
美 [ˈpɪknɪk]英 ['pɪknɪk]
  • n.野餐;野餐食物
  • v.野餐
  • 网络义工队旅行

复数:picnics 过去式:picnicked 现在分词:picnicking

annual picnic,family picnic
hold picnic


n. v.

1.野餐an occasion when people pack a meal and take it to eat outdoors, especially in the countryside

2.野餐食物the meal, usually consisting of sandwiches , salad and fruit, etc. that you take with you when you go on a picnic


be no picnic

可不容易;不是好玩的to be difficult and cause a lot of problems


BBC Learning English ... Harry Potter World 哈里波特世界 Picnics 野餐 UK Students Abroad 英国学生在海外 ...


地利亚修女纪念学校 ... Results 成果 Picnics 义工队旅行 Objectives 目标 ...

Between our visits, he thought up riddles to ask me, and I baked cookies to take for our backyard picnics. 我去的时候,他会想出一些谜语考我,而我烤一些饼干带去,做为我们在院子里的野餐。
A traditional Christmas dinner is often held in the backyard for BBQ's, picnics in the garden or even on the beach. 一个传统的圣诞大餐通常在后院举行,野餐在花园,甚至在海滩上举行。
John Escolme looks at some of these important stories, and the kind of food people were taking on picnics during Austen's lifetime. JohnEscolme在本期节目中聚焦这些重要的故事,以及探访在奥斯汀的年代,人们野餐时都会准备什么样的饮食。
After years of garden parties and beach picnics GG had passed Mrs. Blouse on to her daughter, Grandma Johnson. 在穿着她参加了多年的花园聚会和海滩野餐后,曾祖母把她传给了她的女儿约翰逊奶奶。
Hundreds of men clean up the litter on the grass after Sunday picnics in the city parks. 数百名工人在市公园里清扫星期日野餐后游人乱丢在草地上的东西。
For years, we had been coming to this park for family picnics and gatherings, and my mother and I often sat in this same spot. 多年来,我们一直在这几年来公园野餐,家庭聚会,我母亲和我常常坐在同样的最近点。
You don't need to be staying somewhere with kitchen facilities. Impromptu picnics on your hotel room floor can be great fun. 你也不必为没有厨房设施感到为难,因为,在旅馆房间的地板上来个即兴的“野炊”也未尝不是件快事。
The mornings were cool and then the days warmed up, not too warm for cycling, but warm enough to have picnics. 早晨凉爽,白天开始变热,对骑车来讲不算太热,但吃野餐则有些热了。
Have picnics with your family and think of creative games or activities that you can do as a family. 和家人去郊外野餐,动脑筋思想富有创造性,适合于一家人共同玩乐的游戏或活动。
July 4 is, of course, a holiday from work, and the occasion for all-day picnics in most communities. 七月四日这天,自然是劳动者的休假日,也是大众全天外出野餐的良机。
The Bento is still used by workers as a packed lunch, by families on day trips, for school picnics and sports days etc. 便当依然被工人们、白天出门的家庭,学校野炊及比赛日期作为一种盒装午饭。
Every summer, the entire Emerson clan gathered by the lake at the estate for holiday picnics that Patty mostly failed to enjoy. 每年夏天,整个埃莫森家族都要聚在庄园的湖边野餐,多数时间帕蒂都不喜欢这些假日野餐。
The orchestra has held several picnics at which families have begun to interact and get to know one another. 乐团也在互动频繁的家庭中举办野餐,藉此更认识彼此。
He has gone golfing, played basketball, enjoyed beach picnics and spent much of Wednesday at the home of a Hawaii high school friend. 总统本人打了高尔夫球、篮球,享受了海滩野餐,还在一位夏威夷高中同窗好友家度过了几乎整个周三。
The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that bother us by coming to our picnics uninvited. 我们在草反复看赛跑的小黑蚂蚁是通过来打扰我们到我们的野餐未被邀请的同样蚂蚁。
but it's just junk. We used to have picnics in its head. 但它只是垃圾而已我们曾在它头上野餐
Don't you think picnics are fine fun, Doctor Mcteague? 你看野餐是不是有趣的娱乐,麦克梯格医生?
And He likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. 和他喜欢听音乐,野餐后与她的父母。
She likes drawing. She likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. 她喜欢画画,她喜欢听音乐,和父母亲出去野炊。
Today, the Holler Park Pavilion hosts picnics and summer camps, a fishing jamboree, Halloween parties, and an Easter Seals talent show. 如今,泰勒公园馆有野餐和夏令营,捞捕大露营,万圣节派对以及复活节海豹表演。
Communities across the country are sponsoring parades and patriotic ceremonies, along with picnics and other recreational activities. 美国各地的社区都将举行游行和爱国庆祝仪式,人们同时还会举办野餐和其它休闲活动。
My family and I enjoy taking day trips to the oceanfront where we play frisbee and volleyball, and have picnics together. 我和家人喜欢白天到海滨,在那儿玩飞碟,打排球,一起野餐。
In the summertime fish picnics and boat trips around the Slovenian coast are offered. 夏季,酒店提供斯洛文尼亚海岸周围的钓鱼野餐和乘船游览活动。
The strawberry still epitomises the British summer, conjuring up images of tennis and outdoor picnics. 在英国,草莓是夏天生活的标志,让人想起网球场和户外野餐等场景。
The great thing about picnics is that it is hard to go wrong - a few salads, some good bread, cheese and some strawberries. 野餐的一大好处在于它不容易出岔子——一点色拉、一些上好的面包、奶酪和几颗草莓。
The fellows were not bricklayers, but, as in the old days, they attended all Sunday picnics for the dancing, and the fighting, and the fun. 有些人并不是砌砖工,但是跟以前一样来参加星期天野餐,来跳舞,打架,寻开心。
I'll bestow nicknames , pretend to like knock-knock jokes and amusement parks, and pack irresponsibly unhealthy picnics to take to the zoo. 我接受昵称,并装作喜欢敲敲打打的玩笑和游乐园,并且会打包不负责任的不健康的野餐去公园吃。
Both picnics and barbecues are friendly, informal social events that offer an opportunity to enjoy a meal outside in pleasant surroundings . 野餐和烧烤餐都是友情洋溢,不拘礼节的社交活动,让大家在户外一个怡神的环境里高高兴兴饱餐一顿。
Cliff paths are good places for walks, picnics and looking at birds and plants, and even as a way to travel from place to place. 悬崖小径对于散步、野餐、观鸟和欣赏植物来说是个好地方。甚至还可以作为由一处到另一处游玩的途径。
Shooting the breeze about one's family may disclose similar shared family hobbies like board or card games or barbecues and picnics. 而闲聊家庭的话题则可显露彼此相似的家居嗜好,如下棋、纸牌游戏、烤肉及野餐等。