
美 [ˌpi di ˈef]英 [ˌpiː diː ˈef]
  • n.可移植文档格式
  • 网络下载;文件格式;可移植文档格式(Portable Document Format)




1.可移植文档格式,可携式文件格式(全写为 Portable Document Format)the abbreviation forPortable Document Format (a type of computer file that can contain words or pictures. It can be read using any system, can be sent from one computer to another, and will look the same on any computer.)


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首选文件格式PDF)是邮政脚本语言的打印机系列的一部分,是PCL的对手。 PDF格式可以查看任何免费支持PDF格式的文 …

可移植文档格式(Portable Document Format)

可移植文档格式 (PDF) 或 XML 文件规范 (XPS) 等固定的文件格式保存 Office Publisher 2007 文件,以便轻松共享。Office P…


手册 (Pdf) > ©2011 Stevanato Group S.p.a.

概率密度函数(probability density function)

概率密度函数(pdf)的定义出发,就有把右边的微分乘到左边并且积分,就有 另外,写这篇日志的过程中学到一些Tex的语法.. …


生活指南PDF) (2007年7月编辑)                ↓ 其他机关编辑的生活指南     目录 PDF 1.福井市概况 地理位置 / 历史沿革 / 生活...

Smith later said he couldn't recall the grade given to his paper, but he guessed it was his "usual gentlemanly C" (. pdf file). 史密斯后来说,他记不得论文的得分了,不过他猜想总归是他常得的“体面的C”吧。
Easy to understand and printable User's Manual in PDF format as well as online help. 很容易了解的使用者说明和线上帮助并且是可列印的PDF档案。
Before you begin, you may wish to download a pdf file of the Extreme Presentation Method overview and print it out. 在开始之前,您不妨下载“终极演示方法”概述的pdf文档,并将其打印出来。
The Gates Foundation has given out eight grants (here's the list as a PDF) to universities that are trying to dream up a toilet 2. 0. 盖茨基金会已经分发了8个补助金(这里有具体的名单),给正在尝试设计便桶2.0的大学。
To read more on this neat bit of financial engineering, check out this research paper (. pdf file). 想在财务上看得更明白可以查看这份研究报告。
Well, it depends on what you know about the measurements' probability density function (PDF). 它依赖于您对度量值的概率密度函数(probabilitydensityfunction,PDF)的认识。
If you aren't able to open these PDFs, it is likely that you do not have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. 如果您打不开这些PDF文件,可能是没有安装这个程序。
Or at least can create PFD such a way that before conversion to PDF user will not see RTF file. 或者至少可以创建PFD的这样一种方式,在转换为PDF的用户将无法看到RTF文件。
The results indicate that the maximum entropy PDF is simple and the parameters are easy to be determined from the observed data. 结果表明:有效波高的最大熵分布表达式形式简洁,参量易由实测数据确定;
The report should be in PDF format, we think, though there might be a web form as well. 我们认为报告应该是PDF格式的,虽然也有可能有一个web表单。
As a result, this site gained new readers, and I got to correspond with Ramit about how to produce a PDF book. 结果,站点得到了新读者,而我也开始跟Ramit联系,了解怎么做一本PDF书了。
You should plan to achieve a real mastery of a few Essential Skills ( PDF), which are spelled out in the attached document. 你应计划真正掌握一些附件(PDF)说明的基本技能。
He said he checked out the PDF file of the report and it does not contain viruses or other malware. 他还提到,他已经扫描过该报告的PDF文件,里面并没有病毒或其他恶意软件。
IRex made a bit of a splash a few weeks ago when it announced ( PDF) that it was working on full color readers. 几周前当IRex宣布它正在开发全色的阅读器时(link),引起一点轰动。
Next, use T to indicate that you want the next PDF object to be drawn at the top-right corner of the image area. 再下一步,使用T来说明您想在图像区域的右上角制定下一个PDF对象。
The Web server content may be in the form of any of the many available MIME types: HTML, plain text, images formats, PDF files, and more. Web服务器内容的格式可以是诸多MIME类型中的一种:HTML、纯文本、图像格式、PDF文件等。
As we end our conversation, I have a vision of him frantically pinging from blog to website to pdf, and I'm really not so sure. 谈话结束的时候,我忽然想象他发狂似的发布自己的博客网站和pdf的样子,这真的很难讲。
We've used this fin for years for breaststroke, and using it to go through the exact same progression adds a bit more PUSH to your kick. 我们使用PDF鳍鳍对多年来为这个蛙泳,用它来经历同样的进程更增添了一点推动你的脚。
Use PDF vector operators. The resulting image is usually smaller in file size and can be arbitrarily scaled, but patterns will be lost. 使用PDF矢量操作符。最终图像通常文件尺寸更小可以任意缩放,但是透明值和图案会丢失。
Standard PDF Encryption with owner and user passwords used to be the only PDF protection. 标准的PDF加密与用来保护PDF格式的唯一拥有者和用户密码。
In 83% of circumstances (pdf) recycling paper, card, glass, plastics and metals is preferable to any other option for dealing with them. 在83%的情况下,回收废纸,卡片,玻璃,塑料和金属比任何其他的处理方法都要明智。
This common plug-ins can be used for color separations of a PDF file business card printing and membership card-making. 这种多见的插件可以用于色彩的PDF文件分色制卡和会员卡制作洋。
" PDF for the server" was one of the more popular columns in this series. “用于服务器的PDF”是本系列中较受欢迎的专栏文章之一。
Owner should be able to save the cart contents on the server as a quote aswell as save the quote as a PDF file on his computer. 业主应该能够保存为服务器上的报价以及购物车内容保存为PDF文件在他的电脑报价。
As a systems or server-side programmer, perhaps you think of PDF as just another opaque content type. 作为系统或服务器端程序员,您可能仅仅把PDF看成另一种不透明的内容类型。
It also allows you to send files ase- mail attachments in the PDF format in a subset of these programs . 也允许您在这些程式的子集中以PDF格式的电子邮件附件方式传送档案。
In an April 2007 report ( PDF) 'Beyond the BRICs, ' the bank proposed a new grouping of the 'Next 11, ' or N-11. 在2007年4月的一份报告当中,这家投行提出,“‘金砖四国’之外”,世上还可以有一个“Next11”或者“N-11”集团。
You will notice that the quality of the PDF will not change since the images was all vector. 你可注意到,由于该图像采取完全矢量,所以PDF文件的画质未发生改变。
Symantec's latest State of Spam report (PDF) released today seems to corroborate the trend. 今日公布的赛门铁克公司(Symantec)有关垃圾邮件(PDF格式)最新情况的报告,似乎证实了这一趋势。
This simple file uses DITA content to produce a PDF that automatically meets all style, translation, and accessibility rules. 这个简单的文件使用DITA内容生成自动符合所有样式、翻译和可访问性规则的PDF。