
美 [pɜr]英 [pɜː(r)]
  • prep.每;每一
  • 网络蛋白质功效比值(protein efficiency ratio);由;垂足



1.每;每一used to express the cost or amount of sth for each person, number used, distance travelled, etc.


as per sth

按照;依据following sth that has been decided

as per normal/usual

照常;按惯例;一如既往in the way that is normal or usual; as often happens

21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... speed-reading n. 快速阅读 per prep. ;每一 content n. [复数]目录;内容 ...

蛋白质功效比值(protein efficiency ratio)

蛋白质功效比值(PER)课题设计蛋白质功效比值(PER)课题设计隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 ohxeideci贡献于2010-09-02 贡献者 …


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... speed-reading n. 快速阅读 per prep. 每;每一 content n. [复数]目录;内容 ...

初级词汇表--哭泣 ... passen Es passt (很合适). 合适 per ;乘;用;每 pflegen A 照料;护理 ...


cad快捷键 - 搜搜百科 ... MID= 中点; PER= 垂足; INT= 交足; ...


高二英语词汇表 ... wipe out 消灭;擦洗……的内部;去除 per prep. 每;每一;按照 car-pooling n. <美>合伙用车 ...


英语简单对话 英汉_百度文库 ... mood 心情、情绪 练习四 per 每个 bird 鸟 ...

Because of the stateless nature of IIS and ASP. NET, a method decorated with this attribute might be called more than once per test run. 由于IIS和ASP.NET的无状态特性,用此属性修饰的方法在每个测试运行中可以多次调用。
All that, says Dan Smith, a metals analyst at the bank, could push the price up to $8, 000 per tonne this year. 渣打金属分析师丹·史密斯(DanSmith)表示,这一切可能会推动铜价今年攀上每吨8000美元。
Moreover, there is no reason to balance budgets in a country whose nominal GDP grows at up to 5 per cent a year in normal times. 此外,一个正常情况下名义GDP年增幅不超过5%的国家,没有理由去平衡预算。
You are selling twice as much, making less per product, still not able to keep up with your expenses and showing an annual loss. 您卖的两倍多,使每个产品少,仍无法跟上你的开支和显示一年度亏损。
He's got to be 100 per cent right, because if he comes back too soon and damages the disc he will have to go under the knife again. 他最好等到100%痊愈才复出,因为如果他复出太早,将会伤害到小骨,如果这样他就要再做一次手术。
Even when managers do get away, one-quarter check e-mails and voicemail messages, and 13 per cent call the office at least once a week. 即使经理人真的去度假,其中也有四分之一要查阅电子邮件和语音留言,还有13%的人至少每周要给办公室打一次电话。
And if I calculate kappa to the best of my ability, well, I find that kappa should be K four newton-meters per radian. 如果我尽最大能力,算出K值,我会发现,会很接近4*10,very,close,to,four,times,ten,to,the,minus,4,每弧度牛顿米。
In an economy where income per person used to rise by barely 1% a year, today's growth rates feel like a miracle. 在这个人均收入年上升率仅为1%的经济中,目前的经济增长率已经被视为是奇迹了。
If one of your goals is to write a book, a simple daily habit would be to work on your book for at least one hour per day. 假如你的目标当中有一个是写一本书,那么你为了写这本书就要有一个简单的日常习惯,至少是每天写一个小时。
Large spiral galaxies like the Milky Way seem to have two or three per century. 像银河系那样螺旋状的大星系每世纪似乎会出现两到三个。
CONCEPT TEST: How much money would you spend on FOOD per person each visit? 概念测试:每来一次在吃这方面的人均消费预算是多少钱?
The report says prevention programs can be effective if governments invest at least thirty cents a year per person. 报告指出,如果政府每年能够为每个人投入至少30美分,那么预防计划就能够奏效。
SWFs should not own more than 20 per cent of any company in the US or Europe, without a decision of the host government to go higher. 主权财富基金在欧美任何一家公司的持股比例不得超过20%,除非东道国政府决定提高持股比例上限。
A survey of 200 IT managers found 70 per cent would not report the matter to the police and 40 per cent would not take disciplinary steps. 一项对200名IT经理的调查发现,他们之中有70%不会向警方举报相关问题,有40%不会采取惩罚措施。
China's available water per capita is just a quarter of the world average and the lowest of any large economy, according to the World Bank. 根据世界银行的数据,中国人均占水量仅为世界平均水平的四分之一,更是大型经济体中最低的。
with the lad. The medical team have done some fantastic work, but I'm not prepared to take a risk on a player that's not 100 per cent fit. 对于这个小伙子医疗团队已经做得非常好了,但是我并不准备冒险让一个没有100%恢复的球员上阵。
For starters , such a machine would need to be able to make some 20 million billion calculations per second. 对初学者来说,这样一台电脑需要能够一秒钟大约运算20万亿次。
But no matter how much we maximize crop yield per acre, the limiting factor for food production is land. 但是不管我们如何最大化粮食亩产量,最大的制约因素还是土地。
But what sort of reduction might the Federal Reserve, which controls roughly 80 per cent of AIA's parent, be prepared to take? 但控制着AIA母公司约80%股份的美联储(Fed),会准备接受什么幅度的降价呢?
If per track (the better way), discuss how many recalls and how much time should reasonably be spent for this price. 如果按每首歌(比较好的方式),跟他讨论在这个价位上能混有多少歌,需要多长时间。
The spokesman said the train speed up to 250 kilometers per hour. 这名发言人说,列车行驶速度最高可达每小时250公里。
However, with 70 plus per cent of this gain going to the government, private citizens have not been able to feel much of a wealth effect. 然而,这些收益70%以上都流入了政府腰包,公民个人感受不到太明显的财富效应。
the variation coefficient of the grain weight per plant was the maximal, grain weight and spikelet number of main ear was the next. 变异系数最大的性状也是单株粒重,其次是主穗粒重和主穗小穗数。
Just a rabbi door, Jim per-hakan gessle was rabbi, the daughter of a mock the book write down the words are realistic instantaneous. 刚出拉比家的门,吉姆佩尔又被拉比的女儿戏弄了一通,书上写的话瞬时被现实打倒。
How much time per week do you spend in learning Chinese after class? 您课外每星期花在汉语学习上的时间有多少?
Twenty per cent had been unemployed for a year or more, compared with a fairly static 25 per cent in the UK. 20%的失业者已失业一年或更长时间,而英国的这一比例稳定在25%。
As recently as the early 1990s, India was as rich, in terms of national income per head. 就在20世纪90年代初期,就人均国家收入而言,印度与中国一样富裕。
RBS was forced into a government bail-out a year later, and UK taxpayers still hold an 83 per cent stake in the bank. 一年后,RBS被迫接受了政府纾困,迄今英国纳税人仍持有该银行83%的股权。
If China were to follow the American model in terms of per capita carbon emissions, the world would be damaged beyond repair. 如果中国在人均二氧化碳排放量上向美国看齐的话,世界将遭受难以修补的损害。
Researchers did not say how much liquid was drunk per day. 研究人员没有阐明被调查者每天喝多少液体。