
美 [ˈpænɪk]英 ['pænɪk]
  • n.恐慌;惊恐;惶恐不安;人心惶惶的局面
  • v.惊慌失措
  • adj.惊慌的;无谓的;过度的;潘神的
  • 网络皮尼克

复数:panics 现在分词:panicking 过去式:panicked

panic spread,prevent panic,panic cause
acute panic


n. v.

1.惊恐;恐慌a sudden feeling of great fear that cannot be controlled and prevents you from thinking clearly

2.人心惶惶的局面;惶恐不安a situation in which people are made to feel very anxious, causing them to act quickly and without thinking carefully


panic stations

慌乱的状态;(尤指)忙乱的状况a situation in which people feel anxious and there is a lot of confused activity, especially because there is a lot to do in a short period of time


《Friends》词汇表B ... slant v. (使)倾斜, 歪向n.倾斜 panics n. 惊慌, 恐慌, 没有理由的 fence n. 栅栏, 围墙, 剑术 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... slant v. (使)倾斜, 歪向n.倾斜 panics n. 惊慌, 恐慌, 没有理由的 fence n. 栅栏, 围墙, 剑术 ...


彩色猴服饰//女装 ... One Piece( 海贼王) Panics( 皮尼克) Shirts( 衬衫) ...

Rats by the thousands are at his heels, and as he sees the waterfront at the bottom of the hill, he panics and starts to run for the bridge. 上千只老鼠紧跟着他,当他看见山脚下有一个码头区,惊慌以极,他开始朝着船桥跑去。
He never panics, never makes rash decisions, always seems to make the right decisions and always gets the best out of his players. 他从不惊慌,从不仓促决定,总是能做出正确的决定,最好的使用自己的球员。
As Jeff instinctively pulls away without any explanation to Maggie (or to himself), Maggie reacts with fear. She panics and runs after him. 杰夫毫无解释地抽离后,玛姬很恐惧,她惊慌失措地倒过来追求他。
In those times panics were common, and few days passed without some city or other registering in its archives an event of this kind. 在这些时候恐慌是常见的,没有一些城市或在其档案登记的此类活动的其他过去了几天。
panics : exceptions that do not permit the precise location of the instruction causing it to be determined. 终止:异常不允许指令精确位置引起它被决定。
But for long-term investors, panics are a time for thought and choice. Turn off the TV and take a view. What will it be: buy or sell? 但对长线投资者来说,恐慌时期正是他们思考和选择的时机。关掉电视,冷静分析一下,你究竟该买进还是抛售?
It isn't progress when a company panics and surrenders when faced by an armchair army of protesters. It is feeble. 面对只知空谈的抗议大军,一家公司惊慌失措地举手投降,这不是进步,而是软弱。
If Internet fever continues apace, the chances that an old-media company panics and buys an overpriced slice of the Web can't be dismissed. 如果互联网热继续急剧升温,也许无法排除老媒体公司出于恐慌而收购部分估值过高的互联网公司的可能性。
If your horse is suddenly startled, you will be able to react quickly to get him under control before he panics and bolts. 如果您的一匹马突然吓了一跳,你将能够迅速反应,让他受到控制之前,他恐慌和螺栓。
But competition's downside has been a succession of banking crises and financial panics. 但是,竞争的不利方面是一场接一场的银行业危机和金融恐慌。
And many other helpful products have been forced off the market, and companies and consumers harmed, through such panics. 通过制造这样的恐慌,迫使许多其他有益的产品从市场退出,公司和消费者都受其害。
America spent the next 80 years without a true central bank, and as a consequence suffered repeated banking panics and depressions. 在余下的80年中,美国没有一个真正意义的央行,而导致的后果便是反复出现的银行恐慌和经济萧条。
For the US economy, the collapse in confidence in the housing market is perhaps more important than any of those panics. 对于美国经济而言,房地产市场中的信心破灭可能比这些恐慌都更为重要。
There was a nasty downside: unexpected withdrawals by country banks triggered panics. 这种行为有一个凶险之处:假如乡村银行骤然取走款项,就可能引发恐慌情绪。
And, despite my panics, your service was second-to-none, even with such a tight time-scale! 而尽管我恐慌,二是你服务到票,即使如此紧凑的时间尺度!
The panics that characterize the early hours after the earthquake struck has subsided, replace now by a mixture of shock and quiet purpose. 在地震袭击开始的前几个小时里表现出的惊慌失措已经褪去,取而代之的是震惊和期望平静的混合。
The Panic of 1890 was an acute depression, although less serious than other panics of the era. 尽管没有同时代其他危机严重,1890年恐慌仍然是一次严重的经济萧条。
If I tell the press that tomorrow a gangbanger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will get blown up, nobody panics. 如果我告诉别人,一个痞子要被打崩,一车士兵要被炸飞,没人恐慌。因为这些都只是计划的一部分。
Phone panics when changing views in Bluetooth menu while choosing the last connected device from paired view. 电话恐慌不断变化的看法时,在蓝牙菜单,而选择的最后连接设备从配对观点。
Chains are more durable than rope, but also more dangerous if the horse panics and pulls them out of the wall. 链条比绳更耐用,但如果马惊慌时将链拉出墙,也会更危险。
The desire to travel is there, but panics and pardons usually discourage people from act it. 对旅行的渴望在那,但是恐惧和借口常常阻止人们去实现自己的梦想。
But if his doctrine was so effective as a remedy for crisis, why did the panics and collapses of the Great Depression occur? 但如果他的学说对于补救危机如此有效,那么为什么在大萧条时期还出现了恐慌和崩溃呢?
And maybe if the Depression was less severe in 1930 we would never have had such serious bank panics. 如果1930年大萧条没有这么严重,那么也不会引起如此严重的银行恐慌。
Before the Depression, financial panics were a regular part of life. They occurred about once a decade. 在大萧条之前,金融恐慌总是周期性造访,每十年就会爆发一次。
The police and other public officials go unpaid. The currency weakens. Banks face a withdrawal of deposits and the risk of banking panics. 税赋与预算收入出现亏损、警察与其他公务人员领不到薪水、货币信心不足、银行面临存款挤兑与金融恐慌的风险。
That calm will sit well with the Bundesbank's view that panics blow themselves out, and that what matters most is long-term stability. 这种冷静将会与德国央行的观点保持一致,认为恐慌会自己消解,最重要的是长期的经济稳定。
Slowdowns are considered more "fundamental" than panics over Greece, say, or tensions on the Korean peninsula. 与对希腊债务危机的恐慌、或是朝鲜半岛的紧张局势相比,经济增长放缓被视为一个更为“根本”的问题。
The banking panics put downward pressure on economic activity in two ways. 银行恐慌从两个方面增加了经济活动的下行压力。
And in previous global health panics, it has been obvious that rich states think of their own voters first. 此外,在以前的全球性卫生恐慌中,各富裕国家显然首先只顾及了本国的选民。
In no sense mercurial, these great fortunes survived the financial panics that destroyed lesser ones. 这些巨额财富挺过了令财力不支者倾家荡产的金融危机而安然无恙。