
美 [pen]英 [pen]
  • n.钢笔;圈;围栏;畜栏
  • v.写;圈起来
  • 网络笔类;画笔;钢笔类

复数:pens 过去式:penned 现在分词:penning

use pen,put pen,get pen,dip pen,wield pen


n. v.

1.笔;钢笔an instrument made of plastic or metal used for writing with ink

2.圈;围栏;畜栏a small piece of land surrounded by a fence in which farm animals are kept


the pen is mightier than the sword

笔诛胜于剑伐people who write books, poems, etc. have a greater effect on history and human affairs than soldiers and wars

put pen to paper

写;动笔to write or start to write sth


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... pen n. 钢笔 pens n. 钢笔(复数) map n. 地图 ...

笔类网站审查 - ... 纸类/ paperclass-154/ 笔类/ pens-153/ 白板/封装/ whiteboard-152/ ...


WPF 针对2D图形提供形状基元(shape primitives),自带笔刷(brushes)、画笔pens)、几何(geometries)与变形(tra…


painter 入门 - 笔刷列表 - 蓝色理想 ... Airbrushes( 喷笔类): Pens钢笔类): Brushes( 毛笔类): ...

percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

...nd, a related procedure, percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS), in which acupuncture needles are used to deli...


《神秘P.I. 肖像神偷》剧情详尽攻略 |... ... 4 Insects 四种昆虫 2 Pens 两支笔 2 Treasure Chests 两个宝箱 ...


图片 Waterflower - 图蛙 ... 时间的手图片 Hands of time 钢笔图片 Pens 象图片 elephant ...

Mike: Don't take it so seriously Steve. It's just a few pens and some paper. The company has heaps left. 迈克:别这么认真史蒂夫,就几根笔和一些纸,公司还有一大堆呢。
I will tell you that this symbol jumps from her pens tip with such speed that it is impossible to follow the method. 我会告诉你,这个符号从她的笔与这样的速度,这是不可能遵循的方法技巧跳跃。
How did you think of the combination of this material of parchment paper and the two pens in the early ? 最早怎么想到用硫酸纸这个材质和这两种笔的结合?
The next time I sat down to write, and regularly afterwards, she sat in her old place, with a spare bundle of pens at her side. 下一次,还有从那以后,每当我坐下来写作的时候,她总是坐在那里,旁边放着一大把准备好的钢笔。
I just a dream and a dream, can a few pens concise and comprehensive. 沧海桑田也不过一梦与一梦之间,大可寥寥几笔言简意赅。
When it was time to leave, she went to her desk, next to Diana's, and took all her books, pens and pencils with her. 到了放学的时候,她收拾完她的桌子,到了戴安娜的旁边,然后拿出了她的书,钢笔和铅笔。
She didn't speak the same language, but it was the least of the obstacles she faced. There was no money for pens. 她与他们说的语言并不相同,但这仅是她遇到的最小困难。
To blame Assange, or to try to drive diplomacy back to the days of fountain pens and carbon paper? 要责怪阿桑奇还是将外交带回钢笔和复写纸的时代?
Bryce yelled, as he slipped through the metal bars of the pens to stand next to his mother. 布莱斯边嚷着边从围栏的金属柱子间穿过,站到母亲身旁。
On this point of taxes the ablest pens and most eloquent tongues have been exercised; the greatest spirits have acted and suffered. 在纳税问题上,人们至今仍在使用最有力的文笔和最雄辩的口才,最能干的人物都参与进去,却都不能加以解决。
And he's probably still carrying his pens with names on them-the ones he used to hand out to his customers , right? 他可能仍然携带着那些有他名字的钢笔——他曾经把这些笔送给顾客,对不对?
I spent thirty yuan to buy six pens which had been used when I saw after got home. 我买了六支钢笔,一共三十块,拿回家一看,都是用过了的。
This sets up to account diagram is I a good friend modified several pens to me of diagram paper, have already become interesting sketch. 这张设计图是我一个好朋友给我修改了几笔的图纸,已经成了有趣的剪影了。
BABS, one of the two nurses, led me to the end of the row of pens. There, in the very end, I saw Sadie sitting in the corner. 她们中一位叫巴布斯的看护把我领到围栏的尽头。在那里,我见到了蹲在角落里的萨蒂。
How much are these pens? 这些笔多少钱?
Use an old toothbrush cup with holes to hold pens, pencils, markers, and scissors (with the points down) handy for your little artist. 使用一个有洞的旧牙刷杯,钢笔,铅笔,记号笔,及剪刀(同分的情况下)为方便您的操作。
Although similar pens have been available for a number of years, their ink tends not to be bendable when dry. 尽管这种类似的钢笔已经有数年的历史,但他们的墨水在干了之后就不能弯曲了。
Mary also wanted picture books and colored pens, her mom bought them for her as well. 玛利亚还想要图画书和彩色笔妈妈也给她买了
The only thing I learned was that she liked to paint, and so I had bought her pens and paper, since all of hers were lost. 我唯一知道的事就是她喜欢画画,但她失去了她所有东西,因此我为她买来了纸和笔。
Now , fifty years later, I don't have either one of those pens . But I wish I could find the man, so that I could apologize to him . 五十年过去了,那两支钢笔都已经不知到哪去了。但我真心希望能够找到那个人,我要向他道歉。
Written information was no longer the domain of monks with quill pens and hand-written books were no longer confined to zealots in churches. 书面信息不再是使用鹅毛笔和手抄书的僧侣们的统治领地,也不再仅限于教会的狂热信徒。
The next man to approach me was selling expensive pens and watches. I examined one of the pens closely. 向我兜售的第二个人是卖名贵钢笔和手表的。
Now that you know that Space Pens are the clear choice for all your writing needs on your next adventure! 现在您就会明白太空笔是您下次冒险时,作为您文字记录工具的明智选择!
As early as 2700 BC Egyptians were converting papyrus into thick forms of paper or parchment ready to receive markings from reed pens. 早在公元前2700年,埃及人便开始把纸莎草纸改进为较厚的纸张或是羊皮纸,以便用芦苇制成的笔记录文字。
The same scenes furnished by these two pens might have been sketched in different hemispheres . 由这两支笔描绘的同一景象就象是在地球不同的两面画出的速写。
I meant to ask my mother to buy some more red pens, but she left before I could talk to her. 我原想让我妈妈给我多买一些红钢笔,但我还来不及和她说话她就离开了。
I am afraid you do not like your pen. Let me mend it for you. I mend pens remarkably well. 我怕你那支笔不大管用了吧。让我来代你修理修理。修笔真是我的拿手好戏。
you can also create customized brushes just as you can create customized pens. well cover that topic shortly. 你也可以像创建自定义画笔一样创建自定义画刷。不久我们将讨论该主题。
He came to the sheep pens along the way; a cave was there, and Saul went in to relieve himself. David and his men were far back in the cave. 到了路旁的羊圈,在那里有洞,扫罗进去大解。大卫和跟随他的人正藏在洞里的深处。
Other pens may be much less expensive, lighter, require less maintenance and would be less sorely missed if lost (if missed at all). 其它的笔可能便宜得多、轻得多、不需要那么多保养,一旦失去也不会那么痛苦地怀念(假如根本就是弄丢了)。