
美 [pæl]英 [pæl]
  • n.朋友;伙伴;哥们儿;小子
  • abbr.(=Philippine Air Lines)菲律宾航空公司
  • v.成伙伴
  • 网络正电子湮没寿命谱(positron annihilation lifetime spectrum);帕尔斯;phase analysis light scattering

复数:pals 过去式:palled 现在分词:palling



n. v.

1.(informal)朋友;伙伴;哥们儿a friend

2.(informal)(对男子的不友好的称呼)家伙,小子used to address a man in an unfriendly way

正电子湮没寿命谱(positron annihilation lifetime spectrum)

正电子湮没寿命谱(PALS)相关理论正电子湮没寿命谱(PALS)相关理论隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 biancheng147贡献于2012-0…


美国研制的“帕尔斯”(PALS)抗干扰声测器材采用信号处理计算机,处理传声器接收的信号,并在高分辨率图形显示器上显示炮阵 …

phase analysis light scattering

This velocity is measured using a patented laser interferometric technique called M3-PALS (Phase analysis Light Scattering).


儿童高等救命术 (PALS) 指导员。高级外伤救命术 (ATLS) 指导员。

高级生命支持(Pediatric Advanced Life Support)

关于举办儿童高级生命支持PALS)培训班的通 知各医疗保健单位: 儿科高级生命支持(Pediatric Advance Life Support, PA…

A source said: "They were very touchy feely and sat close to one another in a VIP booth along with a few other pals. " 一位在场的人说“他们非常的敏感,在VIP包间里挨着坐,包间里还有一些其他的朋友。”
Some net pals have ever asked me if I could upload these songs as a commemoration, or just as a re-collection of memories. 也有一些网友曾经问我可否把这些歌放上来做纪念,或者让大家回味一下。
Back then, Disney's board might easily have been mistaken for a pair of Snow White's dwarf pals (specifically, Sleepy and Dopey). 如上所述,迪士尼公司的董事会可能轻易被错认为是白雪公主的一对小矮人朋友(尤其是瞌睡虫和糊涂虫更为贴切)。
For Sarah Palin and her pals, man-made global warming is nothing but a "bunch of snake oil science" . 对莎拉•佩林(SarahPalin)及其同党来说,由人类导致的全球变暖不过是些“江湖科学”。
His parents are very strict with him and allow him to go out with his pals in the evening only once in a blue moon. 他的父母亲对他很严格,难得准许他和朋友们在晚上一起出去。
To control odors, just sprinkle a bit of baking soda over the diapers or use Pail Pals. 为了消除臭味,你只要在尿布上撒一些发酵粉或使用隔尿垫。
Within a year of the article, "Taki 183 Spawns Pen Pals, " hundreds of new writers emerged and took New York City by storm. 在发表文章的一年之内,“Taki183笔友集合”,上百位新作家如风暴似的涌现纽约市。
It will be very useful for you to practice writing if you find pen pals from foreign countries. 如果你找来自国外的笔友,这对你练习写作很有用。
So Friday afternoon, he looks up his pals Batman and Spiderman to see if they're up for going on the prowl that evening. 所以礼拜五下午他找了他的老伙计蝙蝠侠和蜘蛛侠,看看他们晚上是否有兴趣一起出去溜溜。
Researchers have found a number of ways that fat people could influence their pals' girth. 研究人员已经发现了胖人们影响朋友腰围的种种途径。
So in 2001 he convinced some pals on the outside to swoop in and pick him up in a hijacked heli. 所以在2001年,他说服在外面的伙伴驾驶劫持来的直升机飞进监狱,将其吊上去。
The "Twilight" cutie was escorted inside the Jimmy Kimmel Theatre as she met her "Eclipse" pals for an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live! " . 在“曙光”可爱的陪同下内吉米金梅尔剧院她遇到了一个关于“吉米金梅尔现场出现了”月食“的好朋友!”。
Dubbed "Thumbman, " the lad became famous after a picture of him posing with 3 pals circulated the web. 这名男子给自己取了“拇指男”的绰号,他和三个朋友的合影照片在网上发布后,声望如日中天。
The days are longer and I can hang out with my pals outside. 夏天白昼长.我可和我的朋友在外逛。
Studies show that "bad pals" can be a bad influence particularly if your child has a weaker relationship with a parent or a flimsy identity. 研究表明如果你的孩子同父母的关系不太和谐或者容易被别人带坏,那么“不好的伙伴”会对他有不良的影响。
Dabo is good pals with Fernandes and he said: "I know Fabrice Fernandes, from the famous Southampton, well. " 达博对费尔南德斯有很好的评价,他说:“我了解在南安普顿的费尔南德斯。”
The moment the poster was posted, it aroused the heated discussion among the net-pals. 帖子一发出,引起了众多网友的热议。
Another option involves dispatching Captain Jack Sparrow or Goofy or one of their pals to the queue to entertain people as they wait . 另一个方法就是派杰克斯派洛船长,古飞猫或它们的一个伙伴到排队等候的人群中取悦他们。
I wonder how many of you net pals out there still have it, and how much of the series do you remember? 不知道网友当中,谁还有,你们记得多少?
Whenever you and your pals do that, naturally, some of it is funny, some of it isn't. 当然,你和你的朋友们围坐在一起说笑话时,也会有时候很有趣,有时候觉得无聊。
Nothing like the death of a cute little animal to stir passions and generate pen pals! 没有任何事可以比可爱小动物的死更能激发同情心,并帮助结交笔友!
Tony Stephanois, just out of prison and angry at his girl Mado s infidelity, decides to join his pals Jo and Mario in an ambitious crime. 托尼对他的女孩的不忠行为感到愤怒,在雄心勃勃的犯罪心理刺激下,他参加了朋友乔和马里奥的团伙。
Blum's store was small and Blum was alone, but Bigger could not think of robbing him without being flanked by his three pals . 布鲁姆的铺子很小,布鲁姆只有一个人,但别格如果没有他三个哥儿们的支持,也不敢起抢劫他的念头。
Take the night off to go to happy hour with your pals and forget the next day's stressors. 和死党们度过一个快乐之夜,把第二天的压力抛诸脑后。
Perhaps you've been talking to some pals about a joint venture or have been looking into funding for one of your personal goals. 也许你一直跟一些关于合资企业或们一直在寻找到你的一个资助的个人目标。
Pen Pals enhance your educational experience by allowing you to practice your writing and communication skills. 交笔友可以升华你所学的知识和经验,因为你会通过笔友通信锻炼写作以及交际能力。
By means of positron annihilation lifetime spectra (PALS), the free volume of polymer could be tested. 通过正电子湮没寿命谱技术(PALS)探测聚合物的自由体积特性,能够了解聚合物的微观性质。
If push comes to shove, we're sure that pals like Mary-Kate Olsen will be only too happy to help work the land. 如果二人当选农业部长,并没有丝毫回旋余地的话,我们确信像玛丽-凯特·奥尔森这样的好朋友将非常乐意帮忙耕种农田。
About a month ago, my adventure pals and I planned tonight's new adventure--moonlight kayaking, location: Pacific Ocean. 一个月前,我和我的冒险小组成员们计划了今晚这次新的冒险--月光下的皮划艇,地点:太平洋。
Victoria sported a large diamond solitaire ring on her engagement finger, but pals refused to comment on claims they will wed next year. 另外,虽然维多利亚的中指上戴了一个巨大的钻石戒指,但两人都拒绝对于他们会在明年结婚的传言进行评论。