peace of mind

  • 网络内心的宁静;平静;安心

peace of mindpeace of mind

peace of mind


真题网 - peace of mind内心的宁静 ... make one"s peace with sb. 与...和解, 重新和好 peace of mind 内心的宁静 Email 给朋友 ...


美丽人生:欧洲休闲音乐发烧极品6CD套... ... 4. The Stars In E 爱之星 5. peace Of Mind 平静 6. If You'd Kiss Me 如果你想吻我 ...


¨●﹏*;『纯英文网名』 故作坚强。_素材吧_百度贴吧 ... Can not let go. 放不下 Peace of mind. 安心 Imagine. 想象中。 ...


综合英语(二)课文常用词组及运用[旺旺英语论坛] ... a thousand and one 许多 peace of mind 内心的平静 a series of 一连续的 ...


朗诵背景音乐下载(一) ... 22.after the fleadh 节奏欢快, 1.peace of mind 凄美的音乐, 8.endless horizon 无止境的见识, ...


胎教心灵音乐盒10CD---mp3下载... ... 03.WHITE SAND 白色沙滩 04.PEACE OF MIND 平静心灵 05.TRUE LOVE RELAXAION …


...是一位有学问的拉比,好些年前他写了一本书,名为小《心灵的平安》(Peace of Mind),其中一章叫作"合宜地爱自己"。


珍惜此生此世,去获得心灵的平静(peace of mind).在伊比鸠鲁学派看来,人生的目的在於追求快乐(pleasure),但必须注意,他们所谓 …

I know, I also customarily one of her habit, cellular phone's vibrating will also let me have peace of mind. 我只知道,我也习惯上了她的一个习惯,手机震动也会让我安心。
This technique sounds extremely simple, but you won't believe how much it can instantaneously increase your peace of mind. 这个技巧看起来及其简单,但是别忘了它能如何瞬间让你的心灵更加平静。
We don't enjoy writing that check for earthquake insurance every year, but it does buy us something of substantial value: peace of mind. 我们并不喜欢每年都支出这样一笔地震灾害保险金,但这的确带给我们实实在在的利益:心情的平静。
How much would you pay for genuine peace of mind? 你会出多少钱买个心境平和?
Iago, as if in earnest CARE for Othello's peace of mind, besought him to beware of jealousy. 伊阿古做出假装诚心诚意地关心奥瑟罗精神上的安宁,劝他当心不要吃醋。
To tell her that you liked him, even loved him, and may not be understood, even if do not understand, but also end up with a peace of mind. 告诉她,你很喜欢他,甚至爱他,也许不被理解,就算不理解,也落得个心安。
But I also hope you can always come home with me to see my parents, so that they have on my life peace of mind! 但也希望你能经常陪我回家看看我的父母,让他们对我的生活安心,放心!
It's up to you to draw the line when you see it's hurting your children or your own peace of mind. 如果你发现自己伤了孩子的心或者失去了内心的平静,你就该在心里划条线了。
"But you didn't have much to do with him, did you? " went on Drouet, anxious for his own peace of mind to get some direct denial from her. “但是你并没有和他有多少瓜葛,是不是?”杜洛埃又问,他急于听到嘉莉的直截了当的否定,这样他才可以感到安心。
To a large amount of degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live on in the present day moment. 我们内心的平和,在很大程度旧由我们是否能生活在现实中所决定的。
I might be a stranger to you, but please trust me with peace of mind. 虽然您不认识我,但请您安心依靠我,
Identify those small opportunities to quit to give yourself some peace of mind and a bit of breathing room. 发现这些“退出”的小机会给你带来平静的心情、一点点呼吸的空间。
He wanted to let her change out of something what not, at least for peace of mind of their own taxi. 他很想掏个零钱让她随便买点什么,至少可以让自己安心的叫出租车。
I cannot say she has never given me happiness, but peace of mind with her is out of the question. 我不知道她是否给了我快乐,但至少她为我带来了内心的平静。
At first glance to see if he knew he was a gentle man, and has a noble temperament, a sense of peace of mind. 看他第一眼就知道他是一个温柔的男人,并有着高贵的气质,给人一种安心。
Health insurance is peace of mind - the last thing you want is to have to worry about money if you are in an accident or get sick. 医疗保险是思想的解放-你最不想要的事情,就是当你有意外或者生病的时候,还不得不担心钱(的问题)。
It was an unkind, stupid thing to say and she will have no peace of mind until she's apologized and. 说起来这是件不客气且愚蠢的事。除非她道歉并得到谅解,否则,她的心灵将是无法安宁下来的。
In addition to giving him peace of mind that his mother is fine, the system helps assuage that midlife sense of guilt. 这个系统除了让他对自己的母亲的状况感到安心以外,它还减少了他的愧疚感。
My peace of mind is often troubled by the depressing sense that I have borrowed too heavily from the work of other men. 我时常怀着一种忧郁的心情,觉得自己从别人的工作中承袭太多,因而心里惴惴不安。
Peace of mind is critical to happiness, so use the money to pay down your debts or to add to your savings. 心情平静对幸福至关重要,所以应该用你的钱还清债项,又或者把钱存起来。
Johnson had to quit basketball then, supposedly for the sake of his own health and definitely for the peace of mind of his peers. 当时约翰逊必须退出篮坛,表面原因可能是为了自己的健康,实际却是为了让球场上的球员安心。
As my life companion, "peace of mind" , "happiness" , "honest" , "conscience" , "virtue" will always be with you. 作为我的终身伴侣的你,“安心”、“幸福”、“诚实”、“良心”、“美德”将会永远陪伴着你。
You may try to get closure, which would allow you to clean up the tangle and walk away with peace of mind. 你可以试着让关闭,这样可以让你清理纠缠不清,然后走开心灵的平静。
Having money does not always bring happiness, but having a clear conscious definitely brings a peace of mind. 并非有钱就是快乐,问心无愧心最安
Doing so can save you a great deal of peace of mind - and also likely save you all some money as well. 这样做会让你觉得精神上轻松不少,而且,似乎也会帮你省下不少钱。
it's been a too long time with no peace of mind and i'm ready for the times to get better. 已经很久没有得到内心的平静我已经作好了好转的准备
You could feel more physically vulnerable too, so for your own peace of mind, keep your immune system boosted. 你也会觉得你的身体和心灵更脆弱,请提高你的免疫系统。
'In times of rapid change, ' he said in a statement, 'how do we find peace of mind and our true self? ' 蔡尚君在一份新闻稿中说,在快速变化的时代,我们如何找到平和的心态和真实的自我?
It may be time to accept that if the relationship with your boss is too destructive for your peace of mind and career prospects. 如果与老板的关系对于你心灵的平静和职业前途都是太大的伤害的话,可能是你接受现实的时候了。
I'm just a fucked-up girl who's looking for my own peace of mind. 我只是一个正在寻求内心宁静的糟糕女孩。