
美 [pɪŋ]英 [pɪŋ]
  • n.
  • v.(使)乒乓作响;发爆声;敲缸
  • 网络平;Partimage Is Not Ghost;发送回显信息

复数:pings 现在分词:pinging 过去式:pinged



n. v.

如何根据中文名起英文名_百度文库 ... 皮- -Pee - -Ping 濮阳--Poo- yang Q ...

英语翻译教程 ... dingdong── 丁冬(声),叮当(声) ping── giggle── 咯咯(地笑) ...

石油英语词汇(P3)_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... ping pong 双磁带操作 ping ping-pong buffering 兵乓缓冲器 ...

Partimage Is Not Ghost

[磁盘工具] PING(Partimage Is Not Ghost) 3.01 热门 [Android] Ping/DNS查询工具Ping & DNS v1.8.6热门 [网络辅助] PingInfoVi…


cisco路由器能不能用命令关机?_百度知道 ... no? 关闭调试功能 ping? 发送回显信息 reload? 停机并执行冷启动 ...

校园网4_百度文库 ... (ping ),网段间测试 (ping 不通); 5. 配置边界路由器,其 ...


汽车各部分、零件结构名称_百度知道 ... 机油泵( Oil Pump) 爆声( Ping) 活塞( Piston) ...


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(P) ... Ping An Insurance Company of China 平安保险公司 ping 脉冲信号 ping 声脉冲 ...

Christine : You know what? I think you take ping-pong a little too seriously. 克莉丝汀:你知道吗?我想你把兵乓球看得太严重了点。
Ping An and its competitors are only allowed to invest up to 5 per cent of their total assets in overseas portfolio investments at present. 目前,平安保险及其竞争对手仅获准将总资产的5%投资于海外投资组合。
The economy is rough locally and nationally; everyone seems to be bounced around like a ping-pong ball. 经济困境弥漫地区和全国,每个人像乒乓球前后颠跳不定。
As it was last month, the determining vote may be Ping An Insurance Co. , the biggest shareholder in Fortis NV, with 5% of the company. 与上个月的情况一样,决定性的投票或许来自中国平安保险(PingAnInsuranceCo.)。该公司持有富通5%股份,是其最大的股东。
Push a ping-pong table against a wall and play ping-pong with the wall, try to keep the ball off the ground. 把乒乓球桌一端顶着墙壁,站在另一端与墙对打,球不要落地。
Lin Ping said he thought you and I would hit it off, so I decided to give you a call. 林平认为你和我应该认识一下,所以我就给你打了个电话。
A burst shaking attacks on my soul, it may have seen such a pair of eyes, Ping Ping eyes. 一阵震撼袭击着我的心灵,似曾见过这样的一对眼睛,萍萍的眼睛。
Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. 王平闪了一下电脑屏幕上的开关,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像魔术般地从地面升了起来。
The Ping home page makes it easy to see recent activity and popular songs from the people you follow. 萍主页就可以很容易地看到最近的活动和流行歌曲的人你跟随。
Once on shore, although I always sweat ping-pong, but the mind is exceptionally clear, and the heart has a strong sense of satisfaction. 打完乒乓的我虽然总是汗流浃背,可是头脑却格外的清醒,而且心里有一股强烈的满足感。
However, Li Xianming at Ping An Securities in Shenzhen said the first-day close had been lower than seemed likely a few weeks ago. 然而,平安证券(PingAnSecurities)驻深圳的李先明表示,中铁首日收盘价低于几周之前可能达到的水平。
One example of how much things have changed is Ping An Insurance (Group) Co. of China. 中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司(PingAnInsurance(Group)Co。ofChina)就是事态变化的一个例证。
You want me to play? You know I have no problem beating old people. Back where I come from, they call me Ping Pong Dre, all right? 你想要我玩?你知道我打败老人家没问题,我们那里的人都叫我乒乓德雷。
Just a pity that this has to rush to go in a hurry, according to the itinerary, this time to xing ping only go there a magical Lianhua Dong. 只是可惜,这次来也匆匆、去也匆匆,按行程计划,这次到兴坪就只有去那神奇的莲花洞了。
That was the most brilliant ping-pong matches I've ever seen. Thanks so much to you and your friend. He must be a ping-pong fan. 我从没看过这么精彩的乒乓球比赛。真要谢谢你和你的那位朋友。他一定是个球迷。
Now, of course, it is way harder to see that the ping-pong ball gets twice the speed of the billiard ball, because we don't do. . . 当然,更难看出的是,乒乓获得了两倍的速度,是台球速度的二倍,因为我们并没有做。
I do not see but a easy-to-follow mind may live as contentedly there: that onlys got as cheering thoughts: like a ping_ design. 我只看到,一个从容的人,在哪里也像在皇宫中一样,生活得满意满意而富饶愉快的思想。
This example reports whether or not the server can be pinged, by determining whether the Ping method returned True. 此示例确定Ping方法是否返回了True,由此来报告是否能够ping至该服务器。
I said: I would like you to help me take care of a person who was reading text messages, bless that person Ping'an Forever happiness. 我说:我想请你帮我照顾一个正在看短信的人,保佑那人永远平安幸福。
Pingpong, an ordinary small ping- pong ball, but occurs on its body the matter may many, be possible not to be simple. . . 乒乓球,一个普普通通的小银球,但是在它身上发生的事儿可不少、可不简单…
Wu Ping, in center wearing red, has refused to sell her property to a developer, and has been blocked from her home for two years. 吴萍,中央着红色衣服的,拒绝将自己的产业卖给开发商,因此不能回家两年。
Indicates that the worker process did not respond to a ping from the Internet Information Services (IIS) process. 指示辅助进程没有响应来自Internet信息服务(IIS)进程的Ping。
The U. S. women's volleyball team was coached by a former Chinese player, Jenny Lang Ping, when it defeated China a few days ago. 当美国女子排球队几天前击败中国队时,指导他们的正是昔日中国队的队员郎平。
If Earth was the size of a basketball, all of its water would fit into a ping pong ball. 如果地球是一个篮球大小,就可以所有的水可以注进一个乒乓球。
Ping told her story, often through tears that clouded her thick spectacles, with her daughter, now three, eating a sandwich on her knee. 刘平在讲述的时候,眼泪打湿了厚厚的眼镜,她3岁的女儿坐在她的腿上吃三明治。
Wang Ping's mother appeared, flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. 王平的母亲出现了,电脑屏幕上的开关闪了一下,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像魔术般地从地面升了起来。
ping [nick]: Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no user specified) has. 询问用户发了多长时间呆(若未指定用户则代表服务器)。
Wang Ping: Around the early 14th century, grounder began to prevail among the common people in Germany. 王平:大约14世纪初德国民间就开始流行地滚球了。
"It's OK at the moment, " he said, sitting in his basement den, which is decked out with a Ping-Pong table and wide-screen TV. “目前一切没问题,”他坐在家中地下室的休闲房里说,这里配备了乒乓球桌和大屏幕电视。
Realizing from the newly-bought TV set that ping-pong ball is "national ball" , the kids decided to return the ball to the state. 后来从电视里他们知道了乒乓球是国球,于是孩子们决定出走将乒乓球去“还给国家”。