
美 [pɔ]英 [pɔː]
  • v.抓;猥亵地乱摸;动手动脚;动手挑逗
  • n.(动物的)爪;(人的)手
  • 网络爪子;脚爪;等离子弧焊(plasma arc welding)

复数:paws 现在分词:pawing 过去式:pawed



n. v.

2.(informal)(人的)手a person's hand


英语发音_百度文库 ... Lesson02 练习一 Paw 爪子 port 港口 ...


新版新概念第二册 单词表--koflfy ... press v.按, 压 paw n.脚爪 latch n.门闩 ...

等离子弧焊(plasma arc welding)

等离子弧焊 目录等离子弧焊(PAW)简介 等离子弧焊接和切割 各种焊接方法及设备(等离子弧焊) 国外焊接技术最新进展情况(等 …


新概念第三册全套课文讲解及笔记 - 豆丁网 ... rabbit n. 兔, 野兔 paw n. 手掌, 手爪 fur n. 毛皮, 毛, 软毛 ...

投影缀加平面波(projector augmented wave)

2.3.3 投影缀加波PAW(Projector Augmented Wave)方法29-30 2.4 周期性边界条件30-32 2.4.1 Bloch定理30-31 2.4.2 Brillouin …


新概念第三册全套课文讲解及笔记 - 豆丁网 ... rabbit n. 兔, 野兔 paw n. 手掌, 手爪 fur n. 毛皮, 毛, 软毛 ...

Sniff welcomed Haw with a nod of his head, and Scurry waved his paw. Their fat little bellies showed that they had been here for some time. 嗅嗅冲唧唧点了点头,表示欢迎,匆匆则朝他挥了挥爪子。他们胖胖的小肚子表明,他们在这里已经有一段时间了。
Then Mr White took the monkey's paw in his right hand. He was afraid, but he looked at his wife and she smiled at him. 接着怀特先生拿出猴爪放在右手。他很害怕,他看着妻子;他的妻子冲他微笑。
You have been used as a cat's paw by that woman; she only wanted you to help her get into local society. 你被那女人利用了,她只是要你帮助她进入当地的社交界而已。
He wrote in his diary before he died, that when he arrived at the Pole, he found paw prints and a Norwegian flag. 他死前的日记里说,当他到达南极点的时候他发现地上的爪子印和一面挪威旗。
While he fends off the dangerous ones he puts out his fat little paw and strokes Tania's hair. "I'm beginning to fall in love with you. " 他一面挥手赶开苍蝇一类的东西,一面伸出他的肥胖的小爪子去抚摸塔尼亚的秀发。
When orders come in she sends out a paw or dog nose print kit that includes three moulds to make a full nose or paw print of a pet. 当有人预约时,她会寄给顾客一个模具工具箱,那里面包括三个模具,可以印下宠物的整个鼻子或爪子的样子。
But amazingly the tiger hung his head, stretched a paw out to her hand and rubbed his cheek against where the girl's face was. 让人大跌眼镜的是,老虎垂下头来,张开爪子,与玻璃对面的小女孩互搓着脸颊。
He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and lick the hand of Androcles like a dog. 他把这个拔拉出来并包扎了狮子的伤口,狮子很快就可以站起来并像只小狗一样身在曹营心在舔了安德拉科斯的手。
The Mole reached out from under his blanket, felt for the Rat's paw in the darkness, and gave it a squeeze. 鼹鼠从毯子下面伸出爪子,在黑暗里摸到河鼠的爪子,捏了一下。
Old Mr White did not stop. "But your stories were interesting, " he said to Tom Morris. "What did you begin to say about a monkey" s paw? 老怀特先生并没有停下,“你的故事很有趣,”他对汤姆·莫里斯说,“关于猴爪的事你想告诉我们什么?”
I told her if she was able to get a print either paw or nose, I would be able to make the piece and cast it for her. 我告诉她如果能给我个狗鼻子印或者爪子印的模板,我就可以帮她制作。
The tiger reaches out a lethal paw to claw the toy as Harwell quickly rolls to his feet, ready to flee if necessary. 白虎伸出威力巨大的爪子去抓玩具,哈维尔慌忙连滚带爬地转移到白虎脚边,准备伺机逃跑。
These breathtaking photographs capture the remarkable moments when a tiger bowed its head and placed a paw up to the hand of a small girl. 照片中,一只老虎俯首抬爪与站在面前的小女孩手碰手。这张照片记录下了这个激动人心的美好瞬间。
with your dog watching , put a treat under a table or chair low enough so your dog can only fit a paw , not his head. 在狗狗放在桌子或高椅子上,把食物或玩具置于桌椅下方它只能用一支爪子(不是头)够得到的位置。
The pair inspected one another. The meerkat stretched out a little paw and appeared to kiss the giraffe. 它俩眼神交汇后,猫鼬伸出小爪子,看上去像是要亲吻长颈鹿。
Yes. Many pet owners have seen their sleeping dog or cat twitch or paw the air, as if dreaming of bones to bury or mice to chase. 是的。很多宠物主人见过自己的狗狗或猫猫在酣睡的时候或扯或抓,好像梦到了埋藏食物或者追赶老鼠。
The cat was surprised to hear that. He began to wash his face with his paw, and the sparrow flew away. 汤姆猫听了很惊讶,便松开爪子去洗脸,结果麻雀飞快地逃走了。
How can I give it to someone? "the soldier said. " The monkey "s paw brings unhappiness with it. " “我怎么能送给别人呢?”老兵说,“猴爪会给拥有它的人带来痛苦。”
They wanted my to take the matter up with the boss but I refused to be made a cat's paw of others. 他们要我向老板提出这一问题,但我拒绝做他人的工具。
You have been used as a cat's paw by Nancy; she only wants you to help her get into local society. 你被南希利用了,她只是要你帮她进入当地的社交界。
Never mind, that old cove who has something the matter with his paw I know, and that I'm positive. 无论如何,这个爪子上有点东西的老头,我肯定认得他。
Then Androcles grew so bold that he took hold of the lion's lame paw to see what was the matter. 这时,安卓利斯的胆子大了起来。他抓住狮子的瘸脚,想看看是怎么回事。
The girl gets excited and starts to wave her hands up and down, and the cat does the same with its paw. 女童随后变兴奋,开始上下挥舞手臂,猫也跟着她的动作挥舞前爪。
But there had been tracks leading into the Waste, small paw prints that might belong to one of the striped animals that lived there. 可有猎物的踪迹一直通向荒野地,爪印不太大,可能是在那儿居住的带斑纹的动物留下的。
"OK, then, " her husband said, and he took the monkey's paw in his right hand. “好吧,”她的丈夫说,他把猴爪放在右手。
You become a cat's paw of Nancy because she only wants you to help her get the money. 南希利用你了,因为她只是想让你帮助她弄到那笔钱。
A monkey's paw with a spell put on it by an old fakir can grant three wishes for a person. 一只被老和尚施过咒语的猴爪可以满足人的三个愿望。
I'm gonna go get tanked and paw Sif for a while. Let me know if the dwarf lives or dies. 我要去喝个烂醉,再跟希芙亲热一会儿。记得把那矮人的死活告诉我。
"I didn't bite him, " said the Lion, as he rubbed his nose with his paw where Dorothy had hit it. “我没有咬到它,”狮子说话时,用爪擦着自己的鼻子,那里正是给多萝茜打中的地方。
examples in the dictionary ? To see bloody paw prints in your dream, represents a repression of your animalistic desires. 在你的梦中看到血爪印,代表一个压抑你的在你的梦中看到血爪印,动物性欲望。动物性欲望。