
美 [pleɪ]英 [pleɪ]
  • v.玩;扮演;发挥;奏
  • n.玩耍;玩弄;比赛;戏剧
  • 网络出战;播放;开演

第三人称单数:plays 现在分词:playing 过去式:played

play role,play football,play game,play piano,play basketball
serious play,interesting play
play beautifully,play together,well play




新概念英语第二册72课课后习题详细答案_百度文库 ... a. did( 做), b. played( ), a. length( 长度)因为是名词,不能用在 ...


但是这个词对复合文档来说太特定了,因为诸如视频对象(video objects)之类的特定对象,更适合于被播放(played)而不是被编 …


狮门电影公司_百度百科 ... 30. 牛头怪物 Minotaur 31. 开演 Played 34. 剥皮行者 Skinwalkers ...


2008年职称英语考... ... ) showed( 被出示, 被指示,被展出) ) played被播放, 被演奏,被进行...比赛) of one’s own/ 某 …


魔兽世界_百度知道 ... /who 寻找玩家 /played 检视角色上线时间 /help 列出常用指令帮助 ...


电影《音乐之声》... ... Nicholas Hammond 尼古拉斯•哈蒙德 Played:Friedrich 饰演角色:弗里德里希哈 Heather Menzies 希瑟• …

Mr. Romney said U. S. leaders have been 'played like a fiddle' by Chinese leaders, something he said he would stop as president. 罗姆尼说,美国领导人被中国领导人玩得团团转。他说如果他当选总统,他将制止这种行为。
When this story broke, it was played as though there were just a few fake gold bars floating around out there. Not so, it seems. 当这个故事发生,它扮到好像那只是几条假金条浮在那里,但它看来并非如此。
When Marion (who played Piaf in an Oscar winning biopic) came on board I thought about taking it out but I liked the idea of the connection. 当马里昂(谁扮演一个奥斯卡获奖传记片皮亚芙)船上来我想过了,但我服用,喜欢连接的想法。
It's fair to say I took part and played a few games but I would like to have played in more games to really feel I deserved a medal. 说我参与了并且为阿贾克斯踢了一些比赛是公正的,但是我更希望通过打更多的比赛来让我觉得这块奖牌是我应得的。
Oh, I forgot to tell you. After I talked to you today my neighbour called me and played my messages to me over the phone. 哦,我忘了告诉你今天和你电话后,我邻居给我打电话然后给我听留言。
however , it is also effective as both a solo instrument and ensemble instrument , and is often played in the accompaniment of song. 洞箫使用的范围很广,除独奏外,在合奏和歌唱伴奏中也经常使用。其音色幽静柔和,适宜演奏抒情的乐曲。
As long as you have a press her chubby little fingers, she would tell stories, I played her a good name to hear lam lam. 只要你一摁她胖乎乎的小手指,她就会讲故事,我给她起了个很好听的名字叫兰兰。
We played some good stuff and the manager is happy with us winning but Im sure he would like to see us killing teams off better than we are. 我们踢得挺好,主教练对我们的胜利也很满意,但我相信他会更乐意看到我们屠了对手…
I had now resorted to pacing the floor of the office. I nervously played with strands of my hair and tried to think of something I could do. 我现在只能在办公室的地板来回踱步,我紧张地摆弄着自己的发丝,并努力去想我能做些什么。
The quality of family relationships are often dealing with the hearts of the children played a very important role. 家庭关系处理的好坏往往在孩子心中起了非常重要的作用。
We're disappointing with the result, disappointed to be going away with nothing but really pleased with how we played. 我们非常失望这样的结果,非常失望做客空手而归,但是非常满意我们踢得方式。
The TV series "My Own Swordsman" gained many fans after it had been played repeatedly on television. 电视剧《武林外传》在电视台反复重播后赢得了很多剧迷。
I missed the game, but from what I've seen from scoreboard and TV, this was one of the most beautiful games the Rockets played this season. 我错过了比赛,但从记分板和电视上我所看到的是:这是火箭本赛季最漂亮的比赛之一。
What please me most was that he made our favorite dishes and played ball with us. 最使我高兴的是,他做我们最爱的菜肴,还和我们一起打球。
I haven't played as much, what with Van Persie coming back from injury, but for me, it's been a settling in period. 我没能打很多的比赛,因为范佩西走出了伤病阴影。但对于我自己来说,又是一段需要重新适应的过程。
I had to do a scene with another girl, really tough, who played a shop clerk. I was supposed to be trying to return something. 我得和另一个女孩对一场戏,她很强悍,饰演店员,我是要去退一样东西。
Understand that I've played videogames my entire life starting with Atari & Nintendo right up till just a few months ago. 要知道,我从雅达利和任天堂远祖时代玩到几个月前。
As he played the first stroke, they all began to quiver and shake: the judge, the clerks, and the court officials. 因为他播放第一个冲程,他们全都开始颤抖和震动:法官、干事和法厅行政人员。
So in the young played several times after the fire, spring and the teenager lying on a few pieces seem to be clean carton sheet. 于是在那个少年连续打了几次火后,山泉方和这个少年躺在了几片看起来还算干净的纸箱片上。
Once it was entered, the text could be edited and played back, causing a new copy to be typed out on the attached typewriter. 将其插入盒子后,文本将会被编辑和回放,可在与之相连接的打印机上打印出副本。
He knew it would probably be the last time he would play for us. He tuned up the old mandolin and played a few notes. 他知道这可能是他最后一次为我们弹奏了,他为老曼陀林调弦,弹了几个音。
It's been a long long time since Rino Gattuso played a game with Milan as he's dealing with eye problems at the moment. 里诺因为眼睛的疑难杂症已经很久没有为米兰踢比赛了。
This extraordinary transformation was the result of a complex set of policies, with exchange rates having played only a minor role. 这种非同寻常的转变,是一系列复杂的政策组合的结果,汇率只在其中扮演了很小的角色。
frog, like the love, played on the heart of hill and made variety beauties. 雾,象爱情一样,在山峰的心上游戏,生出种种美丽的变幻
And say, We have played the flute to you, and you did not dance; we have sung a dirge, and you did not mourn. 我们向你们吹笛,你们不跳舞;我们哀歌,你们不捶胸。
Whether you place the blame on him for Shaq's departure from the Lakers or not, he played a major role in a bad situation. 不管你们是否把鲨鱼离开洛杉矶的结果怪罪于科比,他的确是在那情况下扮演了主要的角色。
"That's a nice dinosaur, " she said as she played in the fossil pit at the end of the trail. “那只恐龙很和善,”她一边在路径终点处的化石坑里玩,一边说道。
The rules of the game have been rewritten dramatically over this past fortnight but the game, at least, is still being played in some form. 过去两周来,游戏规则已被大幅重写。但是,游戏本身至少还以某种形式继续进行着。
Things have been a bit up and down with the national team because I've not played too much football for my club. 国家队比较起伏,因为我在俱乐部打的比赛不多。
But before we ask why he played the martyr, let's accept Coulson's claim that he did not know what was happening on his watch. 但是在问为什么他要做殉道者前,我们得先接受他自称对眼皮下发生的事情毫不知情的事实。