
美 [paɪl]英 [paɪl]
  • n.堆;火葬柴堆;杆木;绒毛
  • v.堆积;挤;堆 (up on) 积蓄 堆积;层积
  • 网络堆起;积累;有细毛的

复数:piles 现在分词:piling 过去式:piled

huge pile,junk pile



10道英语选择题,高分答谢... ... A. assembled 集合, 聚集, C. piled 堆起, 堆积, 积累, 6.D,mechanical 呆板的,只有D意思符合 ...


10道英语选择题,高分答谢_百度知道 ... B. accumulated - 堆积;积聚 C. piled - 积累 D. joined - 参加(组织) ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译 英语词汇网 -... ... pile 堆 piled 有细毛的 pileous 多毛的 ...

He laughed when he saw his books piled around the house. He said, "It looks like I've really taken you over here. " 他看见书堆满了房间笑了起来,说,“看来我已经把你这儿占领了。”
Pressure is piled on the Bank of England, which responds with a rapid succession of interest rate cuts, lowering the base rate to just 2%. 英国银行被压力充斥着,据报道银行利率快速衰退,基准利率降至2%
Leith said the scene was piled charred bodies, would be utterly miserable. 利思还说,现场堆放着被烧焦的尸体,简直令人惨不忍睹。
When she stepped out on the fourth floor there was no one at hand, only great aisles of boxes piled to the ceiling. 她在四楼出电梯时,看不到一个人影,只见成堆摞到房顶的盒子,中间留出一条条走道来。
Hu waited and watched, hoping to see the Buddha take one of the bananas piled in front of him. 他等啊看啊,希望看到佛从他面前的香蕉堆里拿起一个来。
To lure him away from the stove, I piled up parsley for him to chop or cheese for him to grate at the other end of the kitchen island. 为了诱他离开炉子,我让他切一堆欧芹或者让他在厨房的另一端把干酪磨碎。
He made each turtle stand on another one's back. And he piled them all up in a nine-turtle stack. 他让乌龟一个站在另一个背上,让九只乌龟堆叠起来。
Foam mattresses are piled against the walls and the children have not seen the light of day since the siege began on February 4. 泡沫床垫靠墙堆放着,2月4日围攻开始以来,孩子们就没见过天日。
Just a bundle of suffixes and prefixes piled up into a little attention-grabbing hummock. 只不过是由后缀和前缀堆成的吸引人眼球的小山。
Road crews near Denver are using artillery shells to blast piled up snow trying to make sure no more cars get trapped by avalanches . 丹佛市附近的道路工人正用炮轰来清除积雪以设法保证不再有车辆被雪崩困住。
Plastic pouches of it were piled up to one side and vitamins sat on his bedside table. 这样的塑料袋(用完后)堆积在一边,维生素类放在床头柜上。
The analyzing result of a piled slab-beam wharf in Zhejiang province verified the practicality of this method. 并以浙江省某梁板式高桩码头为例进行实际应用分析,结果表明这种方法具有实际应用价值。
Pores infarction after row of hair follicles do not get the grease out, piled up to form a small acne, acne is one such attack. 毛孔梗塞以后,毛囊外面的油脂排不进去,越积越多就形成一个个小痘痘,青春痘就是这样发作的。
On piled-up feather-beds sat a woman with a small baby, an old woman, and a good-looking, rosy-cheeked German girl. 一个抱着婴孩的妇人、老太婆和一个两颊绯红、年轻而健康的德国姑娘坐在绒毛褥子上。
Defending those who constructed the weird credit instruments that are piled up on balance sheets is a tough job but I shall take it on. 为那些构造了怪异信贷工具并将之堆积在资产债务表上的家伙进行辩护是一件难事,但我将接受这一挑战。
The performance of small piled up in the boundless in the garbage can continually swept the boring work day and night, never seem to no end. 小瓦力们在无边无际堆积成山的垃圾堆中不断清扫,可日以继夜的乏味工作似乎永远没有尽头。
many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above. 如果要从海底到达海面,非得用许多许多教堂的尖塔一个一个地连接起来不可。
The earth is nothing but dirt and rocks piled up really thick. North, south, east and west: it goes off in every direction. 底无非是堆积起来很厚很厚的泥土和石块,东西南北西四面八方到处都有。
The town grew prosperous on the back of massive reserves of coal, and like the newly rich all over China, its residents piled into property. 鄂尔多斯的繁荣是构筑在丰富的煤炭储量之上的。和中国所有新贵一样,鄂尔多斯居民扎堆涌入地产业。
She saw them all piled up in a room, all the dead dirty words, theirs and hers too, piled up like the naked bodies in the newsreel. 她看到那些该死脏话塞满整个房间,就像新闻片里裸体横与镜头前。
For her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes . 因她的罪恶滔天,她的不义神已经想起来了。
But this is Paltrow, the American actress whose achievements seem to have piled up in reverse proportion to the goodwill she inspires. 但这是温妮丝帕特洛,美国女演员,其成就似乎已经堆放在反向比例达激发她的善意。
"Can't stand to be in the city myself. Breaks me out in a sweat. People piled on top of each other like Japanese beetles on a cherry leaf. " “我可受不了呆在城市里。会让我浑身冒大汗。人挤人、人摞人的,像樱桃树叶上的日本丽金龟。”
I could go on and on about this, but my 4-year-old wants me to help him build a fort with the boxes piled up in our new living room. 我可以一直这么地写下去,但是我那四岁的孩子要我帮他用那些新起居室里的盒子建城堡了!
As you travel around the area, you may see trucks piled high with mushrooms, for this is the mushroom capital of the United States. 当你在这个地方旅行的时候,你可能会看到堆满蘑菇的卡车,因为这里是美国的蘑菇都市。
By the time the end of the year arrived, losses piled up on my pad and my job security was at the mercy of a select few I barely knew. 到年底时,自己组合上的亏损堆积起来,饭碗能否保住,完全要看那几个我几乎一无所知的人做出的决定。
This cat ate a mice which had ate malted barley that piled up in the Jack's building. 这就是那只吃了耗子的猫,那只耗子吃了堆放在杰克盖得房子里的麦芽。
As we waited, a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo, in contravention of a court ban on logging. 等待时,一辆满载竹子的大货车驶出了保护区,而当地法院早就禁止在保护区内砍伐树木。
Without looking at him she piled a tray with food and marched into the front room. 她看也不看他一眼,便用托盘托了一盆饭菜,走到前面房间里去。
It had piled up so much during the last two weeks that I was sure to have a hard time. 过去的两周里面我积累了太多的作业我肯定我会有一段非常艰难的时间。