
美 [pleɪn]英 [pleɪn]
  • adj.清楚的;明显的;浅白的;坦诚的
  • v.发牢骚;叹惜;哀悼;痛哭
  • adv.绝对地
  • n.平原
  • 网络普通的;平纹;朴素的

比较级:plainer 最高级:plainest 复数:plains

plain language,plain truth,plain fact,eastern plain,plain food


1.清楚的;明显的;浅白的easy to see or understand

2.坦诚的;直率的;直接的not trying to trick anyone; honest and direct

3.不尚修饰的;朴素的;简单的not decorated or complicated; simple

4.素的;无花纹的;单色的without marks or a pattern on it

5.[obn]极普通的;平庸的;平凡的used to emphasize that sth is very ordinary, not special in any way


be plain sailing

顺利;一帆风顺to be simple and free from trouble

in plain English

用平白的言语(或文字)simply and clearly expressed, without using technical language

(as) plain as a pikestaff|(as) plain as day|(as) plain as the nose on your face

一清二楚;一目了然;显而易见very obvious


托福词汇_百度文库 ... topography 地形,地形学 plain 平原 lowland 低地 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... major a. 较大的;主要的 plain a. 家常的;普通的 chart vt. 制…的海(或地)图 ...


常用纺织英文集锦 ... direct dyeing 直接染色 plain 平纹 twill 斜纹 ...


专四单词_百度文库 ... resistance 反抗 Plain 朴素的 admiral 海军上将 ...


英语专业四级词汇表(全)_百度文库 ... place n. 地方,地点;住所 plain n. 平原 a.清楚的 plan n.&vt. 计划,打算 ...


GRE词汇精选(核心词汇) ... plagiarize 剽窃,抄袭 plain 简单的;清楚的;n.平原 plaintiff 原告 ...


英语中考必会1600词 - 豆丁网 ... pioneer* 先锋 plain* 清楚的;明白的 planet* 行星 ...

Clean Syntax You can create easy to read classes with Eiffel's simple, unambiguous plain-English syntax. 清洁语法您可以创建易于阅读课与艾菲尔简单,明确的纯英语语法。
After picking up the placards, gradually uniformed and plain-clothes police force, one of whom was a woman, showed up. 在拿起抗议标语之后,制服和便衣警察渐渐的出现,他们其中一位是女性。
Brent liked India but he thought her mighty plain and tame , and he simply could not fall in love with her himself to keep Stuart company. 布伦特也喜欢英迪亚,可是觉得她太平淡也太过分柔顺,他看书简直无法对她产生爱情,因此在这一点上就无法与斯图尔特作伴了。
Anyways , to the point. . . To say that Kobe does not deserve the MVP award is just misinformed, biased, and plain wrong. 不管怎样,往点子上说吧…说科比不配得MVP是错误的,有偏见的,绝对的不正确。
Catherine was lying in the narrow bed wearing a plain, square-cut night-gown that looked as though it were made of rough sheeting. 卡萨玲躺在一张窄床上,穿着一件方领的、朴素的睡衣,好象是粗布被单改成的。
definitely have no brokenhearted of pain and sufferings. The truth is very plain, compare to the poor Han will not drop purse similar. 决无失恋的痛苦。道理很浅显,好比穷汉不会掉钱包一样。
She was a plain, elderly woman, dressed in a comprehensive waterproof mantle; she had a face with a good deal of rather violent point. 这是一个平常的老妇人,身子裹在斗篷式的雨衣里,相貌显得相当威严。
BATA reaffirms its opposition to plain packaging of tobacco products and believes any such proposals do not hold up to close scrutiny. 英美烟草重申反对烟草产品素包,认为任何这样的提议都经不起仔细推敲。
On another occasion, however, she said that "the duty of a judge is to follow the law, not to question its plain terms. " 然而她在另一个场合曾说“法官的职责是遵循法律,而非质疑其简明的措辞。”
Once waves have been generated, gravity is the force that drives them in a continual attempt to restore the ocean surface to a flat plain. 一旦波浪形成,地球引力是持续不断企图使海面复原为平面的力量。
As well as the normal supplies of salted meat, cheese, plain biscuits and beer, he took live sheep, pigs and chickens. 除了咸肉、干酪、普通饼干和啤酒等通常的供应品外,他还带了活羊、活猪和活鸡。
Of course, I did, and all the way home he blessed me out and wouldn't let me ex plain and said he was going to tell Aunt Pitty. 当我上了车,他便一路上没完没了地骂我,也不让我解释一句,还说他要去告诉皮蒂姑妈。
One scoop of ice cream on a plain biscuit cone would be a very rare and adequate reward for me if I did well for my examination when young. 儿时考试成绩优越,普通的一个圆锥饼干上加一勺冰淇淋,对我而言就已经是难得不过的丰厚奖赏了。
That's Oscar. He's been here so long, he's plain lost his mind. Legend has it he gave his wife a moustache wax during the holidays. 那是奥斯卡。他在这里很长时间了,他只是发疯了。传说他在节日里给他妻子一盒胡须蜡。
He sat in front of him, dressed in a plain, ill-fitting suit, never moving, his dusty face masking. 他坐在他的前面,穿着一套朴素的,不合身的衣服,一动不动,他粘满灰尘的脸掩盖了他的年龄。
The Web server content may be in the form of any of the many available MIME types: HTML, plain text, images formats, PDF files, and more. Web服务器内容的格式可以是诸多MIME类型中的一种:HTML、纯文本、图像格式、PDF文件等。
Plain time, plain story, but I do not know how much this rainy night should the lonely purple flash in your dreams. 时光,平淡的故事,只是不知这雨夜又该有多少紫色的落寞闪现于你的梦中。
After all, Life is usual, or even trifling , not very alike a poem and a picture, sometimes, it seems to be the plain essays one by one. 生活毕竟是平常甚或是琐碎的,没有那么多的诗情画意,有时候倒觉得像一篇篇朴素的随笔。
He isn't much to look at: a blue jay-size fellow with plain, olive-drab feathers and a single streak of orange on his head. 他相貌平平:个头跟蓝松鸦差不多,深绿褐色的羽毛,头上有橙色的条纹。
Although it was a very plain winter vocation, yet my spirit has been sated, at least which adds some insights in my own life. 寒假虽然过得很平淡,但精神已经得到了满足,起码在自己的生活中增添了一些感悟。
Aside from transforming plain old human skin into stem cells, the placenta and amniotic fluid seem to have an abundance of these cells. 除了改变普通人类皮肤成干细胞,胎盘和羊水似乎有大量的这种细胞。
It was a plain dirt way, and overhead the branches of trees intermingled, while a round moon hung low in the sky as if to keep me company. 是一条泥土路,两旁都是树,枝桠在上空相接,低而圆的月亮仿佛在陪伴我走。
One of the most obvious examples of this hides in plain sight, and is a fundamental part of every Apple product. 关于这一点,最明显的例子之一显而易见,而且是每一款苹果产品的重要部分。
Experience the plain and full life through the comprehension of him and his works. 透过对他以及他的作品的了解,可以感受到质朴又饱满的生命张力。
With SAFS, scripts can be coded in plain language, which makes this framework easy to implement and maintain. 有了SAFS,就能用简明语言来书写代码,这使得框架更容易执行和维护。
After jumped over a mountain, a immense plain emerged, as if all of the hills had retreated back and the train had slowed down a lot. 过了一个山头,突然间呈现了一个大平原,山一下子都退到了远处,一时间觉得列车慢了许多。
Xiao Li is plain the spitting image of his father, who behaves just like a lamb in front of his wife. 小李真象他的爸爸,在老婆面前象条虫似的。
But it is also plain to see that the simple equation of quantity with quality, of more with better, is false in general. 但若认为数量就是质量、多就是比少好也是够扯淡的。
I could have drawn a bunch of balloons floating around in the air, but that would have been too plain, like the level of "Xiao Yan Zi" . 如果画成一组气球在天上飘来飘去,看上去会很俗气,那是“还珠格格”的水平。
"Next, you dip a toothpick into the lemon juice, like this, " I said. "And you write a secret message on plain white paper. " “接着,用一根牙签沾上柠檬汁,像这样,”我说,“然后在白纸上写下一条秘密的消息。”