
美 [poʊˈetɪk]英 [pəʊˈetɪk]
  • adj.诗歌的;诗的;像诗一般的;富有诗意的
  • n.同“poetics. -ically”
  • 网络诗人的

poetic language


1.[obn]诗歌的;诗的connected with poetry; being poetry

2.像诗一般的;富有诗意的like or suggesting poetry, especially because it shows imagination and deep feeling


英语词汇的奥秘 ... organic 器官的 poetic 诗的 Icelandic 冰岛的 ...


托福阅读分类词汇精选_新东方网 ... rumor 传闻,谣言 poetic 诗意的,诗的 narrative 叙事的 ...


新标准大学英语 网上作业答案2_作业答案 ... (visual 视觉的) (poetic 有诗意的) (complimentary 表示称赞的) ...


特洛伊电影精讲 - 豆丁网 ... glorious 光荣的, 显赫的 59. poetic 诗歌的 60. poem 诗, 象诗一样 61. ...


英译汉①_爱问知识人 ... consciousness 感觉,知觉;觉悟;意识 poetic 诗(人)的;富有诗意的 reverie 幻想;白日梦;沉思 ...


gre考试句子填空常... ... renowned a. 有名的,有声誉的 poetic a. 诗的,诗意的,诗人的,理想化的 inherently adv. 天生地; 本质上 ...

Good Norwegian architects excel at building harmonic structures in difficult terrain and the end result is often poetic. 优秀的挪威建筑师擅长在不同的地形上建造与之和谐的建筑–最终的结果往往富有诗意。
The long poem "The Opening of Chaos" , the masterpiece of Peng Yanjiao s poetic exploration, has a special place in all his works. 长诗《混沌初开》在彭燕郊的创作中具有特殊意义,是其探索诗歌艺术的集大成之作。
One of the outstanding characteristics of Feng Zhi s poetic art is his unique meditation on life in the content of his poems. 冯至诗歌艺术个性最突出的特征,在表现内容上是以对生命的独特沉思入诗。
As a result, by the beginning of the 20th century the outlines of a distinctly new poetic tradition were clear to see. 其结果是,由20世纪初的轮廓明显的新的诗歌传统是明确地看到。
moreover, so insistent was the spur within me that to stop my poetic adventure was a matter of sheer impossibility. 而且,我内心抒发情感的激情如此迫切,若要阻止我写作诗歌的冒险的历程简直是不可能的事情。
The Nobel Committee said the imaginative force and poetic voice of her writing gave life to an important part of American reality. 诺贝尔委员会说,富有想象力的力量和声音给了她写作的诗意生活美国现实的一个重要组成部分。
Its poetic movement and precise sharpening was inspired by an old pencil sharpener passed down from a designers' great-great-grandfather. 它那诗意一般优美而又准确的削笔动作是在一个老式卷笔刀的启发下设计出来的,那把老爷刀是一位设计师的高祖父流传下来的。
Wishing you the next day, write a poetic life story, a full seven colors out of the way the sun. 愿你在以后的日子里,写出一部充满诗情画意的人生故事,走出一条充满七色阳光的路。
Xie lingyun had a great achievement in his poetic language innovation and was hailed as an apotheosis. 谢灵运在诗歌语言的创新上成就巨大,颇具典范意义。
By the end of the late Song and the early Yuan Dynasties, the poetic concept of "Genre of Late Tang" is a trinity with three implications. 至宋末元初,“晚唐体”这个诗学概念形成了一体三义。一体即特指晚唐至宋末一些具有隐逸情调的精雕苦吟之诗;
The house was full of that poetic atmosphere of dullness and silence, which always accompanies the presence of an engaged couple. 未婚夫妇在场的时候,这里常常充满着富有诗意的苦闷和沉寂的气氛。
To summarize its historic achievement is the very classification and sort of poetic heritage from the foundation of New China. 总结它的历史成绩,也是对中国新时期以来诗歌遗产的基本梳理。
Not quite as poetic as some of the other herbs, but as you can see it is very red even after it is dried and ready to use. 虽然不像其他草药般富有诗意,但在干燥后和使用时都能看到这种草药很红。
Such a keen grasp of poetic essentials and new recognition of the nature of human being are helping him find out a basic point of life. 这种对诗歌精神的敏锐捕捉和对人的生存本质的新认识,使他的诗歌创作找到了生命支点。
The story is entertaining and poetic from beginning to end . I give it a five- star rating . 这个故事从头至尾都引人入胜,富有诗意。我给它打五星。
He thought the best of music was in single strains; and he found poetic suggestion in the humming of the telegraph-wire. 他认为最好的音乐都是单一的,从风中鸣唱的电线那里他都能找到诗意的启示。
It does strike me as amusing and ironic that the key to saving my hide was the fact of my certain death . Life is so poetic at times . 拯救我的防护的关键,竟是我的死亡,我的确觉得这很有趣,也很讽刺。生活有时真是如诗一般啊。
The first quarrel between a young couple is the beginning of a new stage, in which poetic love is transformed into practical life. 第一次发生的小小争执是年轻夫妇相互关系中新纪元的开端,由恋爱的诗篇过渡为生活的散文。
Leonard heard about this place I was living, with crooked floors and a poetic view of the river, and he came to visit me many times. 莱纳德听说我待的这个地方,有着弯曲的地板和富有诗意的河景,所以他来看望过我很多次。
This is no doubt that life is rough, nervous, hurried, how can there be a very calm with calm ah, how about poetic life? 这样得生活无疑是粗糙的,紧张的,匆忙的,哪有一份淡定跟从容啊,又何谈诗意的生活呢?
It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. 它被一个名叫斯图尔特•布兰德的人在离这里不远的门罗公园创办。他用他的诗一般的接触让这本杂志有了生命。
In some critics read the relevant, the author no doubt that this is a romantic met, what kind of poetic reunion. 在看了相关的一些影评,作者无疑都说这是一场浪漫的邂逅,诗意的相逢什么的。
And even in his most slap-dash performances, there are signs of a poetic flair that he never allowed himself leisure to cultivate . 既使在最草率的作品里,也有种种诗情画意,只是他没有加工而已。
From the perspective of poetic texts calling structure to carry out a number of teaching methods and strategies and on the exploration. 从诗歌文本召唤结构的角度来进行一些教学方法策略上的探索。
John Milton's Paradise Lost is often regarded as the magnificent epic in the English poetic history. 约翰•弥尔顿的《失乐园》被视为英国诗歌史上的最宏伟的史诗性作品。
The poetic toes get out of his shoes. Here heroes are zeros. 诗人的脚趾露出了鞋子。在这里英豪举足轻重。
Recently he has experimented in writing 'scientific poem', trying to explore poetic idea in logic, mathematics and physics. 最近实验写“科学诗”,尝试到逻辑学、数学和物理学里发掘诗意。
On your birthday evening party, my heartfelt greeting transformed into a poem, may the poetic rhythm open a garden of friendship. 你的生日晚会上,我深深的祝福串成一首诗,诗一般的旋律启开一片温馨的友谊园地。
Xiang Yang continued to expand his poetic life diligently, to construct the essence of poetic mode, and gave expression to adore ground. 向阳孜孜不倦持续耕耘多元的诗文生命,建构出精质的语言风格,体现热爱土地的深刻情怀。
Rain, like an elegant lyric poetry, poetic spirit that likes to say the memory could not finish. 雨,就像一首优雅的抒情诗,这富有诗意的精灵总喜欢把记忆说个不完。