
美 [plʌndʒ]英 [plʌndʒ]
  • n.猛冲;赌博;断然手段;困难
  • v.使投入;扔进;浸入;使陷入
  • 网络下跌;暴跌;狂跌

第三人称单数:plunges 现在分词:plunging 过去式:plunged

take plunge,plunge country,follow plunge
stock plunge



精听-AP Money Minute - 昂立口译 -... ... 8. reeling( 股价,房价 下跌) 9. plunged下跌) 12. top executives( 高层) ...


HELLO...........: Catching A Tyre ... splash: 溅 plunged: 暴跌 groped: 摸索 ...


... adj. This is the spot where the two trucks collided. 这儿就是两辆卡车相撞的地点。 plunged 使投入, 跳入, 栽进 ...


plunge是什么意思|plunge的中文意思... ... 1. plunged: 狂跌 2. plunged into: 投入 ...


...是这样描述的:“用一个有限的力(<100N)将螺柱插入(plunged)熔池”,而且插入的速度还有严格的限制。事实上,将螺柱插入 …

Or to a wood to the water from a height shuffled around Soushi around yellow-dog from a height of rock plunged back into the title of wood. 或把一段木头从高处向水中抛去,嗾使身边黄狗自岩石高处跃下,把木头衔回来。
Given that Treasury yields have since plunged back down to 2. 5% or so, how much further can they fall? 国债收益率自1980年以来已跌回至2.5%左右,接下来还会再跌多少呢?
It was the cook who was leaning forward now over the figure in the bed. His arm swung up and a long knife plunged down. 是那个厨师,他正在靠近床上的那个“人”。他手臂一挥,一把长长的刀子插了下去!
If they do not meet over the next 10 days Chelsea will be plunged back into a hectic fixture programme with no time for discussions. 假如在未来10天俩人不能会面的话,切尔西会将进入一个魔鬼阶段,穆帅将没有时间去会面。
but before she could broach the subject Martin plunged into the one with which he was full. 但是不等她谈到本题,马丁已经谈开了他自己的题目,他满肚子就是他那题目。
Gold plunged to its lowest level since the beginning of August; it then rebounded, only to fall again. 黄金价格跌入八月份开始以来最低水平,随后开始上升,并再次下跌。
There seems to have been as little reason in the foreign policy that now plunged Europe into a fresh cycle of wars. 在当时的对外政策中似乎并没有一点理由使欧洲陷入新的一轮战争。
Without stopping to think of his own safety, he plunged down to save the drowning boy. 他顾不上考虑自身安全,潜入水中去救落水儿童。
Luxury has always been a cyclical industry, but in the past decade it has soared and plunged like a well-dressed bungee-jumper. 奢侈品行业从来都是一个周期性行业,但是在过去的十年里它的飙升和大跌的表现就像一个全副武装的蹦极选手一样。
EVER since Greece plunged into a sovereign-debt crisis in 2009, investors have focused on which European country might be next. 自从希腊于2009年陷入政治债务危机以来,投资者们等着看会是哪个欧洲国家随后遭殃。
Cogia Hassan pulled out his purse to give her a present, but while he was putting his hand into it, she plunged her dagger into his heart. 柯加‧哈珊掏出钱包要赏她礼物,但就在他伸手进去时,玛琪安娜把匕首刺入他的心脏。
They had reappeared for an instant before his eyes, and had then plunged back again into the immense depths of Paris. 她在他眼前重现了片刻,随即又隐没在巴黎的汪洋大海中了。
The two great ruffians sprang up, and, grasping the long pincers, plunged them into the heart of the fire. 这两个高大凶狠的汉子跳起来,抓住那两把大铁钳,塞进了火堆中心。
And that elevated the risk of the world being plunged into a nuclear war that none of the nuclear-armed states intended. 而增加这样的风险:把全世界拖入一场没有核武国想要的核战争。
So he took three javelins in his hand and plunged them into Absalom's heart while Absalom was still alive in the oak tree. 约押手拿三杆短枪、趁押沙龙在橡树上还活著、就刺透他的心。
This promising young lad then plunged into a life of petty crime and was one of the founding members of the Shawpee street gang. 然后,这个有前途的小男孩儿过起了小偷小摸的生活,成为肖皮街头匪帮的创始成员之一。
"Japan has been plunged into sadness, " he said, often gesturing with his hands to emphasize his points. “整个日本都沉浸在悲伤中”丰田章男不断配合肢体语言来加强他的观点。
During the programme, one recruit was secretly filmed yelling "Paki" as he plunged his bayonet into a target dummy. 在调查中,一个新兵在把刺刀插入目标假人时大叫“巴基斯坦佬”时被偷拍了下来。
Half stunned, but already beginning to struggle and make swimming motions, she plunged on an angle toward the bottom. 她呈半昏迷状态,但已经开始挣扎着做滑水的动作,向水里的角度潜去。
It was as though they had been plunged into a fabulous dream. 他们仿佛进入了一个神话般的梦境。
Temperatures plunged towards 10C across most parts of China. In face of such a severe winter weather, we need to be prepared. 中国大部地区气温一下降到了只有10度,面临这样的严酷的气候,我们得做好准备。
It has nonetheless come as a shock to many Americans to find themselves plunged so abruptly into a new war in an Arab country. 但是,许多美国人对迅速投入到对一个阿拉伯国家的战争中感到吃惊。
The stock market plunged Thursday in a harrowing five-minute selloff that appeared to be triggered by a breakdown of trading systems. 周四看起来由交易系统故障引发的为时五分钟的痛苦抛售中,美国股市暴跌。
But does that insult to existence, that flat denial in which it is plunged come from the fact that it has no meaning? 但是,这对存在的侮辱,一股脑的完全否定,真的是因为生命没有意义吗?
The papers he had retired to read did not tell him much in fact; but they plunged him into an atmosphere in which he choked and spluttered. 他回来后阅读的那些文件实际上并没有告诉他多少情况,却使他陷入一种窒息和气急败坏的心清。
Having learned the cause of his grief, Mercury plunged into the stream and brought up a golden axe, inquiring if he had lost it. 经了解了他悲痛的原因,Mercury陷入流,带来了一个黄金斧头,问他是否已经失去了它。
China and India have continued to grow, but in the rest of emerging Asia GDP plunged by an annualised 15% in the fourth quarter of 2008. 中国和印度依然保持持续增长,但是其它亚洲新兴经济体在2008年第四季度年化GDP暴跌15%。
This same intellect might have been plunged in despair at the ordinary character of all that met the eye in the case of the perfumery girl. 在香水女郎这件案子里,碰来碰去都是普通寻常的情况,这个聪明人对这一点也难免灰心绝望。
He left behind him an immense city plunged into darkness, where the only lights were the reflections of his headlamps. 他驶出伦敦市,这个大都市一下就陷入一片黑暗之中,只有他的车的前灯反射出光亮。
We may descend in spirit very low till we seem to be plunged in the abyss of hell; but we shall not be left there. 我们的灵或许会下沈,似乎就要到阴间地狱,但我们不会被留在那儿。