
美 [peɡ]英 [peɡ]
  • n.楔子;橛子;晾衣夹子;弦钮
  • v.用夹子夹住;用楔子钉住;使工资、价格等固定于某水平(或与…挂钩)
  • 网络汇率钉住;挂勾;借口

复数:pegs 现在分词:pegging 过去式:pegged

dollar peg,peg currency,peg price,rate peg


n. v.

1.(木、金属或塑料)钉子,楔子,橛子,短桩a short piece of wood, metal or plastic used for holding things together, hanging things on, marking a position, etc.


off the peg

成品的;现成的made to a standard average size and not made especially to fit you

bring/take sb down a peg (or two)

杀某人的威风;挫某人的锐气to make sb realize that they are not as good, important, etc. as they think they are

a peg to hang sth on

借口;理由;话头something that gives you an excuse or opportunity to discuss or explain sth


... Payroll Tax 薪金税 pegged 挂钩 Pensions 养老金 ...




在小国将其汇率钉住(pegged)大国硬通货的情况下,小国的货币政策将不再有效。而这种情况下,小国的财政政策对于控制总 …


...是这世界上有超过一半以上国家的货币汇率,直接和美元挂勾(Pegged),要不然干脆就直接用美金作为国内外支付的工具, …


《Friends》词汇表A ... fruit n. 水果, 果实, 果类, 成果 pegged n. 钉, 栓, 桩, 销子, 借口 Pegn. 佩格(女子名) ...

Inflation should be pegged at around 2% a year to see the economy "chugging along" , according to Martin Ellis, chief economist at Halifax. Halifax的首席经济学家MartinEllis认为,在一个平稳发展的经济中,通货膨胀的应该保持在每年2%左右。
The short newsy piece is often pegged to scientific journal reports, government announcements, or disease outbreaks. 短新闻片段常常嵌入到科学杂志的报道、政府的公告或者疾病爆发的新闻。
he has been pegged to the hair, body from top to bottom was a lot of small rope tied, can only look up to the sky. 他的头发也被钉住,浑身上下被很多细绳子捆绑着,只能仰望天空。
Now drivers can pick among the private operators of Myanmar's 248 filling stations, though prices seem to be pegged at a single rate. 而现在,尽管所有加油站的燃油统一定价,但司机们却可以在全缅248家私营加油站中自由挑选。
Years of boom, buoyed by cheap foreign-currency loans and a currency pegged to the euro, have turned to a spectacular bust. 拉脱维亚曾经通过廉价的外币贷款以及与欧元挂钩促成了数年的经济繁荣景象,而如今却急转直下,濒临崩溃边缘。
We went up to them with our submersible. We wanted to get a temperature probe, we stuck it in there, looked at it -- it pegged off scale. 我们乘潜艇到达这些烟囱上,想去取一个温度传感器,我们把它插在那儿了。瞧这,已经超过读数了。
The last tent had been pegged into the sand and we were sitting, exhausted, on stone blocks around the charcoal fire. 最后一个帐篷在沙滩上搭起来了,我们围坐在篝火边的石块上,筋疲力尽。
Pegged exchange rate A method of stabilizing a country's currency by fixing its exchange rate to that of another country . 很显然,汇率不论是参照一篮子货币还是单一货币,人民币都是次要货币。
The unrealistic levels at which exchange rates were pegged led to a strong black market in currency transactions. 不切实际的水平上钉住汇率造成了强烈的黑市外汇交易。
Being pegged as a maintenance resource is a drag. Being known as the developer who always has to have the latest-and-greatest is worse. 作为一名开发人员,长期专注于一种技术固然不好,但是总是倡导使用最新最时髦的技术更加不好。
He says the disparities make it hard to manage a currency pegged to the Indian rupee at a time when New Delhi is raising interest rates. 卡蒂瓦达表示,这种不均衡使得尼泊尔难以在新德里上调利率之时,管理盯住印度卢比的本币。
A similar outlook holds for the yen, pegged by many analysts to be the only currency set to outperform the dollar in the near term. 日圆的前景也类似,它被许多分析师视为惟一可能在短期内表现优于美元的货币。
At the season's outset, I pegged the Kings as a team unlikely to make the playoffs, but at least on the right track towards improvement. 在这个赛季开始的时候我预测国王作为一个团队将有可能打进季后赛,而且至少是在正常的轨道中前进。
"Fox is losing ad revenues pegged to ratings, and Cablevision is potentially losing cable subscribers, " she said. “福克斯的广告收益率正在下滑,新闻集团会失掉一些有线电视转播商。”
Many of these changes consisted of the abandonment of a pegged exchange rate in favour of a more flexible exchange regime. 这些变革中很多就是放弃挂钩汇率,采用更为灵活的汇率制度。
Three years of financial recovery have made Iceland more affordable, with consumer prices now largely pegged to the euro. 三年的经济恢复已经使冰岛拥有更多资金,因为现在大部分消费者价格受欧元约束。
After a decade of being rigidly pegged to the US dollar, China's currency is finally free. Well, sort of. 在严格保持与美元的汇率比价不变的十年后,人民币汇率总算有点儿松动了。
A currency board may need to be set up, with a new currency probably pegged, at least at first, to the South African rand. 有必要建立新的货币局发行新的货币,使其至少在当下与南非兰特挂钩。
Investment projects should be pegged to the fundamentals, the new fund after more, there is no time to do too much of the industry study . 做投资应该盯住项目的基本面,新基金多了以后,就没有时间去做太多的行业研究。
That still represents just a small appreciation, of about 0. 8%, from its previously pegged level. 与其先前相比,人民币还是甚至甚微,大约有0.8%的增幅。
The floating rate of interest is pegged to the company's individual rate of return. 企业个体的收益率受到浮动利率的利息的制约。
Policymakers pegged the value of China's currency to the dollar, which had the effect of keeping it artificially low. 决策者将中国货币的币值与美元挂钩,有效保持了它人为的低币值。
This moment was pegged way back in your history as the time for this wondrous change in consciousness. 这一刻是挂的方式重新出现在你作为这个变革的时代意识奇妙的历史。
Milan dropped two valuable points in the title chase as they were pegged back by a late equaliser at home to Brescia. 米兰在争夺冠军的道路上失掉了宝贵的两个积分,他们在主场被布雷西亚在最后时刻将比分扳平。
In contrast, the yuan remains subject to substantial capital controls and continues to be pegged against the US dollar. 相比之下,人民币遭受着严格的资本控制,而且仍然与美元挂钩。
In 2008, when it faced the global financial crisis, Beijing pegged its currency to the dollar and rolled out a massive stimulus package. 在2008年经济危机的时候,北京政府决定经济与美元挂钩,并且推出了一系列的刺激方案。
The whirring sound surprised him; he had her pegged for a woman with central air. 呼呼的声音令他惊讶不已;他认定她是个容易弄到手的女人。
Judging by the men I spoke with afterward, El-Scari seemed to have pegged his audience perfectly. 通过此后我与男人们的交谈中可以断言,艾尔·斯凯瑞似乎已经牢牢地抓住了听众的注意力。
The big event has been elsewhere: the great mistake, Asian policymakers concluded, was not pegged, but overvalued, exchange rates. 重要问题是在其它方面:亚洲决策者经过总结认为,重大错误不是盯住汇率制,而是汇率高估。
He was notorious among online animal rights activists, who pegged him as a serial kitten killer who used cat carcasses in sexual acts. 他在网络动物保护者的圈内臭名昭著,并被指用猫尸体进行变态性活动。