pick up

  • v.拾起;探出;重新开始
  • 网络捡起;拿起;学会

第三人称单数:picks up 现在分词:picking up 过去式:picked up

pick uppick up

pick up


初中英语短语大全 ... 13. go for a walk 去散步 59. pick up 捡起,拾起 69. pay for 付款 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 13. go for a walk 去散步 59. pick up 捡起,拾起 69. pay for 付款 ...


UNIT 3: The Present_旺旺英语教学网 ... after all 毕竟;终究 pick up 拿起,捡起 round / around the corner 在附近;即将来临 ...


全新版大学英语第二版综合教程一单词_百度知道 ... emerge 出现 pick up 获得;学会 overstate 把…讲得过分,夸大 ...


全新版大学英语第二版综合教程一单词_百度知道 ... emerge 出现 pick up 获得;学会 overstate 把…讲得过分,夸大 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pick out 选出,挑出 pick up 拣起;(车等)中途搭人 break into pieces (使)成为碎片 ...


电气设备常用基本文字符号 _电气工程 ... 送话器 Microphone 拾音器 Pick up 扬声器 Louds peaker ...


英语好的朋友帮下忙_百度知道 ... take up 取代 pick up 捡起来 quite useless 没用 ...

suppose you were to handle an item like this, couldn't you perhaps pick up vibrations from the person who sharpened the item. . . 假设你要处理这样的一件东西,难道你不能区分磨尖它的人…
The little Red Hen was just coming out of her door to pick up a few sticks for kindling wood. 小红母鸡正从门里出来要拾几根小树枝要给木头引火。
Before you can practice any rhythms , you've got to pick up on a bit of musical notation. It's simple and really helpful. 在你能练习任何的旋律之前,你必须恢复(从新捡起)一些音乐的符号。这是很简单的,也确实是有帮助。
Though there has been a rise in the number of civil-society groups trying to pick up the pieces, progress is marked in baby-steps. 虽然目前试图收拾残局的民间社会团体数量在逐渐增加,但进程却非常缓慢。
Finally, just call the appropriate method to walk through the XML document and pick up parts of it for display, as shown in Listing 7. 最后,调用合适的方法来遍历这个XML文档并挑选出它的某些部分进行显示,如清单7所示。
He had a ragtag band of criminals ready to pick up the slack . 他就让一群乌合之众的犯人来收拾这个烂摊子。
Similarly, a 17-way car, but today's different days of old, previously in that city, and was to make a living out to pick up a part-time. 同样是17路车,只是今日不同昔日,以前在那个城市里,是为了生计而出去接兼职。
You lose your turn if you do not catch the ball, you do not pick up a jack or you drop any jacks from your hand. 如果你没有接住球,或者没有抓到“杰克斯”,或者没有抓紧手中的“杰克斯”而使之掉落下来,就算你输了。
If you turn out you do not get the ball, you do not pick up the Jack or reduce any of you, you jack your hand. 你掉了反过来如果你没有抓住球,你不拿起杰克或减少任何插孔你你你的手。
I had a fiduciary responsibility to my investors and that, more than anything else, prompted me to pick up the phone. 我对基金投资者担负着资金的受托责任,这比任何事情都重要。
Newspapers printed stories that said it was easy to become rich. All you had to do was pick up the gold from the ground. 报纸大量发表有关淘金的故事,这些故事说,到那淘金是很容易致富的,你到了那个地区后,你所有做的一切就是拾起地上的黄金。
I explain that part of the game is for the FT to pick up the bill. He grins. "So there is such a thing as a free lunch. " 我解释说,由英国《金融时报》买单是本次采访的游戏规则之一。他笑起来:“这么说还是有免费午餐的。”
When finishing this catty level, do not be fooled by the cat's tail that appears once you pick up the last treasure. 要完成这一关,要注意不要被拿到最后的宝藏时出现的猫尾巴骗到。
But as they try to pick up the lives that they left behind, they discover it's not going to be as easy as all that. 然而,当他们试着过回原来的生活时,他们却发现并没那么容易。
Thank him for teaching you humility as you pick up the trash. 谢谢它教会了你谦逊。
Competition can be exciting, there is a temptation to feel, or to pick up the phone a few running target shooting to have fun now! 看比赛让人激动人心,有一种跃跃欲试的感觉,还是先拿起手机射几个移动靶来过过瘾吧!
He took my measurements and asked me to pick up the suit on Friday afternoon. 他给我量了尺寸,叫我星期五下午去拿。
Some of them have dropped on the ground, I pick up to have a look, ah, many hearts pine nuts was going to break out. 有的已经掉在地上,我捡起来一看,呀,一颗颗松子正想往外闯。
you wanted him to enjoy these showy phrases a little more, pick up a trick or two from the swaggering brass. 你想让他享受到这些花架子短语多一点,挑选一件伎俩或两名来自招摇过市黄铜。
How: into the group will be able to pick up the paper how much energy we consume? 试问:弯下腰捡起废纸团能消耗我们多少力气呢?
On the same day, the children pick up the brush on a piece of paper describing their dreams and future. 当日,孩子们拿起画笔在纸上描绘着自己的梦想与未来。
My camera and camcorder were unable to pick up the detail of the lights in the sky near as well as the naked eye could. 我的相机和摄像机不能捕捉到在天空中很近肉眼也能看得很清楚光源的细节。
That said, the unit tests of Dojo almost all follow a common structure to make it simple for new module owners to pick up and run with it. Dojo的单元测试几乎都遵循通用的结构以使新模块所有者便于上手和使用。
I can walk into a shop, pick up something expensive, and then walk out with it without handing over any cash. 我可以走进一家商店,选件贵重物品,然后不付现金就离开。
Knocks Ball Past Opponent - Likes to knock the ball past an opponent and attempt to run around him and pick up the ball again. 人球分过-喜欢把球踢过对方球员,然后尝试绕着对方球员跑过去重新接球。
Lorraine: You know, ever since I was little, I've been able to pick up quarters with my toes. 罗兰:知道吗,我小时候就能用脚趾头夹起两毛五。
It shows a lack of respect for the person, and of course your significant other will pick up on the fact that you're no longer listening. 不听表示你对别人不再尊重。你不再认真倾听,你的伴侣是绝对会察觉到的。
To warm up for swimming, swim slowly at first and then pick up the tempo as you're able to. 为游泳热身,那就开始时慢慢游然后提高速度到你能够达到的水平。
Scrounging for work, he called lawyers in the firm's other practice areas, trying to market himself to pick up hours. 律所员工的另一件大事是四处寻找工作,尽全力弥补自己的损失。
and daybreak is not so very far off, and then we may pick up some news of him from early risers as we go along. 天很快就亮了,一路上,咱们还可以向早起的动物打听有关胖胖的消息。