
美 [ˌpi ˈsi]英 [ˌpiː ˈsiː]
  • abbr.(=patrol craft)巡逻舰
  • 网络过程控制系统(Process Control System);件;个人通讯服务(Personal Communication Services)


portable pc


过程控制系统(Process Control System)

过程控制系统(Pcs)、制造执行系统 (MES)、企业资源计划(ERP)是钢铁企业信息系统重要组成部分。其中的过程控制 系统,以 …

机械加工英文缩写_百度知道 ... PIERCE PUNCH 落料冲头 PCS 个,块, Q'TY 数量 ...

个人通讯服务(Personal Communication Services)

中国个人通讯服务PCs)市场现状调查及投资潜力研中国节能服务行业市场现状分析及投资发展趋势预测报告 点击查看大图 …

个人通信业务(Personal Communication Service)

电脑常用英语单词 ... PBX 专用交换机 PCS 个人通信业务 peer 对等 ...

个人通信系统(Personal Communication System)

该产品应用于个人通信系统(PCS)频段I、II 和IV中 – 与公司的开关、功率放大器、前端模块及收发器相结合,为手机创建完整的…


聚碳硅烷(PCS)出发,研究了PCS溶液静电纺丝的工艺参数对纺丝性的影响,PCS原纤维经不熔化、N2中1200℃热处理1h,成功 …


物理编码子层PCS)用于每一个8位数据字节与10位代码之间的编码/解码。这种编码功能不仅能对有效字符进行校验,而且 …

This was at a time when other companies were selling PCs that had to be soldered together by the user. 而同时期的其他公司销售的个人电脑则需要用户自行组装。
It's not a surprising move, even for a company that doubled down on PCs less than a decade ago via its 2002 merger with Compaq Computer. 分拆个人电脑业务并非惊人之举,尽管这家公司不到十年前才通过与康柏电脑(CompaqComputer)的合并进入该市场。
I wouldn't be surprised if PCs are turning out to be more robust because of a bit of a substitution effect. 如果说因为一些替代效应的作用使个人电脑的性能正在变得更好,我不会感到惊讶。
This device was a hub. It was at the center of a set of cables that radiated out to the PCs like the spokes on a wheel. 此设备即为集线器,它是像车轮轮辐一样辐射至PC的一组缆线的中心,此被视为星状拓朴。
I've been testing a couple of these apps on my iPad, using them to remotely control Windows PCs and Macs at my home and office. 我在我的iPad上测试了两款此类应用软体,我用它们来远端控制我家里和办公室里使用Windows系统的PC机和苹果机。
He said it had also reinvigorated demand for new PCs, with many users opting to upgrade their hardware as well as their software. 他说随着新PC需求增加,Windows7将再度繁荣,因为许多用户选择升级硬件,同时也包括软件。
It's not clear how much the sales of lower-priced PCs are cannibalizing sales of higher-priced ones. 现在还不清楚到底有多少高端电脑的销售正在被低端产品蚕食。
It did work, but like similar mobile programs for controlling PCs, I found it a bit awkward to use. 但我对这款产品不是那么满意,它确实能够运行,但和其他类似的控制个人电脑的手机程序一样,用起来有点别扭。
A Chinese firm will introduce a line of Linux-based ultra-mini PCs (UMPC), one of which is said to be the size of a pack of playing cards. 一个中国公司推出了一系列基于Linux的超小迷你电脑(UMPC),基中一个据说只有一副扑克牌大小。
Both showcase that the best companies to help make an iPad work like a PC in business are those that regularly deploy PCs in businesses. 这两则例子很好的说明了,这些顶级电脑公司,也在努力使得iPad能像个人电脑一样在商业中发挥作用。
It is also trying to create a new market segment as it is not intended to replace phones or regular PCs. 苹果公司也希望通过iPad创造出一个崭新的市场,因为这款设备既不试图取代手机,也不视图取代传统个人电脑。
Still, fingerprint readers are relatively rare in consumer PCs, so we thought we'd try some out to see how easy and effective they are. 在普通个人电脑上,指纹识别装置还不太常见,因此我们想试用几种产品来比较一下它们的便捷程度和效果。
Microsoft Group (grew) at a time when Personal Computers, or PCs, were replacing big mainframe computers as a (the) main computing tools. 微软此时成长的时刻是当个人电脑或者PCs被大型主机取代成为主要计算机工具时。
Dell, meanwhile, is trying to rebound from shrinking market share in PCs and tightening profit margins. 与此同时,戴尔正试图走出萎缩的PC市场份额和利润空间的局限。
In other consumer product areas, Acer provided details on several tablet PCs that it had announced in November. 在其他消费品领域,宏碁提供了已于去年11月发布的平板电脑的一些细节。
The next step might be for computer-makers to start pushing PCs with Linux rather than Windows installed on them. 下一步可能是电脑厂商开始推动Linux系统来代替Vista。
I love Remote Desktop because from my laptop or desktop system, I can connect to any of my PCs or servers in my infrastructure. 我喜欢使用远程桌面!因为从我的笔记本电脑或是台式机上可以任意连接网络环境中的PC或是服务器。
Health care: Medical staff can use Pocket PCs to have up-to-date patient records when meeting patients in the nursing ward. 卫生保健:当医务人员在病房内接诊时,他们可以使用PocketPC来保持最新的患者记录。
Microsoft grew at a time when personal computers, or PCs, were replacing big mainframe computers as the main computing tools. 而微软是在个人电脑(即PC机)取代大电脑主机,成为主要的计算机工具时成长起来的。
Others have found a whole new dimension to their PCs after plugging a fast modern to connect to the Internet. 其他人已经找到了全新的元素,他们的电脑快速插上后现代连接到互联网。
And that vision says that PCs will become a central element of how companies share information inside the company. 根据该设想,个人计算机将成为公司内部信息共享的核心。
The recent news that Dell is going to be offering Windows XP on 6 models of new PCs (again) wasn't surprising to me. 目前有消息称戴尔公司要在新型笔记本电脑的六个板块中添加WindowsXP系统,我对此一点也不感到吃惊。
The idle power of Windows PCs can be exploited to help Linux machines running CPU-consumptive program. WindowsPC的空闲能力可以用来帮助Linux机器运行非常消耗CPU的程序。
Globally, consumers are coming back to PCs, but they are doing so at prices as much as one-fifth lower than even a year ago, analysts say. 分析师称,全球范围内,消费者又开始青睐个人电脑,不过现在他们购买的价格比一年前低了五分之一。
The service being discontinued costs $49. 95 a year and covers up to three PCs. 订购该服务每年需要花费49.95美元,允许其安装在三台电脑上。
It has infected millions of PCs worldwide, including parts of the French navy and air force and the American air force. 它已感染了全球数以百万的电脑,其中包括法国海军空军和美国空军的部分计算机。
The strength of the sales to businesses was a real highlight for Microsoft, because many companies have resisted buying new PCs. 加强对企业的销售是微软的一个亮点,因为许多公司不会去购买新的电脑。
'While PCs will continue to be much-used devices, ' wrote Dr Dean on A Smarter Planet, 'they're no longer at the leading edge of computing. “虽说PC机仍将继续被广泛使用,但它们在计算领域已不再占有前沿地位。”迪恩博士在“智慧地球”(ASmarterPlanet)中如是说。
Portable PCs in particular were a key driver of that, with most markets in the region beating forecasts. 便携式PC是销售量增长的关键动力,亚太区大部分国家的市场增长都超过了预期。
Not the first or only DOS, but it was the main player for home PCs - like it or loathe it, DOS was the one you used. 虽然不是最早和唯一的DOS,但微软的DOS却是家用电脑中的主角——不管你喜不喜欢,当时你用的就是DOS。