
美 [ˈpɔrʃ(ə)n]英 [ˈpɔː(r)ʃ(ə)n]
  • n.一部分;妆奁;命运;一般
  • v.把…分成份额;分配;给…嫁妆;命运注定
  • 网络份量;分量;圆周罗差

复数:portions 现在分词:portioning 过去式:portioned

small portion,large portion,significant portion,substantial portion,good portion
pay portion



《Friends》词汇表A ... signify vt. 表示, 意味 portions n. 一部分, 一分 contained v. 包含 ...


Love leftovers 喜欢残羹盛饭 - 随身英语 -... ... edible 可食用的 portions 份量 scrape their plates 把盘子刮净 ...


2011???考研词汇夏徛荣词汇?1800?4 ... populate 人民居住;移民 portions 一部分;命运 possessive 有占有力的 ...


areyoueye.com [食在北美] ... 地点 Location 分量 Portions 价格 Price ...


蓝天民航词典蓝天航空词典2013年3月29日未查... ... enitig 轻武 portions 圆周罗差 full radio 主减速器轴 ...

Portions of yourself that are uninformed are going to come to you to be informed. 你们自己的未被通知部分的就要出现被告知。
Ideally, portions of each slice of a 3-D scene should show up in at least three photos, with 50% overlap between them. 理想状况下,一个三维场景中的每个局部都应该在至少三张照片中有所体现,而且相互之间要有50%的重叠。
Please note that, before proceeding, you can attempt to recover portions of any corrupted data using appropriate third-party tools. 请注意,在继续进行之前,您可以尝试使用适当的第三方软件恢复任何损坏数据的一部分。
Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters. 以利加拿每逢献祭的日子,将祭肉分给他的妻毗尼拿和毗尼拿所生的儿女。
Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land. 你要分给七人,或分给八人,因为你不知道将来有什么灾祸临到地上。
And if we do not understand the importance of the covenants, we will not be able to make much sense of vast portions of the bible. 而如果我们不认识圣约的重要性,我们就无法明白圣经的一大部分。
Advertisers did not suddenly wake up to the Internet; they have been shifting growing portions of their budgets online for years. 广告主并不是突然醒悟开始关注互联网,而是多年来他们一直在将越来越多比例的预算资金转投向网络。
Lack of blood flow through the arteries to certain portions of the heart muscle result in the death of that muscle. 通过动脉到达部分心肌的血液流动不够,导致那些心肌坏死。
You can specify sort keys (portions of lines used for comparisons) or not, in which case sort just compares whole lines. 您可以指定排序键(用于比较的行中的一部分),也可不指定,后一种情况下sort就比较所有行。
This allows you to synchronize some portions of your data without synchronizing all of it . 这将使您可以同步部分数据,而不必同步所有数据。
The symbols rotate. Earth then tries each symbol to see if the rotation fosters ascension of her field or portions of her field or not. 众符号旋转,地球对每个符号进行尝试来看是否旋转培育了她的场、或一部分场的提升。
One of the goals of RDFa is to allow portions of a document to be self-contained with respect to metadata. RDFa的目的之一就是让文档的各个部分从元数据的角度看是自包含的。
Cropping is often used to hide or trim a part of a picture, either for emphasis or to remove unwanted portions. 裁剪常用于进行隐藏或剪切部分图片,以强调或者删除不需要的部分图片。
Each of the segments has a recess making up a magnetic reluctance portion and an opposite pair of ends making up salient-pole portions. 该对末端在旋转轴的圆周方向上彼此相对,并且在该对末端之间设置有该凹口,从而各自地构成一对凸极部;
The animals that had not run before moving in with the mean mice showed much less neuronal activity in these portions of the brain. 那些在放入笼子里前没有跑动的普通老鼠,它们大脑的那个部分显示出非常少的神经活动。
And then I noticed portions of the United States where the thick cords of light dissolved into a few discrete strands. 然后我注意到美国的部分地区,数道粗大的光束慢慢变成几缕分散的光线。
Rails helpers, similar to the helper you see in Listing 8, make it easy to simplify and reuse portions of views. Rails的helpers,类似于清单8中的帮助器,使简化和重用视图结构变得简单。
Scientists, doing the best they can up to this point, have found certain codings within certain portions of the DNA. 科学家,这表明他们可以在这点上做得最好,已经发现内部DNA某个部分某个编码。
The bracket has a pair of mounting portions for securing to an outlet box and a modular receiving portion for receiving a modular connector. 托架有一对用以固定到接口盒的安装部分和用以接收模块连接器的模块接收部分。
The Apache and MySQL portions of the system required no changes, so all my bug-busting activities were to occur in the PHP workspace. 系统的Apache和MySQL部分不需要更改,因为我的所有纠错操作都是在PHP工作区中进行的。
As you begin to feel loose and ready to race, visualize yourself running fast, particularly over the toughest portions of the course. 当你开始感到松弛和做好比赛准备的时候,想象一下你跑得很快的时候,尤其是你比赛最紧张的那个阶段。
If acting man has to decide between two or more means of different classes, he grades the individual portions of each of them. 如果行为人必须在不同类的两个或两个以上的手段之间作一决定,他就把它们每一个的个别部份加以分级。
After the tests have been executed, the tool can check this trail to see which portions of the code were actually executed during the test. 当测试执行完毕的时候,该工具就可以检查这条踪迹,看在测试期间代码的哪些部分真正得到执行。
You could apply the concept of normalization to remove redundant portions of the tables and place them in secondary tables. 您可以应用规范化的概念删除表的冗余部分,然后将它们放在次表中。
The surface portions of the upper middle roller and the lower middle roller are symmetrically fabricated to form a certain conical degree. 所述的上中间辊与下中间辊的辊面部位对称制作设有一定的锥度。
and a pair of hook portions connected to the second cover member and sandwiching outer edge portions of the first cover member. 以及与所述第二盖子部件相连的并将所述第一盖子部件的外部边缘部分夹住的一对钩状部分。
This data model represents a common scenario in which portions of XML data are often "shredded" into a relational structure. 这个数据模型代表一个典型的场景,其中XML数据部分被“分割”成关系结构。
Eat it all in one meal (most restaurant servings of protein are at least five ounces), or eat smaller portions throughout the day. 在一顿中全部吃完(大多数的饭店提供的蛋白质至少5盎司),或者分成较小的几份吃完。
He should begin by incorporating information from his exegetical study of the sermon text into the exposition portions of the sermon. 他应首先把经文的解经查考和讲道的释经解说结合起来。
The primary reason for creating this structure is to allow portions of your contribution to be disabled by the user at his request. 主要原因是创建这样的结构可以让用户根据他自己的需要来禁用您提供的组件的一部分。