
美 [pætʃ]英 [pætʃ]
  • n.补丁;小片;眼罩;色斑
  • v.修补;打补丁;缝补
  • 网络面片;斑块;修补程式

复数:patches 现在分词:patching 过去式:patched

bad patch,small patch,rough patch,bald patch,purple patch


n. v.

小块small area

1.色斑;斑点;(与周围不同的)小块,小片a small area of sth, especially one which is different from the area around it

小片材料piece of material

2.补丁;补块a small piece of material that is used to cover a hole in sth or to make a weak area stronger, or as decoration

3.眼罩a piece of material that you wear over an eye, usually because the eye is damaged

5.戒烟贴片a piece of material that people can wear on their skin to help them to stop smoking

地块piece/area of land

6.小块土地;(尤指)菜地,果园a small piece of land, especially one used for growing vegetables or fruit

7.(informal)工作地;熟悉的地区;家乡an area that sb works in, knows well or comes from

艰难时刻difficult time

8.(informal)一段(艰难)岁月;一段(痛苦)日子a period of time of the type mentioned, usually a difficult or unhappy one

计算机技术in computing

9.修补(程序);补丁a small piece of code(= instructions that a computer can understand) which can be added to a computer program to improve it or to correct a fault


be not a patch on sb/sth

远不如;远比…逊色to be much less good, attractive, etc. than sb/sth else


补丁patch)的版本是0.1.1,这没错。 但是,补丁总不能独自运行吧,它是来帮助Linux内核的,不是来抢Linux内核的风头 …


(2)碎裂修补(Patch)。碎裂修补包括板体全深度修补(Full Depth Patch)和部分深度修补(PartialDepth Patch)。


..., ·
 (4) 这 6 个方程是在面片patch)上点 GA 处的法向和切向坐标系中给出的,x 和y 方向 是切向,而z 方向是法向。


斑块Patch)、廊道(Corridor)和基质(Matrix)是景观生态学用来解释景观结构的基本模式,普遍适用于各类景观,包括荒 …


这叫打补丁patch)你在聚会上,一个女生过来对你说:''不知道你床上功夫好不好,我给你钱,想领教你的床上功夫"。",这 …


微软这次释出的修补程式patch)修补七个漏洞,其中有五个是先前没有揭露的。McAfee(R) Avert(R) Labs在检查过这些漏洞 …


英语专业四级词汇表(全)_百度文库 ... pat n.&vt.&n. 轻拍 patch n. 补钉;碎片 path n. 路,小道;道路 ...


《疯狂英语2003合集全部文本》(三) ... ) precociously adv. 早熟地,早慧地 ) patch n. 补缀,碎片 ) souvenir n. 纪念品 ...

He spoke into a commo - patch mike the Sentinels had somehow crafted for him in their careless, make-do fashion. 说话要通过一个哨兵们专门为他制作的通信器话筒,但它很简陋,仅仅能用而已。
Society is made up of these fragments, and the do-gooder and the reformer are trying to patch up the broken pieces. 社会由这些碎片构成,而行善者和改革者正试图缝补这些碎片。
With your own vegetable patch, you know exactly where your food is from and how it was grown. 蔬菜与自己补丁,你知道你在哪里以及如何从食物种植。
Miller said his company gave details about the hack and a potential security patch to Apple, but did not publicly release the details. 表示公司已经为苹果提供了具体的黑客侵入程序和对应的安全补丁,但目前并未公开发布。
But it may not be enough to patch up the company's problems. 但这并不足已解决强生公司的诸多问题。
Such a readily available chip could record reams more data than patch-clamping, he said. 他表示,生物芯片具有很高的可用价值,它可以比膜片钳技术记录更多的数据。
One of Dr Collins's clients admitted to rubbing his own urine on to his bald patch after reading it would halt hair loss. Colins医生的一个顾客承认他曾经把自己的尿液涂在秃顶的部位,因为他听说这样可以治愈脱发。
And it claims that President Obama and his wife went through a rough patch in their marriage, where their relationship was somewhat frosty. 书里说,奥巴马总统和他妻子的婚姻经历过一段困难时期,他们的关系曾经有点冷淡。
But eventually they gave in, and we were able to cut out a small garden on a narrow patch of earth against the far wall. 最终,他们还是妥协了,这样我们在离高墙不远的地方开垦了一小块地做菜园。
And a small patch of lawn that started out with a barren spot the size of a garbage can lid soon drew to encompass the entire side yard. 车库边的篮筐吸引了大群的人,盛况超过了奥运会。一开始,草坪上只秃了垃圾桶盖大小一块,很快扩大,不久整个偏院都成了不毛之地。
X-Ray film of the chest showed increased lung markings with a patch of hazy shadow in the left lower lung near the heart border. 胸部X线片示肺纹理增厚,左下肺心缘可见片状模糊阴影。
There had been speculation that signs of a soft patch in economic growth would stay the bank's hand despite high inflation. 之前有猜测称,尽管通胀高企,但经济增长已经出现的疲软迹象,可能会阻止央行进一步收紧货币政策。
When he sat down under the light and took off his hat you saw that he had very red hair, with a bald patch on the crown. 当他在灯光里坐下来,脱掉帽子,你便可以看到他一头深色的红发,头顶有一块已经光秃秃了。
What if it was a security patch for a buffer overflow exploit, of which Windows has not some -- several? 如果是个缓存溢出错误的修补程序呢?Windows在这方面的漏洞还不少呢。
It is all held on one place by swirling underwater currents and is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or "trash vortex" . 由于水下的旋涡流,垃圾都集中到了一起,所以被称为太平洋大垃圾带或“垃圾漩涡”。
Van Emden said his conversations with Patch as he compiled the story of his life were, "a real education" . 凡·埃姆登说他与派奇之间的交流是“一次真正意义上的教育”,他把他的人生故事都记录了下来。
Tensions between the Bank of England and the banks on its patch had nonetheless eased by the start of this year. 今年开始时,英格兰银行和商业银行之间的紧张关系得到了极大地缓和。
How much force does the tyre return for a given vertical deflection and how long is the contact patch in that case? 请问多大的力为给定的垂直偏转轮胎返回多久是在这种情况下接触补丁?
Look to the anemone, if you will, or to the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. 去看看银莲花,假使你愿意,去瞧瞧豌豆地,抑或是那倔强地将手臂伸过城镇街道的野草。
And while it has not been able to remove the bug itself, it issued a "fix it" security patch to block any attempts to use it. 在当它自己还无法去掉这个错误时,微软发布了一个安全补丁来阻止任何尝试使用该错误的方法。
So if you think your man is going through a rough patch, this is how you, a good ear and a little intuition can help. 所以,如果你认为你的他正处于低潮,那么以下就是你、一个好的听众以及一点点的直觉能提供帮助的方法。
A dress, the patch is thick, rely on to be by the side of the wall allegedly, lean very easily still firm. 一件衣服,补丁厚了,据说靠在墙边,还很轻易靠稳。
It is usually apparent from birth and tends to affect a triangular patch of skin and hair above the temples. 它通常是明显的,从出生,并往往影响到皮肤的三角形补丁和鬓角以上。
Disarmament by the status quo nuclear powers may make it easy to patch it up. But don't get carried away. 现有的核国家进行核裁军,可能会使修补该条约变得容易。
Security Patch: Located at the bottom of the CD, the word "Microsoft" changes to "GENUINE" as the CD is tilted. 安全修补程序:“Microsoft”一字位于光盘底部,随着光盘倾斜更改为“GENUINE”。
Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband will look like a movie pirate for the next two weeks as he wears a patch over an eye, CNN reports. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,影星莎莎嘉宝的丈夫冯安沃在未来两周将一直戴着一只眼罩,活像电影中的海盗。
He jerked his head at the patch of shade a little distance back. But none of us would look at him. 他把头往后面不远的背阴处点了点,但没有人会看他半眼。
Then in that land, there lived a poor man with a patch over one eye and a crutch to help him to walk. 当时,那个地方有个穷人,他一只眼睛上蒙着一块膏药,走路还要拄着拐杖。
In what is now known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plastic outweighs plankton, by a factor of six to one. 就在现在被人们称为“大太平洋垃圾带”的海域内,他发现塑料制品比浮游生物还多,比例约为六比一。
He assured me it would be, and thought that it had already been corrected in the next patch. 他确认此点是肯定的,认为下一个补丁中应该已经更正。