
美 [ˈpɪrɪəd]英 [ˈpɪəriəd]
  • n.时期;阶段;时代;句点
  • int.不用再说了;就是这样;就这么定了;用于强调已经没有讨论的必要
  • adj.当时的;当年的;那个年代的
  • adv.(用于句末,强调不再多说)到此为止
  • 网络周期;句号;期间


same period,long period,early period,short period,initial period
experience period,enjoy period


时间长度length of time

1.一段时间;时期a particular length of time

2.(人生或国家历史的)阶段,时期,时代a length of time in the life of a particular person or in the history of a particular country

3.纪(地质年代,代下分纪,纪下分世)a length of time which is a division of an era . A period is divided into epochs .


4.节;学时;课any of the parts that a day is divided into at a school, college, etc. for study


5.月经;经期;例假the flow of blood each month from the body of a woman who is not pregnant


常用物理英文词汇 - 豆丁网 ... periodicity 周期性 period 周期 periscope 潜望镜 ...


美国英语_百度百科 ... 5. sweets – candy5. 糖 7. Full stop – period7. 句号 9. flat – apartment9. 公寓 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... artist n 艺术家 period n 一段时间;时期 vase n 花瓶, 瓶 ...


期冀_百度百科 ... 期冀〖 expectation〗 期间〖 time;period〗 期刊〖 periodical〗 ...


龙王鲸_百度百科 ... 其它中文名称( chinese[other]) 时代( period) 天敌( natural enemy) ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... artist n 艺术家 period n 一段时间;时期 vase n 花瓶, 瓶 ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... performance 性能 period 句点 peripheral 外围的 ...


北京高一英语单词_百度知道 ... quality n.质量;品质;性质 period n.时期;学时;周期 youth 青年;青年时期 ...

Like the Athenians, the Visigoths also disappeared, but not before they had ushered in the period known as the Dark Ages. 同雅典人一样,西哥特人也消亡了,不过是在他们带来一个被称作黑暗时代的时期之后。
Spring and Autumn period, Zhouzhuang in the territory for the king of the manor shake minority carrier, said the city shake. 春秋战国时期,周庄境内为吴王少子摇的封地,称摇城。
AAM: So it has always been anticipated that there would be Disclosure and then a period for the populace to adjust to it. 麦:所以一直就有计划:会有一个揭露,然后经过一段时间来让公众适应它。
I decided to think of it as a period of training in techniques for dealing with boredom. 我决意把它当作忍受无聊的训练期。
Or to amend rules referred to In the request; In the manner specified In the request; and withIn the period specified In the request. 或在请求所指明的期限内,依照请求所指明的方式,修订请求所指的规则。
It might be possible to create financial incentives for migrants to leave at the end of their contract period. 或许可以通过经济手段来促使那些移民们在合约期满后离开。
In fact, I pleased indeed, as she can out of that period of pain, freed himself to re-start their new life and happy. 其实我该高兴才对,为她能走出过去那段伤痛,把自己解脱出来,重新开始自己崭新的生活而高兴。
Lailai has recently been rebellious as if he has reached to the first rebellious period, now matter what parents say, he never obeys. 莱莱最近很叛逆,不知道是不是到了他的第一叛逆期,大人说什么,他要么听而不闻,要么就和你对着干。
The first formal university courses and curricula also began to be developed during the immediate postwar period. 战后,第一批正规大学课程也开始涌现,并迅速得到发展。
His hands took mine and we were silent. After a long period, I said, "May I ask you another question? " 上帝握着我的手,我们一阵沉默。过了好长一段时间,我说:“我可以再问您一个问题吗?”
Chief executive Justin King said the preliminary results reflected the supermarket's swift response to a challenging period for UK retail. 行政长官贾斯汀国王说,初步结果反映了超市的迅速反应,以一个具有挑战性的时期,英国的零售业。
I would like to know whether the fetal heart rate did not see buds on the swap must be done, and there will be a period of time the case? 我想知道,是否没看到胎心胎芽就一定要做掉,等一段时间会不会就有了呢?
Once a ninja clan show up in one of your boris, it will stay there for a period of time before moving on. 一旦一个忍者家族出现在你的国,在离开之前他们会在那儿待上一会儿。
Imports from China, though, were a minuscule share of expenditures at the beginning of the sample period and an enormous share at the end. 从中国进口商品,虽然在一个很小的份额支出采样周期的开始和一个巨大的份额在最后。
The year-end period is often a tense time for banks as they seek to secure strong financial positions for their accounts. 年底往往是银行感到紧张的时期,他们需要让自己的账目展现出尽可能强劲的财务状况。
The same is true of China's inbound tourism market, as it has stepped into a depressing period and relevant enterprises fall in difficulty. 国际金融危机也对中国入境旅游市场造成严重影响,入境旅游市场进入了明显的萧条期,相关企业运营趋于困难。
Gigantism has been a common feature of land animals since the beginning of the Jurassic period, more than 200 million years ago. 自两亿多年前的侏儸纪之初,体型巨大就是陆生动物的普遍特点。
The length of the storage period, the storage container material of good or not, and liquor store after the quality closely related. 贮藏期的长短、贮藏容器材质的优良与否,与白酒储存后的质量密切相关。
It is always startling to see how relatively small differences in rates add up to very significant sums over a period of years. 让人吃惊的是,相对较小的速度差别,经过多年的积累,逐渐变为巨大的数字差异。
A year is a short period to judge such a movement: Vaclav Havel and his friends were outcasts for two decades after Charter 77's launch. 要为这样一个运动下结论,一年的时间太短了:发表《七七宪章》后,瓦茨拉夫•哈维尔(VaclavHavel)和他的朋友们做了十多年的社会弃儿。
The per-capita growth in gross domestic product for just a four-year period, from 2003 to 2007, was more than 3 percent a year, he said. 他说,仅在2003年至2007年这四年中,人均国内生产总值的年增长都超过了3%。
It was essentially an attempt to explain change in history during the period of revolutionary upheaval around the French revolution. 它本质上是一种解释法国大革命中剧烈变革期间的历史变化的尝试。
The season's end also marks the beginning of a period when penguins re-enter the sea, now laden with heavy oil and soya beans. 换毛季结束后,企鹅将开始在海中捕食,因此海水中的原油和大豆残骸对它们造成了严重的威胁。
Better not to leave mobile phones in car compartment especially when the vehicle is exposed to direct sunlight for a prolonged period. 最好不要将手机放在车厢里,尤其是当这辆车在阳光下直接暴晒较长时间时。
At least, you should be able to understand the basic concept of intergration before the end of this period. 你至少要在这节课结束之前理解一下基本的微积分概念。
CEBS sets out in its guidelines that non- recourse loans, where the loan could be written off after a certain period, are disallowed . 欧洲银行业监管委员在指导方针中指出不允许发行在一定时间后可以取消的无追索权的贷款。
Not even the Depression, nor the long Victorian period of stable prices, induced the bank to go any further. 即使是大萧条时期,更不用说物价长期稳定的维多利亚时期,都没有让银行把利息降到更低。
The last four weeks, however, must have been a sobering period for Premier Wen, and not only because developers began to lose their nerve. 但是,在过去四个星期,温家宝总理一定保持着非常清醒的头脑,不仅是因为房地产开发商开始不知所措了。
But before and during that period there had been a great deal of unhappiness and frustration among better-educated women. 但在此之前和在此期间出现了大量的不满和失望受过良好教育的妇女。
Journalist: Six years? Then what was the reason you decided to stay in this country for a period of time? 记者:六年?当时是什么原因让您觉得您想在这个国家再待一段时间?