has never been made clear whether the bounties were paid out. 尽管Zotob和Sasser的作者已经被抓获,微软没有明确表示奖金是不是支付了。
Although this seems to be a technical matter of interest only to financiers and their highly-paid tax lawyers, it has a broader relevance. 虽然看上去这只是一个金融家及他们拿着高薪的税务律师感兴趣的技术问题,但它还具有更广泛的意义。
In a country where two-thirds of the population lives on less than $1 a day, a poorly paid job is better than none at all. 在这个三分之二人口每天生活费不足1美元的国家,一个薪水微薄的工作也好过失业。
Migrants, he said, had mostly filled gaps in the labour market left by a welfare system that "paid British people not to work" . 他说,移民从事的工作,主要是在英国的福利制度保障下,因为英国人不会去从事的行业而留下空白行业。
The agreement is a price that must be paid to protect BP's US interests and to try to repair some of the extreme damage to its reputation. 为了保护BP在美国的利益,并部分修复其受到严重损害的声誉,这项协议是必须付出的代价。
The term "paid" as mentioned in these Detailed Rules refers to the receipt of money, goods and any other economic benefit from a purchaser. 本细则所称有偿,是指从购买方取得货币、货物或者其他经济利益。
Berlin flies its former citizens back for a week of visits, all expenses paid and complete with a reception by the mayor. 柏林市用飞机接回前市民进行为期一周的访问,所有费用由柏林市政府支付,并由市长主持欢迎会。
Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. 昨天我去看望了他。我按响了门铃,当看到休仍和往常一样胖时,我并不感到惊异。
He said no ransom had been paid, but gave no further details of the release and did not identify the kidnappers. 他表示没有向绑匪支付赎金,但没有说明绑匪是谁,也没有作出进一步的解释。
A form of cash cheque may be specially designed and made to be paid only in cash and a cash cheque can only be cashed. 支票中专门用于支取现金的,可以另行制作现金支票,现金支票只能用于支取现金。
The provision of this paragraph shall not affect the taxation of the company in respect of the profits out of which the dividends are paid. 本款规定,不应影响对该公司支付股息前的利润所征收的公司利润税。
If the husband hires a lawyer, but his wife does not, the alimony payment rises (and then there are fees to be paid, too). 如果丈夫聘请律师,而妻子没有,那么赡养费支出上升(此外还要支付一些费用)。
But he said that the current blueprint, if passed, at least deals with the debt ceiling and that the government's bills will be paid. 不过他说,如果当前的计划能够通过,至少债务上限的协定能够达成,那么政府的账单能够付清了。
Hillary Classic Quotations If there is no salary, housework and paid work together, a woman is not just prop up half the sky. 如果把没有薪水的操持家务和有薪水的工作加在一起,女人撑起的不只是半边天。
It had occurred on land, in rainforests of South America and Africa, where landowners had been paid not to cut the trees down. 在陆地上曾有发生,在南美洲和非洲的热带雨林,土地拥有者因为不砍树而收到补偿。
It is why after thinking through all these I feel all that I lost are paid back in another way. 这就是我为什么在想通一切之后,感觉到我失去的一切又以另一种方式回来的原因。
Savers who could not get their money out of banks before its forced conversion would not be happy to be paid in a devalued currency. 那些在货币进行强制兑换之前没能将钱从银行取出的储户不会乐意拿到贬值的货币。
And by the time I was an intern house officer, I could barely afford to maintain my mother's 13-year-old car, and I was a paid doctor. 我在做驻院实习医生的时候我只能勉强负担得起维修我母亲那辆开了13年的车那时我是一名挣薪水的医生。