
美 [ˈfoʊtəˌɡræf]英 [ˈfəʊtəˌɡrɑːf]
  • v.照相;为…摄影;逼真地描绘;把…深刻在印象中
  • n.照片;逼真的印像
  • 网络拍照;拍下

复数:photographs 现在分词:photographing 过去式:photographed

take photograph,see photograph,give photograph,release photograph,photograph show
aerial photograph,frame photograph



初一年级英语下册单词m1-m12(外研社)_百度文库 ... 获得;拿;抓 Obtain;Get;catch 拍照 photographed 讲;告诉 Speak;tell ...


January 22, 2013 - CNN Student News with... ... opportunity 机会,机遇,凑巧,方便 photographed 拍下 rested 休息 ...

The world's most photographed is not the fall did not get up the courage to post, but never thought to get up. 世界上最可拍的是不是跌倒后没有爬起来的勇气,而是没有想过要爬起来。
Laying each one out in an orderly fashion, the Toronto-based artist photographed the static objects for his "Disassembly Project" . 这位多伦多艺术家将这些静态小部件有序摆放出来并进行拍摄,旨在完成自己名为“分解项目”的作品。
The court also said the couple knew they would be photographed when leaving the Ritz Hotel, where they were staying. 法院透露,戴安娜和她的男友在离开他们住过的利兹饭店时,知道他们要被拍照。
Well as I said, we had a group of photographers that went out on board ships and actually photographed the activities in process. 如我之前所说,我们有一群摄影家登船出海,他们拍摄了拖网捕捞活动过程。
Both cameras should be set perpendicular to the surface being photographed, using a heavy-duty tripod with a dual-head support. 双方相机应设置垂直表面上正对着你想拍摄,使用重型三脚架与双首长的支持。
However, Yang Mi was photographed lips was purple, netizen laugh says : it seemed that she was " through" the poison has not good. 不过,现场杨幂却被拍到嘴唇竟然是紫色,有网友笑称:看来她中了“穿越”的毒一直没好。
And I think you'll enjoy this building, it's never been seen, it's been still photographed, but never photographed by a film crew. 我相信你们会喜欢这个建筑的,它从未被曝光过。它一直以来只出现在照片中,从未有摄像团队对它进行过拍摄。
Once he took us to be photographed with him in some big English photographic studio. 有一次,他带我们到一个很大的英国照相馆里去照相。
"But instead he seems to have photographed yet another different species" of snailfish, among other finds. Priede说,“但在他的发现中,他似乎拍到了另一种不同的狮子鱼。”
The pair haven't been photographed together since Spears apologized to her fans for her excessive partying on her Web site last week. 自从布兰妮上周在网站上对自己花天酒地的行为向粉丝们道歉之后,就没有拍到任何与希尔顿一起的照片了。
The world's most photographed do not get up again after the fall, but did not get up the courage. 世界上最可拍的事不是跌倒后爬不起来,而是没有爬起来的勇气。
He looks very like I once did, and sometimes, when he's being photographed, he sucks in his lip out of shyness, exactly as I used to do. 并且有时候,当别人为他拍照时,他便害羞地舔着嘴唇,跟我原来完全一样。
The athlete is among the most photographed and talked about athletes of the Games so far - and that may not even be for her event. 迄今为止,她是本届奥运会上被人谈论最多的和最被闪光灯关注的几名运动员之一——这可能并不是因为她所参加的比赛项目。
Unfortunatley, yes. This was the only bird that Lin Ben Chu photographed last spring that I failed to see! 很不幸的,是的。这只鸟也是去年春天唯一一只林本初拍到而我没有看到的鸟。
On Thursday, the singer was photographed out in the city covering her baby bump with a black blazer and a flowing scarf. 上周四,这位歌手还在街上被拍到,当时她用一件黑色的外套以及一条宽大的围巾掩盖着自己的大肚子。
Mr. Browne later turned the money over to FBI agents who told him he had most likely been photographed accepting the money. 布朗之后把钱上交给了联邦调查局特工。特工告诉他,他接受钱的画面很可能被拍下来了。
Jason Heller photographed up to 1000 dolphins driving the shoals of sardines towards the surface. 当时,在近1000只海豚的驱赶下,沙丁鱼群被逼上水面。
I began to understand that dance can't be photographed. Or even filmed, for that matter. It's an art that lives in the air. 我开始了解到舞蹈是不能照下来的,甚至是录下来。它是个存在于空气中的艺术。
I'm like. . . "Cut it out! " -So they want to be photographed, but. . . -Oh, 'cause they like the idea of being on TV, you know? 我会说…“不要这样!”-所以他们想被别人拍照,但…-哦,因为他们喜欢上电视,你知道吗?
He immediately took out his mobile phone, photographed in this video - tens of meters high smoke straight into the sky! 他立刻取出手机,拍下了这段视频——数十米高的黑烟,直冲上天!
In December the president allowed himself to be photographed without a shirt on a Hawaiian beach. 去年12月,总统在夏威夷海滩上无上装形象被摄入了镜头。
Just as we were ready to be photographed, the sun went in. 正当我们要拍照时,太阳被云遮住了。
She told me with pride that her husband had photographed her a hundred and thirty-seven times since they had been married. 她得意洋洋地告诉我,自从结婚以来她丈夫已经替他照过一百三十七次相了。
When other satellites photographed the surface of Mars, the pictures of the Cydonia region revealed that the face was just an eroded mesa . 后来其他卫星也对火星表面拍摄了照片,而塞东尼亚地区后来拍摄的照片揭示那张脸只不过是风化了的平顶山。
The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. 孩子们拍完照后,老师在尽力劝说他们每个人都买一张集体合影照片。
He was photographed with a supporter who turned out to be a far-right sympathizer who had spoken at neo-Nazi rallies. 他被拍到与支持者竟然是一个极右的新纳粹集会发言的同情者。
Mr Nachoum photographed this 14ft-long predator from just a few feet away in the waters off the coastal Mexican resort of Guadalupe. 纳科姆在墨西哥度假胜地瓜达卢佩海岸的外面拍下这条14尺长的食肉动物,当时离它只有几英尺的距离。
In this way, objects can be photographed that are hundreds of times too faint to see by just looking through a telescope. 通过这种方法,天体能被照下来,数千倍放大那些发光太微弱而无法被看到天体,仅仅通过望远镜。
To further facilitate the process, result of each of the millions of crystallization experiments are photographed. 为了更加促进这一进程,这全部的数百万次结晶化试验都被用照片记录了下来。
He served 18 years of a death sentence. I photographed him at the scene of the crime at the Snake River in Idaho . 他为此被判死刑,服刑18年我为他在爱达华的蛇河边照了相,这就是案件发生的地方。