
美 [plaʊ]
  • v.耕;犁;开(沟);【木工】挖沟(槽)
  • n.犁;〈美〉同“plough”;耕作;耕地

复数:plows 现在分词:plowing 过去式:plowed

field plow,plow furrow


本王子是要将乱世佳人背下来的男人 ... O’Hara’s newly( 新近;重新) plowed, 耕地 ) cotton fields( 田地;领域) ...


本王子是要将乱世佳人背下来的男人 ... O’Hara’s newly( 新近;重新) plowed( 犁, 耕地 ) cotton fields( 田地;领域) ...

For the first time I got a closer look of how the fields are plowed, and so I got to talk to a local farmer. 我第一次清楚地看到了这些田是怎么耕的,并和当地一个农民聊了起来。
It was capable of safely carrying up to four people and a basket of eggs across a plowed field. 它在穿过犁过的田野时能安全地最多承载四个人和一篮子鸡蛋。
Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said he expected to have 'all the streets' in the city plowed by 7 a. m. Thursday. 纽约市卫生局局长约翰-多尔蒂(JohnDoherty)称,他希望全城所有街道的雪能在12月39日清晨7点之前全部清扫完毕。
And what is stronger than a lion? and he said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye had not found out my riddle. 有什么比狮子还强呢?参孙对他们说:你们若非用我的母牛犊耕地,就猜不出我谜语的意思来。
A farm implement consisting of a heavy frame with sharp teeth or upright disks, used to break up and even off plowed ground. 耙一种由一个沉重的框架和尖齿或垂直向上的耙片构成的用于打碎并摊平犁过的泥土的农具
They only went two blocks north to find that the SUV had come to a full stop because it had plowed into a newspaper stand. 向北追了两个街区后,他们发现那辆SUV停下来了,因为它撞上了一个报摊。
God could have plowed the fields supernaturally, but He chose instead to use the ordinary means of man to do so. 上帝当然可以用超自然的方法耕地,但是祂选择用人这个一般的方式来耕作。
Turkish Airlines jet plowed into a muddy field near Amsterdam 's main airport as it tried to land. 一架土耳其航空公司客机在试图降落时扎进了阿姆斯特丹主要机场附近的田地。
The sun had baked the plowed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. 那太阳烤炙着这耕作过的田地,使它变成为一片灰色的有许多裂缝的荒土。
In September, a speeding train plowed into two buses at a busy crossing in Dhaka, killing at least seven people and injuring dozens. 9月份时,一列快速行驶的火车在达卡一处繁忙的十字路口与两辆巴士相撞,令至少七人死亡,数十人受伤。
If it was too large, it plowed through unimpeded and continued in orbit about the sun. 如果太大,它便能轻松地穿越阻碍并持续绕行太阳。
Then, on his back, with his tail lashing and his jaws clicking, the shark plowed over the water as a speedboat does. 它这时肚皮朝上,尾巴扑打着,两颚嘎吱作响,像一条快艇般划破水面。
I beg you to recognize human life draped in a form and guise alien to ours, but springing from a soil plowed and sown by all our hands. 我请求你们承认这样一种生命,它的样子和装束虽然跟我们不同,却是在我们大家亲自耕种的土地上生长的。
He stood it as long as he could; then, with head lowered and arms flailing, he plowed through the crowd. 他竭力地忍耐着。后来,他低下头,挥舞双臂,挤过人群。
With the issuance of a few decrees from Beijing, domestic investors who plowed their own savings into mining lost billions. 由于北京颁布的几项政令,将自己积攒的钱投入采矿业的国内投资者损失了数十亿美元。
He stood it as long as he could; then, with head lowered and arms flailing, he plowed through the crowed. 他尽力站了很久,然后,他低着头挥动着双手挤进了人群。
The derelict farm would be plowed one last time, then sown with disappearing and all but unknown prairie seeds, and left to be. 废弃的农场将最后一次接受翻犁,然后被撒上行将绝迹的、几乎叫不上名字的草原种子,随后就听之任之了。
When it exploded, it plowed into the cooler gases that had already been expelled, creating the brightest light show ever from a supernova. 爆炸的时候,碰撞到了先前喷发出温度已经是较低的气体,从而才发出迄今从超级新星发出最为明亮的光芒。
Argyle Street, a side road, was 'plowed for the first time around lunchtime' Wednesday, she said. 阿盖尔街因为不是主干道,一直到29日中午才第一次有扫雪机来清扫。
Within the next weeks the mustard would grow in profusion, then be plowed under to fertilize . 再过几个星期,芥菜就要长得密密麻麻的,然后就一起翻到地里作为肥料。
plowed ground unfolds wavy, so late planting, field management should be matched with it. 耕作过的地面呈波浪形,后期播种、田间管理要与此相配套。
The fields at Agincourt were thick with mud, having recently been plowed for winter wheat and soaked in a heavy October shower. 当时的战场是阿金库尔的农田。刚为冬种翻犁过,又经过十月豪雨浸泡,农田里满是泥泞。
More than a dozen people were seriously injured when this Amtrak train plowed into the back of a freight train. 十多余人因火车撞到一货运火车尾部而严重受伤。
Every time I hear or read about QE, my association is with the Queen Elizabeth oceanliner, which plowed the Atlantic in majestic splendor. 每次我听到QE这个词,我便联想到宏伟壮丽的伊丽莎白女皇游轮,在大西洋中破浪前行。
After it plowed into the surface, more than 250 thousand tons of water burst into space. 在探测器冲入彗星表面后,有25万吨以上的水爆炸到太空中。
By law, the university's share of the royalties must be plowed back into its research and educational activities. 能过法律,大学可分享版税后再重新投入教研经费的投资。
They looked out across the endless acres of Gerald O'Hara's newly plowed cotton fields toward the red horizon. 他们都朝远方望去,越过奥哈拉家无边无际的新翻耕的棉花地,直到红红的地平线上。
A truck knocked into motion by a couple of rambunctious pets plowed through a cyclone fence . 最佳翻译一辆卡车被两只快乐的宠物狗发动并颠颠簸簸地穿过一排防风栅栏。
The same thing happened in the middle of a plowed field, halfway across a suspension bridge, and at the top of a multilevel parking garage. 同样的情形还发生在一片农田的中央,或者一架吊桥的中间和一座高楼的顶层停车场。
This thinking also aimed to guarantee that profits would be plowed back into those big unpredictable trends. 这个想法的目的是保证在无法预测的大趋势时投入利润。