
美 [poʊst]英 [pəʊst]
  • n.邮寄;〈英〉邮政;(一批)邮件 邮件的一次发送;岗位
  • v.〈英〉邮寄;把(布告等)贴在(柱子等)上 贴出(布告等)
  • adv.〈外〉在后;用急件[驿马];火速的
  • 网络发帖;配置;上传日期

复数:posts 现在分词:posting 过去式:posted

post letter,get post,accept post,give post,hold post
responsible post,prominent post,permanent post,prestigious post,temporary post



即是发帖(Posted)人乱捏造上一下(About)ID。正在和众人谈论事情的时候,电话响了,要告诉同事:对不起,你们先谈,我接 …


Linux | Unity ... 构建 Posted:2012 配置 Posted:2012 设置管理员密码。选择 4 。 Select,or 'r' for previous menu ...


养和斋全集总目录ˍ近期新增或更新 ... 篇 名 及 内 容 大 纲 Title,Content and Outline 上传日期 Posted 演讲 F2081 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(P) ... postdoctoral 博士后的 posted 有地位的 poster paint 广告颜料 ...


瘦的一身骨头干着不隔JJ吗~ 品色堂... ... ....飘过头了 Posted:2013-02-18 00:08 ...


欢迎到我的职位 ... ... + Full Story + 全文 Posted 发表 Description 描述 ...

VICKYQ.COM ... under 第 站:帝宝花园酒店 Posted :食鼎记 Comments 第 站:食鼎记 ...

Much of the worst violence took place in the city of Homs, with film of it posted on a social media website. 大部分最严重的暴力发生在霍姆斯市,一家社交媒体网站上发布了相关录像资料。
A few weeks later, the bank posted her a card and a four-number personal identification number (PIN)Her PIN is 1234. 几周后,该银行公布她一张卡片和一个四一些个人识别号码(PIN)就她的个人识别号码是1234。
The big propaganda playbills were posted up in each corner of the university and many students talked about Microsoft passionately. 在校园里的各个角落里都贴上了醒目的宣传海报,同学们围绕在海报旁边,热烈的讨论着微软公司。
Their territory is often "posted" with the skulls of trespassers. 他们的领土经常用擅闯者的头骨“标记”。
In a report posted on the China Customs website ( in Chinese), an official said the practice doesn't violate World Trade Organization rules. 一位官员在中国海关网站上一份中文报告里说,征税没有违反世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganization)规则。
A regional news agency, PortAmur, posted some photographs and a grainy, low-quality video that appeared to have been shot illicitly. 地区通讯社PortAmur公布了一些照片和一段画面粗糙、质量不高的视频,视频看来是在未经允许的情况下偷拍的。
In a recently posted Youtube video, a father puts his daughter's hair into a ponytail with the help of a vacuum cleaner. 近期发布的一个Youtube视频中,这位老爸用吸尘器帮女儿扎了个马尾辫。
When reviewing the site's privacy policy, you'll be able to delete your resume just as easily as you posted it. 回顾了网站的隐私政策,你就可以删除你的履历表一样轻松当你寄出。
For those who appreciate a more visual approach, Henrik Kniberg recently posted a set of mind maps from his own notes. 对于更喜欢以可视化的方式阅读信息的读者,HenrikKniberg最近在博客上贴出了一系列思维导图,这都来自他自己的笔记。
That's compared with a quarter a year earlier when the company posted big drops in the value of its trademarks. 这是去年一季度相比的结果,当时,雷诺美国公司公布其商标价值出现大幅滑坡。
She sent me a stainless steel straw for my trouble, and she also posted my little ditty on her Facebook group page, which made my day. 她给我寄来了一根不锈钢的麦秆,并把我的小诗登在她的Facebook的组页上,这让我十分高兴。
Before deleting her account late Monday night she posted a video saying it was all a stunt and she was just a "troll. " 她在星期一晚上蛮迟的时候取消了自己的账号,在取消之前,她发了一个录像,说这完全是个噱头,她只不过是一个“怪人”。
Mr. Murong said he had not posted his last book, a nonfiction work about a pyramid scheme, for that reason. 慕容先生说他没有发布他的上一本书,因为是关于权力金字塔的非小说。
It was only when she posted her status on Facebook that her friends advised her to look out her mobile phone bill next month. 只是在她把她的情况放在放在Facebook上以后,她的朋友建议她下个月查一下她的话费账单。
I wanted to see what would happen if I posted something, even if it was only a sentence, every day for a year. 我想借此发现:在一年中,如果我每天都发布一些东西,甚至仅仅是一句话究竟会发生什么?
He walked up to the door where a handwritten note had been posted. 他走到门前,门上贴着一张手写的纸条。
After working on the new Girl Talk album for two years, late one night Gregg Gillis posted it on the Internet and went to bed. 在新专辑上投入了两年时间后的一个深夜,格雷格·吉利斯将其作品发布到网上,便上床睡觉了。
I found her rolling her eyes and giggling at a flyer someone had posted on a message board, advertising for a "vegan naturist" house mate. 当时,我发现她正对着一张有人贴在留言板上的传单翻白眼,咯咯地笑出声来——那是一份寻找“素食主义博物学家”室友的传单。
A disturbing video of a British tourist carrying out a drunken sex attack on a woman in China has caused outrage after it was posted online. 一名英国游客酒后性侵犯一名女子的令人不安的视频传上网后在中国引发众怒。
Thus, a complete form does not have to be posted to the server to check to see whether or not the data in the form is valid. 因此,不必将整个表单提交到服务器以检查表单中的数据是否有效。
I thought that he'd posted the letter, but a week later he came to me in sackcloth and ashes to say that he'd found it still in his pocket. 我以为他早就把信寄出去了,没想到一周后他却哭丧着脸来跟我说,信还在他的口袋里。
This seems to be the most up to date research on the subject since it appears in the OED online as posted in draft September 2004. 以上似乎是对相关主题的最新研究成果,因为它在2004年9月才被发布到《牛津英语词典》的在线版本上。
He found that He could produce flowcharts of His beloved operating system, and these He posted by His throne. 他发现,他能生成他所钟爱的操作系统的流程图,把它们贴在王座的旁边;
"As it turns out, it was a hoax, " admitted the author in a statement posted on the website of his magazine, La Regle du Jeu. 莱维在他的杂志「游戏规则」网站发表声明,坦言「如同众人所见,这是个骗局」。
Epstein has also posted a blog about this event, and you can hear selected parts of it with the Science Talk podcast version. Epstein还就此事创建了一个博客,你可以在科学对话博客里搜索到此博客。
Posted: One of the key facets to being able to live a simple life is the ability to be thankful for what you have. 想要简单生活,其中最为关键的就是培养一种感恩你所拥有的情怀。
The stock can be transferred between the two stock types. Material withdrawals, however, can only be posted from unrestricted stock. 库存可以在这两种库存类型之间转储,但是,对于物料提取,仅仅能从非限制库存中作发货过帐。
David posted a picture of his wife and newborn on Facebook, with the caption, "I took this picture of my two girls sleeping. " 大卫在Facebook上发了一张老婆维多利亚和新宝宝的照片,备注上写着“我的两个女人的睡颜。”
Hi Nancy, I recently posted a picture on my page and waited to see if anyone thought it might be Planet X. 您好南希,我最近在我的网页发布了一张图片,等着看有没有人认为它可能是行星X。
This young man posted a video of him abusing his cat on YouTube. 有个年轻人在youtube上上载了一个他在虐待他的猫的视频。