
美 [ˈpɑrti]英 [ˈpɑː(r)ti]
  • n.政党;党派;聚会;宴会
  • adj.党派的;社交的;【纹章】分隔开的
  • v.寻欢作乐;吃喝玩乐
  • 网络派对;晚会;当事人

复数:parties 过去式:partied 现在分词:partying

ruling party,communist party,democratic party,cocktail party,conservative party
come party,hold party,join party,throw party,give party


n. v.

1.[cspv]政党;党派a political organization that you can vote for in elections and whose members have the same aims and ideas

2.[c]聚会;宴会;联欢会;派对a social occasion, often in a person's home, at which people eat, drink, talk, dance and enjoy themselves

3.[cspv](一起旅行或参观等的)群,队,组a group of people who are doing sth together such as travelling or visiting somewhere

4.[c](契约或争论的)当事人,一方one of the people or groups of people involved in a legal agreement or argument


be (a) party to sth

参与,参加(协议或行动)to be involved in an agreement or action

bring sth to the party/table

为(讨论、项目等)作出贡献to contribute sth useful to a discussion, project, etc.


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... contest n. 竞赛;比赛 party n. 聚会;晚会 trip n. 旅途;观光旅行(常指短程) ...


名流派对PARTY) 即“宴会,聚会”的意思。名流派对通常是社会中的知名人士聚在一起打算主要用于庆祝和休闲的一种方式。


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... contest n. 竞赛;比赛 party n. 聚会;晚会 trip n. 旅途;观光旅行(常指短程) ...


宴会礼仪美国人喜欢举行各种宴会(party),宴会形式有餐会、野餐、户外烤肉(Bar-B-Q)及potluck。如果采potluck方式务必携带 …


政字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 政策〖 policy〗 政党party〗 政敌〖 politicalopponent〗 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... partner n. 搭档,合作者 party n. 聚会,晚会;党派 pass vt. 传,递;经过;通过 ...


UNIT 1. Big Bucks the Easy Way_旺旺英语教学网 ... mediation 调解 party 一方;当事人 deadline 最后期限 ...

conducting the tour the day we visited was an elderly man dressed in navy whites who was one of the sailors in the original boarding party. 当日,一名身着白色海军服的老者带领我们参观该舰,他原是该船的一名水手。
If so, Thailand may emerge from two years of political strife and regain its former status as a beacon of multi-party democracy in Asia. 假如这样的话,泰国将摆脱两年来的政治冲突,重新成为亚洲多党派民主政治的灯塔。
After the Ecuador match, when it was certain that we had won the round, there was a real party at the hotel. 在和厄瓜多尔比赛后,当我们确信我们能进入下一轮时,在酒店举行了一个聚会。
He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. 宴会结束时,他仍在咕哝着医院里的事。说着说着,他在一块冰上滑倒,跌断了左腿。
An adequate solution of these economic problems undoubtedly merits the attention of every Party member . 这个经济问题的相当的解决,实在值得每个党员注意。
Otherwise, he might as well move out of the White House, and hand the keys over to the Tea Party. 不然,他还不如从白宫搬出去,将大权交给茶会党。
The first lady said the presidential pooch celebrated his first birthday earlier this month with a Rose Garden party. 总统夫人介绍,本月初曾为总统爱犬的一周岁生日举办了一场玫瑰派对。
The Communist Party of China's five-year plans used to be a chance to set rigid targets, with little thought given to sustainable reform. 中国执政党的五年规划在以前是制定刚性目标,几乎不考虑可持续的改革。
The body-hugging traditional Chinese dress was the last thing the 30-year-old would consider wearing to a party. 30岁的她是绝对不会在聚会上穿这种紧身设计的中国传统服装的。
It's traditional to send the children home with party bags of small trinkets, but I find the bags are invariably filled with Chinese items. 送小朋友们回家的传统习俗是送小礼物,但我发现派对礼物袋里装的都是中国货。
Features like these make it easy to send Dictionary files to third-party translators, who can use their own software to edit the data. 这些特性使得将Dictionary文件发送到第三方翻译器变得容易,第三方翻译器可以使用自己的软件来编辑数据。
That the party was intended to be a truly jovial one there was no room for doubt. 这次晚宴是打算办成一次真正愉快的晚宴的,这一点是毋庸置疑的。
She started it out of frustration at not being able to easily find affordable party bag presents for her own children's parties. 她创办这家公司是因为苦恼于无法为孩子派对找到价格适中的派对礼品袋。
Mr Wopsle had been for going back, but Joe was resolved to see it out, so we went on with the party. 沃甫赛先生早就想回家了,而乔却非要看到结局不可,所以我们随着队伍走着。
President Kirchner and his wife lead the Peronist party, a movement that grew out of the rule of General Peron. 在一项由庇隆将军引领的运动后,Kirchner总统和他的妻子成为庇隆党的领导人。
Ahead of its great global coming-out party next year, the Beijing Olympics, China seems to be more concerned about its international image. 在明年盛大的全球登场派对北京奥运之前,中国似乎较关注自己的国际形象了。
If I were advising him, I would say that the elation of his party's progressive wing is a red flag. 如果让我给他提建议,我会说,民主党中进步派的洋洋得意是一个危险信号。
They argue North Korea's unexpectedly strong announcement that it would never again attend six-party talks forms part of that strategy. 这些分析人士辩称,朝方有关永远不再参加六方会谈的异常强烈的声明,构成这种策略的一部分。
Each Contracting Party may require notification or filing of any tariff to be charged by its own designated airline or airlines. 缔约各方可要求其自己指定的一家或多家空运企业通知或提交将收取的任何运价。
He said he would try to catch a train and make it to the party tonight. 他说过会争取赶上火车来参加今晚的派对的。
Five members of the party decided to leave, and Packer joined along. 团队的五个成员决定离开,Packer也跟他们一起走了。
With the old Confederacy now the heart of the Republican base, boasting about the party's Civil War-era legacy is no longer advisable. 鉴于过去的邦联现在已经成为共和党的基础核心,吹嘘共和党内战时期的遗产不再成为可取的方针。
Horse head made of secretary of county Party committee, he criticized Chen Xiang casually relationship with him. 马县长做了县委书记了,他批评了陈响随便乱认亲。
I therefore intend to ask the Labour Party to set in train the processes needed for its own leadership election. 所以,我希望工党开启进行党内领袖选举所需的程序。
Respond to your invitation as soon as you know (and no later than the stated RSVP date) whether or not you can attend the party. 无论去或是不去,尽快答复邀请(不要迟于邀请函的请答复日期)。
The party said the decision would allow the MDC to hold its rally in the capital Horary tomorrow. Peter Burns reports from Johannesburg . 该党称此决定将允许民革运明天在津巴布韦首都哈拉雷举行集会。
' The document was approved a week ago at an annual gathering of the party leadership, but wasn't issued publicly until Sunday. 这一《决定》一周前在中共十七届三中全会上已获批准,但周日才对外公布。
A boy invited a girl to have coffee with him at a party. He was too nervous to say anything, and she felt uncomfortable. 一个聚会上,有个男孩邀请一个女孩跟他一起喝咖啡。他太紧张了,一句话也说不出来,这让她感觉很不舒服。
But Labour may not be the only party to suffer: it has a new candidate, and the backlash seems to be indiscriminate. 但工党可能不是唯一要遭受痛苦的政党:它有一个新的候选人,而反弹似乎是滥杀无辜。
The Heat then put the game away with an incredible 24-5 run that got the party started early and allowed James to ease his way into a ring. 接下来热火以一波24-5的高潮进一步拉开比分,使得热火的庆祝派对早早开始,也使詹姆斯的冠军戒指来得更加容易。