
美 [paɪl]英 [paɪl]
  • n.痔;痔疮
  • v.堆积;堆 (up on) 积蓄 堆积;层积;【军】叉(枪)
  • 网络桩;一大堆;治疗痔疮

复数:piles 现在分词:piling 过去式:piled

huge pile,junk pile




护士用的日常单词 英语_百度知道 ... dysentery 痢疾 piles 痔疮 clean up the wound 清洗伤口 ...

在线英语词典,英文翻译,科技词典,专业词典,在... ... 桩;桩柱: pile piles 转租权益;分租权益: subleasehold interest ...


25的一大堆(Piles)会不会等下给二度操控呵 呵 增补实质(12-12-26 17:21):


痔疮,通常被称为“堆积(piles)”,在医学著作中被定义为:由于直肠及肛门的各部分组织之间的互相压迫,而使该部分的血管呈 …


... 4. Joint pains: 关节痛 5. Piles: 治疗痔疮 21. Meningitis: 脑膜炎 ...

He looked up at the piles of towering cumulus, and he examined the nails of his right hand, but he could not look at me. 他抬起头,望着天空中高耸厚重的积云,又检查了下右手指甲,但就是不能看着我。
As a newly used material, steel thin-walled sonic-testing tubes used for the cast-in-situ piles have not a unified form of connecting. 混凝土灌注桩用钢薄壁声测管是一种较新的声测管材,其连接方法目前没有统一的形式。
But the question no one seems to ask is, if pigs are no longer there to munch away at them, where will Cairo's giant piles of leftovers go? 但还有一个似乎每人提的问题是,假如那些猪不再那儿咀嚼剩余的垃圾,那么开罗成堆的剩余垃圾何去何从呢?
DOWN the dark alleyways of Cairo, behind the smart hotels, far from the tourists' bustle, piles of rubbish fester. 在开罗昏暗的小巷上,在光鲜的宾馆之后和远离于游客的喧嚣,成堆的垃圾污水横流。
Then he carefully counted out the French fries, divided them in two piles and placed one pile in front of his wife. 随后,他仔仔细细地数了数炸土豆条,将它们分成两堆,并将其中一堆放在妻子面前。
After the detailed analysis, for the long pile, the pile should take the appropriate diameter to give full play of the length of piles. 通过分析研究认为,对于超长桩应取适当的桩径才能充分发挥桩长的作用;
Adrian McKinnon sent his wife to see her sister while he inspected the piles left behind. 第凡尼麦金农派妻子到她妹妹家去。他查看那留下的一堆堆垃圾。
It piles high on top with a long fall in the back and a couple of long curls at the side. It's very elegant. 头发梳得高高的,后面拖着一束长发,两鬓留两束卷发,样式很高雅。
When I was about to leave with disappointment, I caught sight of a piece of oilcloth among piles of old stuff. 我失望地往外走,突然在旧物品当中,发现了一块油布。
AT the far end of the lake, they came to huge piles of rubble which had been washed up by the wATer. 在湖的尽头,他们见到一大堆一大堆由湖水冲刷上岸的碎石
Now, Venice, as you know, has a tempestuous relationship with the sea, and is built upon wooden piles. 众所周知,威尼斯和海洋有着密切的关系,而且它建造在木桩上。
"Novel" is the ultimate goal, it needs to be divided into front in different stages of the target, like the same step by step pyramid piles. “小说”是最终的目标,那么前面就需要划分各个不同阶段的目标,就像金字塔一样一步一步堆起来的。
Standing in the next room, in the middle of what looked like piles of concrete spaghetti, I began to feel overpowered. 站在下一个房间里,在这一大堆看起来就像水泥做的意大利细面条中间,我真有点受不了了。
A foreign diplomat who had come to say good-by noticed among the air-borne generals great piles of household furniture including one piano. 有一位前往送行的外国外交官看到,登上飞机的将军们还随带大批家具,其中竟有一架钢琴。
Result, crudely the cell piles up to go up in corneous layer gradually, make the cell causes the vicious circle of skin male dry once more. 结果,未成熟的细胞逐渐堆积在角质层上,使细胞再度引起肌肤乾燥的恶性循环。
The working characteristics of a pile group containing raked piles are analyzed with a simplified model by means of finite element method. 采用有限元方法,通过简化算例分析了带斜桩的群桩基础的工作特点。
For the dynamic behaviour of piles, a beam-column element was used for considering the axial force-dependency as well as the volume effect. 对于桩的动力本构行为,则采用了可以考虑体积效应和轴向力影响的梁—柱单元来模拟。
He wants someday to be able to rifle through mail as quickly as his wife and "round file" the piles of junk mail that comes across his desk. 他希望有一天能够像妻子一样,快速浏览邮件,“独自处理”办公桌上成堆的垃圾邮件。
Or in the trees, crooked trees, rocks, fishing near the bridge piles, which is often a gathering place to fish. 或在树旁、歪树下、石、桥桩附近垂钓,这些常是鱼儿集聚的地方。
Battelle Laboratories and I joined up in Bellingham, Washington, there were four piles saturated with diesel and other petroleum waste. 巴特尔实验室和我一起在华盛顿贝灵汉,我们有四堆用柴油和其它石油废液浸透的绒布。
He always piles on the agony when he has a slight cold and makes it sound as if he's going to die! 他患轻微感冒的时候总是夸大病情,听起来好像他要死了似的!
At the place where people had been crushed, security personnel were collecting piles of shoes to put into a waiting van. 在人们曾经被压碎的地方,保安人员收集鞋子,堆放到一辆等待的货车中。
In the study of piles jacking in soil, cavity expansion method (CEM) in infinite space is usually used to simulate the expansion of piles. 在静压桩贯入问题的研究中,常用无限土体中圆孔扩张法来模拟桩端对土体的扩张。
Whatever their size, the huge piles of SWF money ready to be deployed across borders make some financiers edgy. 不论规模到底多大,这些随时准备跨境投资的主权财富基金都让金融家们寝食难安。
Not at all. The open source spirit may result in great software, but being a Great Satan of software results in great piles of money. 一点都不,开源精神可能会创造伟大的软件,但是成为软件界的大恶魔会带来大量的财富。
I've usually divided the masses of paperwork into piles ready to tackle them in priority order. 我常把这些混乱的文书工作按照解决的优先顺序整理好。
You know you have arrived in Barbra country when all along the roadside; you see piles of empty beer bottles and cans. 要知道,当你漫步在巴尔拜的街道,随处可见都是些空酒瓶罐。
The metal piles up in warehouses in Shanghai, where inventory rose to record levels in the opening months of the year. 大量的铜堆积在上海的仓库中,今年头几个月,上海仓库的铜库存增至创纪录的水平。
The next day we walked through entire neighborhoods of Tibetan-style houses that had collapsed into piles of mud bricks and wooden poles. 第二天我们走遍藏式房屋已经坍塌成泥砖和木柱堆的附近地区。
Sheet pile walls are often used in tight places. Sheet pile walls are often made of wood or sheet piles driven into the earth. 板桩墙往往用在土体比较紧密的地方。板桩墙通常将木材、板桩深入土体。