
美 ['peɪɪɪŋ]英 ['peɪɪɪŋ]
  • n.工资;薪水
  • v.付费;偿还;交纳;付酬
  • adj.需付费的;含贵重矿物的;矿藏丰富的;有关支付的
  • 网络付款;合算;付钱



v. n.

1.[i][t]付费;付酬to give sb money for work, goods, services, etc.

2.[t]交纳;偿还to give sb money that you owe them

3.[i]赢利;创收to produce a profit

4.[i][t]受益;划算to result in some advantage or profit for sb

5.[i]付代价;遭受惩罚to suffer or be punished for your beliefs or actions

6.[t]~ sth(与某些名词结合使用,表示将要做或付出某事物)used with some nouns to show that you are giving or doing the thing mentioned


the devil/hell to pay

大麻烦;大乱子a lot of trouble

he who pays the piper calls the tune

花钱的人说了算;财大者气粗the person who provides the money for sth can also control how it is spent

pay court to sb

献殷勤;奉迎;讨好to treat sb with great respect in order to gain favour with them

pay dividends

有所收获;产生效益to produce great advantages or profits

pay for itself

使损益相当;够本to save as much money as it cost

pay good money for sth

为…花费很多钱(尤指钱白花了)used to emphasize that sth cost(s) a lot of money, especially if the money is wasted

pay its way

赢利运作;不负债;收支平衡to make enough money to pay what it costs to keep it going

pay the penalty (for sth/for doing sth)|pay a/the price (for sth/for doing sth)

因…受害╱付代价to suffer because of bad luck, a mistake or sth you have done

pay your respects (to sb)

(拜访或问候某人)表示敬意to visit sb or to send a message of good wishes as a sign of respect for them

pay through the nose (for sth)

(为…)付过高的价to pay too much money for sth

pay your way

独立偿付一切;自食其力to pay for everything yourself without having to rely on anyone else's money

you pays your money and you takes your choice

如何选择由你做主(表示各种选择的分别不大)used for saying that there is very little difference between two or more things that you can choose


胡文仲:英美文化词典 - 翻译硕士(MTI) 大家论坛 ... 购物 Shopping 付款 Paying 小费 Tips ...


合字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 合适〖 fit;suitable;appropriate〗 合算paying;worthwhile〗 合算〖 reckonup〗 ...


中间有Y的英语单词有哪些_百度知道 ... Staying 住 Paying 支付 Playing 播放 ...


金石堂网路书店〉中文书〉食衣住行英语通(口袋书) ... 1-10. A Recipe 食谱 1-11. Paying 付钱 1-12. My Treat! 请客 ...


上字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 上溯〖 traceback〗 上算〖 economical;worthwhile;paying〗 上锁〖 lock〗 ...


同类热销 ... 付账(Paying) 导座(Guiding) 接电话(Handling t...... ...Guiding Light :指路明灯 ...德快报”的招牌菜就是毫不显眼的...


“英语随身袋”系列... ... 79 Asking the price 询问价格 254 80 Paying 付 费 257 81 Pay by credit card 用信用卡付款 260 ...

买单 » podcast ... 上菜 Serving 买单 Paying 再见 Goodbye ...

She may think of him and treat him that way, buying his food, paying his health bills and his taxes, but in fact Allan is a dog. 她说,“亚伦是我的第四个孩子”。她可能会很替他着想,帮他买食物,付医药费和税…但事实上,亚伦只是条狗罢了。
After paying the application fee, the waitress directed her to grabble into a three-temperatured oven. 缴完报名费,服务小姐便指示她爬进一个三温烤箱。
Still, one of the main reasons I didn't have much money was that I had been paying my husband's way through business school. 我没有很多钱的主要原因是我一直在为我的老公付商学院的学费。
But suffice it to say that Yemen is an area that we've been paying quite a lot of attention for a number of years now. 但我只想说,也门是我们关注了很多年的地区。
Processed food costs a lot, especially as you usually are paying for all that wasteful packaging as well. 经过加工的食品很贵,尤其是还要为它的没用的包装付钱。
Investment banks are now paying for that opacity, even though their management of risk has improved since the last credit crisis in 1998. 尽管在1998年信用危机后其风险管理的水平已经得到提升,投资银行还是为他们现在的不透明性付出了代价。
'So am I paying them for that service, or am I paying them not to think badly of me because I've requested so much extra work? 还是为了让他们不要因为我的额外要求说我坏话而付小费呢?
Cuteness was an asset worth paying for, they said, especially for an "umbrella species" like the panda. 另外他们指出,讨喜的外形也是一种无形资产,特别是对于作为“护伞种”的大熊猫而言尤为重要。
A weak government in Somalia is unable to restrain pirate gangs, he said, and ship owners are paying huge ransoms. 他说,脆弱的索马里政府无力约束海盗集团,而船东们正在支付巨额赎金。
They typically do not try to span the globe, but their work is so good that clients will keep paying handsomely for it. 这种所的典型特征就是没有全球撒网的打算。但他们的业务做得很好,以至于客户愿意为他们不断大把花钱。
"It's like the drug war, " he said later. "If people keep buying and paying for ivory, it's impossible to stop it. " “这就像是一场毒品战争,”他随后说,“只要有人出钱买象牙,就不可能停止。”
A student who wants a high-profile, high-paying job needs a well-known MBA from a top school and must be prepared to pay for it. 想要一份体面的、高收入的工作,学员需要从顶级学校获得一个众人皆知的MBA学位,并且必须准备为此付出代价。
He said, the focus on economic development, paying particular attention to human development, education reform has already started. 他说,在重视经济发展的同时特别重视人文发展,教育改革已全面启动。
a dip in global oil prices during the past week, Americans are paying more than twice as much for gasoline as they did just a few years ago. 尽管国际油价上周下跌,美国人依然在支付超过数年前两倍的油价。
Noss's efforts seem to be paying off. He says he has seen ample satisfaction rise and turnover decrease by a noticeable percentage. 诺斯的努力似乎已经渐收成效,他表示员工对公司的满意度大幅提升,员工跳槽的频率也明显降低。
How much petty cash do we have left after paying for the trip to the conference? 在支付完去研讨会的旅费后,我们还剩下多少零用金?
You really mean , then , that you're paying me interest on the interest that I earn if I keep my money in the bank . 那么您实际上是说,如果我把钱存入银行,你们就会以复制的形式支付我所赢得的利息了。
She saw that she would first need to get work and establish herself on a paying basis before she could think of having company of any sort. 她明白,在考虑找个伴侣之前,她首先必须要找份工作,这样才能为自己搭建起一个经济支付平台。
Of course, Vanguard isn't the only good money manager out there. But wherever you end up make sure you know what you are paying. 当然,Vangurad并不是唯一一家优秀的资产管理公司,但不论你把钱交给谁打理,你都务必搞清楚你付出的什么。
the only HUH? ? factor here: i might be paying more for the postage than the book itself. could go up to 5 times more! ! 唯一让我啊??的一点:我可能得付比书更贵的邮费。可能高达五倍!!没办法啦!!
The company did respond to questions about how much Xinhua is paying for the billboard. SherwoodEquities未回复新华社所付租金是多少的问题。
The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. 你就有了所有权。如同你买了服装和家具一样。但这样的行为仅是拥有书籍的开端。
If you go on trying to get out of paying taxes , you'll sooner or later get into trouble . 你要是继续想方设法逃税,你早晚会受到惩罚的。
"People are paying attention to how much impact high commodity prices have had on companies, as well as liquidity issues. " “他们关注的是会对公司的股票价值以及流动资金产生多大影响?”
For Mr Zhao and his wife, 20 years of living apart is a price worth paying, if their children do not have to do the same. 对赵平化和他的妻子来说,只要孩子们将来不用像他们一样为了生计四处奔波,20多年的辛勤付出十分值得。
She came to repay me 200 yuan once more yestereday as a result of her forgetting paying it back to me last month. 她昨天又来还我200元钱,因为她已经忘记上个月还给我了。
Make it clear that the Management appreciates the problem and is prepared to start paying down the debt. 你要清楚地告诉他们,管理人员会重视这些问题,并且已经开始着手偿还这些技术债务了。
Soon, he began traveling alone to competitions around the United States, paying his way with his prize winnings. 很快,他开始独自在全美到处参加比赛,利用奖金支付旅费。
He might decide it's cheaper to hire somebody to kill you than to keep paying you off the rest of your life. 他以后可能会认为,雇用一个人来把你杀了要比在你有生之年不断给你钱更便宜。
We will never ask you to pay more than you agreed, so you'll always know how much you're paying and never get an unexpected bill. 我们绝不会要求您支付超过您同意,所以你总是知道你有多少付出,从不得到一个意外的法案。