
美 [ˈpenəˌtreɪt]英 ['penə.treɪt]
  • v.渗透;进入;穿过;看透
  • 网络穿透;渗入;看穿

第三人称单数:penetrates 现在分词:penetrating 过去式:penetrated

penetrate market,penetrate darkness



1.[t][i]穿过;进入to go into or through sth

2.[t][i]渗透,打入(组织、团体等)to succeed in entering or joining an organization, a group, etc. especially when this is difficult to do

3.[t]~ sth看透;透过…看见to see or show a way into or through sth

4.[t]~ sth洞察;发现;揭示to understand or discover sth that is difficult to understand or is hidden

5.[i][t]被领悟;被理解to be understood or realized by sb


彻_百度百科 ... ⑻ 垦治[ reclaim] ⑽ 穿透[ penetrate;pierce] ⑿ 结束,完结[ finish;complete] ...


新东方|英语六级绝密资料 - 豆丁网 ... stimulate inspire motivate 渗透(常考) penetrate 渗透 permeate 渗透、扩散 ...


新视野大学英语3单词 - 豆丁网 ... beneath prep. 在低于...的位置;在...之下 penetrate v. 穿透;渗入 quiver vi. 颤抖 ...


新视野大学英语 单词表 第四册 - 新月空中英语 ... plantation 种植园 penetrate 穿透,渗透,看穿 sleeve 袖子 ...


英语专业四级词汇表(全)_百度文库 ... pencil n. 铅笔 penetrate vt. 穿过 peninsula n. 半岛 ...


暗黑II代码对照表 - 帝睥流芒的日志 - 网易博客 ... 018 Avoid: 躲避; 023 Penetrate刺入; 028 Decoy: 诱饵; ...


自考英语二单词生词本 - 豆丁网 ... pencil 铅笔 145 penetrate 穿透, 渗透, 看穿, 洞察 penny 便士, 美> 分 147 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... passionate a. 表现出强烈感情的 penetrate v. 透过 plummet n. 测深锤, 铅坠 ...

Neither one of these seems to penetrate the skin, and sun screens based on these ingredients appear to be safe as well as effective. 这两种物质都不会穿透皮肤,基于这两种成分的防晒霜效果好,还安全。
and Gerald was so much like her he never failed to penetrate her weak subterfuges , even as she penetrated his. 同时杰拉尔德也与她十分相似,没有哪一次不识奇她的诡计,犹如猜透了他的一样。
In the sixteenth century questions arose about how much the influence of Calvin should be allowed to penetrate into Lutheranism. 在十六世纪出现的问题,多少影响卡尔文应允许渗透到路德教。
The deep sea is a highly preserving environment where the water temperature is just a few degrees centigrade and little light can penetrate. 深海是一个非常封闭的环境,那儿的温度只有几摄氏度,很少有光能穿透。
When light frequencies were able to penetrate the control fence, there was no light to receive them. 当光频率能穿透频率控制栅栏时候,没有光来到达他们。
We had this patient who suffered penile fracture after running across the room and trying to penetrate his wife with a flying leap. 我们有一个病人,在跑过整个房间后试图用一个飞跃插入他的妻子,最终惨遭阴茎折断。
Some nights I lay awake until the morning, trying to penetrate the veil that divides this world from the next. 多少个夜晚,我失眠到天明,试图看透隔离这个世界和另一个世界的那层薄纱。
Therefore it was decided to treat the surface using a coal tar mixture that would penetrate the pavement and bind the pavement together. 因此决定使用这种具有渗透性和能重新粘结道路的煤焦油混合剂来处理整个表面。
It had not the strength to penetrate the barrier, though, and it bounced back, nearly landing on Dinin's feet. 然而它并没有力量穿越屏障,反而被弹了回来,差点倒在狄宁的脚上。
Mind not to the point spread, penetrate into the sky, the sk. . . 思绪不着边际四处蔓延,渗透到苍穹,天空中飞舞的是一片片绪言。
Suddenly feel an ethereal force to penetrate the heart, let me think of all the world, will eventually become empty zen. 突然觉得一种空灵的力量渗透内心,让我想起世间种种,最终都会成空的禅意。
Long term protection can only be offered by nanometer sized water repellant which can penetrate up to 5 mm into the surface. 要想实现长期的防水保护,只能依靠纳米级防水剂,因为它的最大渗透深度可达5毫米。
At the end of the test I need you to give me a report and proof me that you were able to penetrate the site. 在测试结束时,我需要你给我一个报告,证明我说,你能穿透站点。
I perceive that we inhabitants of New England live this mean life that we do because our vision does not penetrate the surface of things. 我看到,我们新英格兰的居民之所以过着这样低贱的生活,是因为我们的视力透不过事物表面。
Perhaps as few as six attackers were able to penetrate the base, wreck two aircraft and kill at least ten personnel; two of them escaped. 大概有6名袭击者深入基地,捣毁了两架飞机并杀害至少10名工作人员。6名袭击者中有2名逃脱。
She had already lost count and lost interest in the number of men she had let penetrate her slender frame. 她已经记不清也没有兴趣去记已经让多少个男人插进她瘦小的身体。
Radio waves of the kind used in radar can penetrate clouds, and some probes bounced such waves off the surface of Venus. 雷达的无线电波能够穿透云层,因此有些探测船就把这种电波发射到金星表面再让它反射回来。
Such a beam would easily penetrate the star's outer layer, but the stellar core would be sufficiently dense to absorb part of it. 这样的粒子束将轻而易举地穿透恒星外壳,但足够致密的星核能够将其部分吸收。
To a certain extent, the water began to penetrate the pyramids area around the gravel and continue eastward flow. 到了一定程度后,水流开始从金字塔周围的沙砾区渗透,继续向东流动。
Most of the radiation is not energetic enough to penetrate the gate electrode, so damage is confined to the periphery of that electrode. 大多数辐射没有足够的能量来穿透栅电极,因此,损伤被限制在电极的周围。
I'm trying to brew the most gorgeous color all the time. I truly believe that it is about to penetrate outwards and spread around. 我一直在努力酝酿一种最为绚烂的色彩,我相信它就要渗透出来,蔓延开来。
He besought me to try and clear up a mystery he had never been able to penetrate. 他求我设法解答这个他自己始终无法解开的谜。
Only a handful of its sabotage teams were able to penetrate American lines, and none of them managed to seize the vital Meuse bridges. 只有一部分破坏小队能渗透过美军防线,但是他们都没有能够占领莫兹河的重要桥梁。
Hence the need to let sunshine penetrate the dark bureaucracies spending taxpayers' money. 因此需要让阳关刺透黑暗的花费纳税人钱财的官僚机构开销。
In many instances, petroleum can penetrate the surface of concrete floors to the extent that the oil may not be removed by surface cleaning. 很多情况下,汽油能够渗透过水泥地板表面,以至于需要在地面对油渍进行清洁。
Thus, a boy may wonder if his penis will ever be hard enough to penetrate the hymen, and a girl may anticipate some painful physical injury. 因而,男孩也许怀疑他的阴茎是否会以任何方式勃起到足够的硬度以穿透这层处女膜,而女孩也许会预料有某种带来疼痛的身体伤害。
Used to have no intention to float into under the umbrella of the wet glasses, let not penetrate the fiber wind wet eyelashes. 习惯了让无意飘入伞下的雨淋湿眼镜,让无意穿透纤维的风吹湿了睫毛。
To cut or pass through with or as if with a sharp instrument ; stab or penetrate . 刺入,刺穿:用或好象用尖锐工具切入或穿过;刺穿或刺入。
Although the bullets failed to penetrate the crocodile's hide, it was stunned enough to cause it to drop the arm. 虽然子弹没有穿透它的表皮,但仍致其吐掉了手臂。
The supports penetrate through the holes arranged on the light absorption heat exchanging plate to be arranged between the two panels. 支撑透过光吸收换热板上的孔置于盒体两面板之间。