
美 [pʊr]英 [pɔː(r)]
  • adj.穷;萎靡的;不健康的;不愉快的
  • 网络最穷;最穷苦;贫穷

比较级:poorer 最高级:poorest

poor girl,poor family,poor quality,poor performance,poor woman



VOA慢速英语学习论坛 - IN THE NEWS - A... ... warned 警告 poorest 最穷 nation n. 1. 国家 2. 民族 3. 国民 ...


Bible Quiz ... )..... richest 最富有 )..... poorest 最穷苦 )..... strongest 最强壮 ...


The Many Slides of Matt Damon flashcards ... ... goal 目标;目的 poorest 贫穷;贫寒;清贫 region 地区,区域,地方 ...


shb - 雪域风情的日志 - 6SQ.Net ... 评审内容不适用( Evaluation contents not applicable) 极差( Poorest ) 不具功能( Useless) ...

An $8-an-hour job along the border with Mexico, one of the poorest parts of America, is better than it would be in affluent Austin. 同是一份时薪8美元的工作,在美国最贫穷的与墨西哥交界处要比在富裕的奥斯汀要好。
In contrast, there seems to be a consensus that the poorest countries, mainly in Africa and Asia, shouldn't have to make emissions cuts. 相比之下,似乎有一种共识,即最穷的国家,大多在非洲和亚洲,不必进行减排。
How can one be surprised, then, if I never feel more affection for the face of this country than amid its poorest men? 那么,如果我对这个国度的爱慕,从来不及我与最穷之人相处时心生的爱慕,又怎会令人惊诧呢?
we donate to the children in the poorest areas of China in the name of our school. 我们以我们学校的名义捐款给中国贫困地区的孩子们。
Sydney has been the poorest performer of any of the markets, but its future prospects are better than the other states. 悉尼是所有城市中走势最差的,但是它的未来前景要好于其他州。
Even in the poorest parts of the world, a modern kitchen seems to have particular aspirational value. 即便在全世界最穷困的地方,现代厨房似乎也有其独特的向往价值。
Those not at risk of becoming the poorest did not seem to mind falling a notch in the distribution of income nearly as much. 那些没有成为最穷风险的人似乎不介意自己在收入分配中降一个等级。
In one of the poorest countries in the region, that lack of novelty is all the more depressing. 身为中美洲最穷困的国家之一,缺乏新颖使全国上下更受压抑。
The bank claims that this profit-making activity helps it to dole out money to the poorest countries. 世行声称这种赢利行为可以有助于该行向最贫困国家发放资金。
At the other extreme, the poorest province, Guizhou, has an income per head close to that of India. 在另一端,贵州,这个最穷的省份,人均收入接近印度。
After one of the poorest opening 45 minutes of his Chelsea reign, the manager was pleased with the way his players found a better stride. 在经历了一个有史以来最差的45分钟后,穆里尼奥对他的球员能走上正轨十分满意。
Because one of the poorest farmers on Earth had gotten access to a technology that had allowed him to change his own life. 原因是在地球上最穷的一位农民获取到他所需的一项技术从而使他可以改变自己的命运。
Creating an Opportunity Society begins by showing that, especially for the poorest children, this is something of a myth. 《创造一个有机遇的社会》开篇指出,这是一个有些荒诞的提法,尤其是对于最贫穷的孩子而言。
In the poorest areas, some highways are often empty but for the crops farmers spread out on them to dry in the sun. 在最贫穷的地区,一些高速公路上常常车辆稀少,农民都将粮食铺在道路上烘晒。
An EU official said the comments did not apply to the world's poorest states, which will be most vulnerable to climate change. 一位欧盟官员说,这个评论不适用于世界最贫穷国家,他们将是最易受气候变化影响的国家。
ON A humid stretch of Pacific coast in one of the poorest parts of the Americas, somebody seems to have misplaced a chunk of Manhattan. 在太平洋湿润而延伸的海岸线上,作为美洲最贫困的地区之一,仿佛是某人错把曼哈顿的一块放在了这里。
But household tax cuts, except for possibly the poorest, should have no place in the stimulus. 但是,面向家庭的减税措施不该出现在计划中,除了对最穷困的人群或许可以用这一招。
Why would the state try to help the poorest at a time when they were doing better than before? 国家为什么会在穷人过得比以前都好的时候去尽力帮助他们呢?
The explanation, I think it that even the poorest Roman citizen got some sense of a life out of feeling well at least I'm not like that. 我认为背后的解释是,即使最穷苦的罗马公民也会自觉高人一等,至少我没有落入那种情境。
Poor people in one of the world's poorest countries, they had been trying to hoard as much as they could for the coming winter. 为即将来临的冬天,生活在这个世界上最贫瘠的国家的那些穷人们,不得不设法尽可能多地囤积(物料)。
I heard the call to give up all and follow Christ into the slums to serve Him among the poorest of the poor. It was an order. 我得到了基督的呼唤,放弃一切跟随他来到贫民窟,在最贫困的地方,作他的仆人。这是命令。
He said that roughly half of India's future excess population growth was expected to come from its six poorest states. 辛格表示,未来印度的人口增长中,有一半将来自于六个最贫穷的邦。
As you might have guessed 9 out of 10 poorest countries in the world are situated in Africa. 也许你觉得世界上最穷的十个国家中有九个都是非洲国家。
Yet polls clearly show that their diet, sleep, and exercise efforts are among the poorest of any single occupation in the country. 然而调查清楚显示,以日常饮食,睡眠,和煅炼来说,他们是国家任何职业中最可怜的一伙人。
And many of the poorest children in the cities miss out on public education of any sort. 而且许多城市贫苦孩子错过了任何形式的公办教育。
Judging by the relationship between the richest and poorest tenth, Korea is becoming more unequal than it used to be. 从10%最富有和最贫困的人群来进行判断,韩国与以往相比,变得较为不平均。
The remote and mountainous southeastern region of Turkey where the quake struck is one of the poorest parts of the country. 地震所及的东南部地区片源山区是土耳其这一国家最贫困的地区之一。
People with disabilities are often among the poorest of the poor, and can't afford health care services. 残疾人通常是穷人里面最穷苦的,负担不起保健服务的费用。
One of the poorest countries in Asia, Nepal should benefit greatly from improving economic ties with its booming neighbours. 作为亚洲最贫穷的国家之一,尼泊尔应该从改善和生机勃勃的邻国的经济关系中大大地受益。
Even so, the forecasters say that within a decade or so eastern Germany as a whole should be as rich as the poorest western Lä nder. 尽管如此,预测家们仍然认为约在未来10年整个东部会和最贫穷的西部地区一样富裕。