
美 [poʊl]英 [pəʊl]
  • n.磁极;电极;柱子;杆子
  • v.用篙撑船;摆船
  • 网络极点;竿;极数


long pole,wooden pole,electrical pole,steel pole,metal pole
hit pole,use pole


n. v.

1.柱子;杆子;棍;杖;篙a long thin straight piece of wood or metal, especially one with the end placed in the ground, used as a support

2.(行星的)极;地极either of the two points at the opposite ends of the line on which the earth or any other planet turns

4.(对立或相反的)任何一方;极端either of two opposite or contrasting extremes


be poles apart

天南地北;南辕北辙;截然相反to be widely separated; to have no interests that you share

up the pole


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... north adj. 北方的,北 pole n. for prep. (时间延续)长达 ...

高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... poisonous a. 有毒的,致命的 pole n. ,电线杆; police n. 警察,警务人员 ...


极字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 极地〖 polarregions〗 极点pole〗 球体上一个圆的轴的两端之一〖 ultimate;extreme;utmost〗 ...


口译专业词汇专场 ... electromagnetic 电磁的 pole 磁极 coil 线圈 ...


电梯专业英语词汇(四) ... polarity 极性 pole 电极 pole coil 电极线圈 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... poke 拨开 pole 棒;竿 police 警察 ...


用杆组词_百度知道 ... 杆菌[ bacillus] 杆子[ pole] 杆秤[ steelyard] ...


它的极数(Pole)分为2P 4P 6P 8P 12P.各极数的RPM(每分钟的转速)各不相同 有一点更重要的是HZ.频率也会改变它的转速 公式 …

To overtake the sun, er lang shen haste makes waste, a mishap, the front of that mountain carrying-pole eye is shouldering the fork. 为追上太阳,二郎神忙中出错,一个闪失,前边那座山的扁担眼被担叉了。
An Armenian tightrope walker steadies himself with his balance pole as he prepared to perform a trick. 一位亚美尼亚走钢丝演员在表演前用他的平衡杆支撑着身体。
He took a dominant pole position in the Ferrari and, despite chaotically rainy conditions, led for most of the race. 他驾驶着法拉利抢得杆位,尽管那天雨水多作怪,他还是领跑了大半场比赛。
They might have escaped had a light pole not gotten between them. 要不是他们中间有根杆子隔着,本来是可以逃走的。
Unable to stop in time on the compromised surface, the car ran up the curb and made impact with a pole and the front of a store. 无法阻止在时间上的损害表面,赛车跑到路边,并影响了极点和前面的一家商店。
The roof the boy was standing on turned out to be the cabin of the Shy Maid, an old ramshackle single-masted pole boat. 那男孩站的屋顶其实是破旧不堪的单桅撑船“害羞小姐”号的一个船舱。
Tossing the caber is the throwing of an impressive, long thick pole in an attempt to get it to land as straight as possible. 投棒是投一根又重又长又粗的杆,使它尽可能直立的着地。
Luckily, my son pulled me to safety with his trekking pole. Am I better off now than I was when I was sliding toward the abyss? Duh! 幸运的是,我儿子用他的登山杖拉住了我,我才得以脱险。和滑向深渊时相比,我现在的境况好些了吗?这还用说!
I could see myself sticking the flag in a pole, you know -- ah, glorious moment -- the music kind of reaching a crescendo. 我甚至能看见自己亲自把国旗插在北极上,你知道,那是一个光荣的时刻,伴随着背景乐也即将达到高潮。
You know, my mother carried vegetables on a shoulder pole all her life, but guess which shoulder she carries higher today? 你知道我妈妈挑了一辈子的菜,她的肩膀哪一边比较高?
Tortured Ice The permanent cap at Mars south pole has been eroded by the wind into a tortured complex of pits, buttes and mesas. 被挤压的冰层永久性覆盖在火星南极的冰帽被风侵蚀成了深坑,平面或孤丘。
Now many years have passed but the image of myself with a beggar's pole trying to fend off a bunch of barking dogs still haunts me. 现在许多年过去了,但是一个情景却一直萦绕脑海,我拿着一个乞丐的棍子努力的赶走一群狂叫的狗。
There was an IV bag on a pole through which he was fed the high-protein liquid that made up his diet. 在一个支架上挂着注射袋,他通过这个获得自己的食物-高蛋白流食。
How would it be, Pole, if you got on my shoulders and saw whether you could get up to it? 波尔,你爬到我肩膀上,看看能不能爬到那儿,怎么样?。
Each point on the surface of the sphere is mapped through the bottom pole, onto a flat surface, where it is then recorded. 球体上的每一点都通过此球体的极点投射至一平面,而这些资料就因此被记录。
The driving examination is usually carried out in the ground with a surveyor's pole. 汽车驾驶考核通常在安置有标杆的场地上进行。
God told Moses to put a serpent of brass on a pole. All who looked to it would be healed. 神吩咐摩西造了一条铜蛇挂在柱上,人只要看它一眼就得著医治。
As to what kind of events lead up to the pole shift, we have detailed the last weeks, thoroughly. 至于是什么时间导致进入了极移,我们已经在“最后几周”里彻底详细叙述过了。
Trying to get a lap time in was very difficult but we did it in the end and as I said, it's a special feeling being on pole here. 试着在这里做成绩感觉非常不同。我们在最后做到了,正如我说过的那样,作为杆位获得者在这里是一种特别的感觉。
The farmer: I tied its left leg to the pole and went on milking, after I finished another bucket, it kicked that over with its right leg. 农夫:我用绳子把她左腿绑在了柱子上接着挤,结果刚好一桶接满,她又用右腿把桶踢翻了。
Just how much of an impact will nuclear power and nuclear weapon depots have during and after the pole shift? 极移时及极移后,核电站和核武器库将受多大影响?
Could we possibly get more information about the kind of events that will finally lead up to the actual pole shift? 我们可能得到更多关于最终导致进入实际的极移的事件信息吗?
The pole was thrown away and his bike was broken. He found a lump appearing on his forehead. 他的鱼杆被扔出去了,自行车也坏了,他发现前额上还起了个包。
However the French-manufacturer appears to be beginning to return to form, with Fernando Alonso recording a strong pole position in Hungary. 然而,伴随着阿隆索在匈牙利拿下杆位,法国制造商似乎开始重振旗鼓。
The utility model discloses a pair of double-pole operating forceps for a thoracoscope and an abdominoscope. 本实用新型公开了一种胸腹腔镜双极手术钳。
A group of boys were playing rowdily on the swings, trying to twist the rusty chains around the topmost pole. 秋千那边一群男孩吵吵嚷嚷,想要把秋千生锈的铁链从最上面的铁杆上绕过去。
A week later, the New York Times announced that Robert E. Peary had been the first man to reach the North Pole. 一个星期后,纽约时报宣布罗伯特皮尔里是第一个到达北极的人。
This time, you'll see a "Xiaomao ball" stand in pole, I do not say that you really do not know if it was sleeping at Oriole birds do! 这个时候,你就会看到一个“小毛球”立在杆子上,我不说,你还真不知道那是小鸟黄鹂在睡觉呢!
Hamilton was left queueing behind Alonso and was ultimately denied the opportunity of a final lap as the Spaniard went on to claim pole. 汉密尔顿在后面等了十秒钟,也没有完成最后一个计时圈。同时西班牙人获得了杆位。
Then she climbed down from the fence and walked up to it, while Toto ran around the pole and barked. 于是她从短墙上爬下来,走到她那里去,这时候托托在竹竿的四周跑着,吠着。