
  • abbr.(=Pakistan International Airlines)巴基斯坦国际航空公司
  • 网络聚乳酸(Poly lactic acid);中国人民解放军(People's Liberation Army);聚乳酸纤维



聚乳酸(Poly lactic acid)

聚乳酸类高 分子材料包括聚乳酸PLA)和聚乳酸-聚羟基乙酸嵌段共聚 物(PLGA),应用这些材料包被生物大分子药物较传 …

中国人民解放军(People's Liberation Army)

对于中国人民解放军(PLA)而言,施琅号服役将只是万里长征的第一步。伦敦政治风险咨询公司Exclusive Analysis研究中国海军 …


而另一种聚乳酸纤维PLA),也是一种新的聚合物,从玉米淀粉发酵而成乳酸为原料,经聚合反应制成聚乳酸溶液经纺丝加工 …

可编程逻辑阵列(Programmable Logic Array)

可编程逻辑阵列(PLA),它也由一个"与"平面和一个"或"平面构成,但是这两个平面的连接关系是可编程的. PLA器件既有现场可 …

'As Huawei has stated in the past, the company is 100% employee-owned and has no ties with any government, nor with the PLA, ' he said. 他说,正如华为过去所说,公司是100%的员工持股,与任何政府都没有关联,和解放军也没有关联。
If we understand what the great PLA military buildup is all about. . . we see that its about other nations. 如果我们理解中国组建强大的军力是为了什么,我们认为是为了其他的国家。
The new rules are laid out in revised PLA Internal Administration Regulations and went into effect on June 15, the report said. 据报道,新规定发布于修订后的中国人民解放军内部管理制度并于6月15日起实行。
Up until this point the entire situation was almost jovial: there was no sign of danger whatsoever (unless you were a PLA soldier). 这时为止,整个形势几乎是明朗的:那儿没有危险信号,无论什麽,除非你是一名中国士兵。
Under ultrasound, the glass transition temperature of PLA fiber and a crystals has no change. And crystallinity of this fiber rises. 超声波作用下的聚乳酸纤维,其玻璃化转变温度T_g变化不大,结晶度增大,α晶型没有变化。
He said the PLA had sought to portray itself as transparent and a responsible partner, rebuilding military-to-military links with the US. 他称解放军正试图以透明化示人,并将自己展现为负责任的伙伴,与美国重建军事联系。
By adding hydrophilic PVP, biocompatibility of the amphiphilic copolymers is improved as compared with that of PLA. 共聚物中引入亲水性PVP链段后,与单一的PLA材料相比较,生物相容性得到改善。
As I saw a powerful other couple hooking up in the pla powerfultes, I phoned my male friend to tell him someone found our secret spot. 我注意到有另一对情侣藏在灌木丛中亲热。于是我打电话给我男友,想要告诉他说有人找到了属于我们的秘密幽会地点。
At that time, the common ideal of the children of my age was to join the PLA when grown up and become a glorious fighter. 大约当年我与许多同龄人所共有的人生理想,是长大后做一名光荣的解放军战士,所以赶场时最能吸引我的莫过于汽枪打耙。
Chinese spokesmen usually do not acknowledge any sources of extra-budgetary income that add to the amount of money available to the PLA. 中国的发言人通常不会承认可供解放军利用的任何预算外进项的来源。
PLA is used for clinical application as one of the first degradable and absorbable materials. It has some years history in application. 聚乳酸作为第一批可吸收降解材料用于临床,至今已有多年的应用历史。
The PLA scholars said the threats to China come from more than sophisticated intelligence operations on the Internet. 人民解放军学者称网络战对中国的威胁不仅仅是因为互联网先进的智能操作。
OBJECTIVE: To conduct the surface modification of PLA and improve its hydrophilicity with low temperature plasma treatment. 目的:利用低温等离子技术对聚乳酸进行表面改性,改善其亲水性。
Sources in Kashgar said a "massive number" of Chinese PLA forces entered that city as well, and that students were ordered to remain inside. 来自喀什的消息称“大量”的中国人民解放军部队也进入了这个城市,学生被命令不准外出。
The last conflict that the PLA fought was back in 1979 and that was a bloody lesson from the Vietnamese. 中国人民解放军打的最后一仗还是在1979年,那是越南人留给中国的一次血的教训。
The training and operational experience of PLA recruits also lag far behind that of US counterparts. 中国人民解放军新服役潜艇的训练和行动经验也远逊于美国。
Our PLA men have pushed the enemy to the wall and fought a splendid battle . 我们解放军战士迫使敌人屈服,打了一场漂亮的仗。
At the gate stood a PLA man with a gun in his hands. 门口站着一位解放军战士,手里握着枪。
Since last two years armed police and PLA personnel had been providing security to my residence in Naya Bazaar. 过去两年来,武装警察和人民解放军为我在纳亚巴扎的住所提供安全保卫工作。
The PLA pairs these calls with the assurance that China would not seek hegemony and its military strategy remained defensive. 同时,中国人民解放军还表示,中国不会寻求霸权,以及不会改变防御性的军事战略。
The PLA said it was a "misunderstanding, " and a day later agreed to allow the ships in. 一天后同意船只进港,但是,小鹰号已经驶离。
A spokesperson for the leading PLA producer maintained that reduction should not be viewed as the sole strategy for sustainable packaging. 发言人领先的解放军生产者坚持认为,减少不应被看作是唯一的战略为可持续包装。
The PLA's J-20 prototype is an important development in terms of grand strategy, as well as technological strategy, and basic technology. 解放军的歼20原型机是国家战略、科技战略和基础技术方面的重大进步。
The new mission of the PLA navy is to protect our national interests in coastal areas and the high seas, not to engage in an arms race. 中国人民解放军海军的新职责是保护我们在沿海地区和公海的国家利益,而不是投入军备竞赛。
As it turned out, they were throwing stones and abuse at PLA soldiers who were blockading the passage to a monastery. 随之证实,他们在丢掷石块,虐待中国士兵,这部分士兵封锁了去往僧院的通道。
At the moment PLA is usually made in two stages. 制造聚乳酸纤维通常有两个阶段。
In peacetime, Shichang is mainly used for the training of both PLA Navy and merchant ship crews. 在和平时期,“世昌”号主要用于PLA海军和商船组员的训练。
After a minute or two, everyone rushed the PLA blockade and burst through. 一两分钟之后,每一个人开始冲击士兵的封锁,并且冲破过去。
Under the PLA plan, the manpower potential of any one province was ticketed for the army initially formed within its boundaries. 在解放军的做法下,任何一个省的人力潜力是军队最初在这个区域内组建的雏形。
A quiet morning stroll down Beijing Street turned into running away with a crowd of Tibetans as an empty PLA convoy pulled through. 随著一个空虚的中国军队警护被一帮西藏人冲过,一个在北京街宁静的清晨消失了。