
美 [pɪntʃ]英 [pɪntʃ]
  • v.捏;掐;拧;捏住
  • n.捏;掐;拧;一撮
  • 网络挤压;收缩;掐掉

第三人称单数:pinches 现在分词:pinching 过去式:pinched

feel pinch


v. n.

用拇指和手指with thumb and finger

1.[t]~ sb/sth/yourself拧;捏;掐to take a piece of sb's skin between your thumb and first finger and squeeze hard, especially to hurt the person

2.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)捏住;夹紧to hold sth tightly between the thumb and finger or between two things that are pressed together

鞋of a shoe

3.[i][t]~ (sb/sth)夹(脚);夹痛if sth such as a shoepinches part of your body, it hurts you because it is too tight


4.[t](informal)~ sth (from sb/sth)偷摸;行窃to steal sth, especially sth small and not very valuable

昂贵cost too much

5.[t]~ sb/sth使花费过多;使入不敷出to cost a person or an organization a lot of money or more than they can spend


6.[t](informal)~ sb逮捕to arrest sb


pinch pennies

一毛不拔;吝啬to try to spend as little money as possible

淡淡的英文单词怎么写?-外语-天涯问答 ... pert a. 不客气的 pinch v. 拧, prig n. 自命不凡者 ...


PS快捷键_百度百科 ... Ocean Ripple-( 海洋波纹) Pinch-( 挤压) Polar Coordinates-( 极坐标) ...

淡淡的英文单词怎么写?-外语-天涯问答 ... pert a. 不客气的 pinch v. ,捏 prig n. 自命不凡者 ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Physique 体格 Pinch 收缩 Pine 松树 ...

雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... pin n. 大头针; pinch vt. 捏,拧,,夹痛,紧压; pine vi. 消瘦,衰弱; ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... pin n. 针,饰针 n.别住 pinch vt. 捏,拧,掐掉 pine n. 松树,松木 ...

UC词汇记忆笔记---2009.2.16_清新_新浪博客 ... What will I benefit from it? 我能获得什么? pinch 捏,掐,,拧 cute 可爱的 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... pillow 枕头 pinch 捏,掐;夹痛n.捏,掐;微量 pint 品脱 ...

I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a little bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with your perfume. 我只放了一小撮这个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水。
Well, you could. But then how would you know that you didn't just dream the pinch itself and then transition into a different dream? 当然你可以这样做.可是,转念一想,这一掐会不会也是个梦境,接下来的一切不过是另一个梦境?
This pair of glasses seems to pinch a bit. 这副眼镜似乎太紧了一点。
"Now this will be a fine soup" , said the second soldier; "but a pinch of salt and some parsley would make it wonderful! " “这将是一锅好汤”第二个士兵说;“不过如果有一撮盐和一些欧芹那就更棒啦!”
Normally it means to be "in a pinch" or "to get into a scrape" , but when it is applied to the economy, it becomes "financial crisis" . 但是,当应用到经济领域时,它变成了“金融危机”。
Users place a wad or pinch of the tobacco against their lip or cheek, then suck on it, a habit known as "dipping" . 吸食的人在嘴唇或面颊上放上一小块或一小撮,然后在上面舔吸,这种食用习惯被称作“浸食”。
His punishments of Caliban are petty and vindictive, as he calls upon his spirits to pinch Caliban when he curses. 他的丑陋处罚是琐碎的和有报仇心的,如同当他诅咒的时候,他在他的精神之后呼叫掐丑陋一样。
I hate measuring, and I say things like: a pinch of salt, a handful of flour, some of this and a splosh of that. 我讨厌测量食物,而且我常常这样说:一小撮盐,一把面粉,一些这个和一些那个。
Can be used after inflating, easy to carry. Inflated and deflated when the valve just pinch flat, a dedicated anti-backflow device gas. 充气后即可使用,便于携带。充、放气时仅需捏扁气门嘴,专设气体防倒流装置。
Terry Butcher said: "If I was an American I'd wind Rooney up. I'd stand on his toes, pinch him, belt him if I could. " 足坛名宿特里·布切说:“如果我是美国人,我肯定会想方设法激怒鲁尼,只要有可能就踩他脚趾,掐他,撞他。”
When he had said it , he took a culminating pinch of Snuff , and put his box in his pocket. 说完他嗅了最后一撮鼻烟,然后把鼻烟盒塞进了口袋。
While you could feel a pinch, this only prompts you to take charge of your practical affairs. 你觉得手头很紧,但这会促使你对手边的实际事务负责。
If you enter their offices they are unlikely to ask for a bribe or to pinch your bum. 如果你走进他们的办公室,他们不大可能索取贿赂,也不会捏你的屁股。
With Italy under strain, along with Spain, European corporate bonds began to feel the pinch Monday, along with stocks across the continent. 在意大利和西班牙一道承受压力之际,欧洲公司债券、以及欧陆各国的股市周一开始感受疼痛。
She put the little things on the ground. Strange to say, this mud pinch the small guy, just a contact with the ground, live on. 她把这个小东西放到地面上。说也奇怪,这个泥捏的小家伙,刚一接触地面,就活。
finally , there was an overall 13 % pinch strength difference between the dominant and non dominant hands for the total sample. 整体而言,惯用手与非惯用手的捏力值表现,约有13%的差异。
It seemed, he said, as he took a pinch of snuff, that I hadn't read the third chapter of the book of Genesis with sufficient attention. 看起来,他吸了一口鼻烟,说道,我没有足够的专注地阅读过《创世纪》的第三章。
In minor slumps with a maximum thickness of a couple of tens of centimetres, pinch-outs occur over a distance of only a couple of meters. 最大厚度为几十厘米的小滑塌,在仅仅几米的距离上就发生尖灭。
But a visit to the province of Shanxi, in the heart of China's coal belt, reveals why such plans should be taken with a pinch of salt. 但是到中国产煤带的中心省份山西去访问一下,你就知道为什么不应该完全相信这类计划了。
She took a pinch of salt with her right hand, rubbed a trickle into the pan, and beat her hands clean like a pair of cymbals. 她用右手捏了一把盐,搓着手指,盐成细流漏进锅内,然后把手拍干净,像拍打铜钹似的。
Yes, if I don't get that apartment cleaned before my parents come to visit, I am going to be in a real pinch. 你要在你爸妈来以前打扫干净你的公寓,否则啊你也只好让他们看到你那肮脏恶心的家了。
From the sun-drenched Spanish costas, to the wind-lashed Breton coast, Brits who have moved abroad are undoubtedly feeling the pinch. 从阳光四溢的西班牙海岸到风多的不列颠海岸,已经移居国外的英国人无疑都感受到的节约开支的必要性。
With average pay only rising by 1. 2% a year at the moment, we are certainly going to feel the pinch. 随着价格平均每年1.2%的增长,我们当然能够切身感受到荷包变瘪的疼痛。
When first training a horse to pick up his feet, you might have to pinch harder. 如果是第一次训练马提起蹄子的话,你可能要更加用力的去捏。
But in a pinch, it's good to know how things stack up in the aisles of your local grocery store. 但是必要时,最好是知道堆放在当地杂货铺走廊里的那些东西是什么。
But a pinch here and a dash there can quickly add up to unhealthy levels of sodium. 然而,这里一小撮,那里一小把会让你体内的钠快速升高,对身体不利。
Pinch of sea saltWaterGrind cashews into a fine powder using a blender or food processor. 用一撮海盐水兑腰果后,使用搅拌器或者食物加工器将之研磨成细粉。
As a first-time book author, I have had a few "pinch myself" exciting moments since the book was released. 这是我写的第一本书,书出版后,我的确产生了那种要“压一压自己”的兴奋如幻的片刻。
You can even see a street view of a particular address. 1 And you can double-tap or pinch to zoom in and out on a map. 你甚至可以看到一个特定的地址街道查看一个。1你可以双击自来水或捏来放大地图,并就一个。
"When sales went down even further, they'd pinch even more. It was just a slippery slope they couldn't recover from. " “货越是卖不掉,他们就越抠每一个子儿。这就是个恶性循环,他们没法活转回来了。”