
美 [ˈpaʊrf(ə)l]英 [ˈpaʊə(r)f(ə)l]
  • adv.
  • adj.有权势的;有影响力的;强有力的;力量大的
  • 网络强大的;有权的;有权威的

powerful tool,powerful force,powerful country,powerful weapon,powerful influence


1.有权势的;有影响力的being able to control and influence people and events

2.强有力的;力量大的;很有效的having great power or force; very effective

3.(对身心)有强烈作用的,效力大的having a strong effect on your mind or body

4.健壮的;强壮的physically strong


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... power n. 力,动力,电力 powerful a. 效力大的,强有力的,强大的 practical a. 实际的,适用的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... power n. 力,动力,电力 powerful a. 效力大的,强有力的,强大的 practical a. 实际的,适用的 ...


考研词汇 ... power n. 力,精力;功率,电力;(数学)幂;权力,势力 powerful a. 强大的,有力的,有权的 practical a. 实际的,实用的 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... power n. 能力;力;权;幂 powerful a. 强有力的;有权威的 practical a. 实践的;实用的 ...


My World: Zi dian 1 ... 户口 Registerd permanent address 强劲 Powerful 振兴 Develop vigorously ...

This makes the technique much more powerful, as you'll be able to recall items in a specific order, as we'll see in the next step. 就像我们将在下一步骤中看到的,这会大大增强本技巧的效果,如果你能按照确定的次序回想起物品的话。
Forgiveness is a powerful place to be mentally, physically, emotionally and psychically . When you are there, you know it! 在心智上、身体上、情感上和精神上,宽恕都是一个强而有力的所在之处。
Rights of any kind are the community's protection against the unwarranted interference in daily life by an all-powerful central government. 任何类型的权利针对的都是防止日常生活受到大权在握的中央政府的无理干扰,因此对社会具有保护作用。
As Rome became a powerful civilization, the Romans began to wear a long garment wrapped around the body and thrown over the left shoulder. 当罗马成了一个强大的文明国家后,罗马人开始穿一种长袍;他们将长袍裹身,再搭在左肩上。
After growing a small nest egg into a real estate fortune, Allen decided to share his powerful system. 之后,越来越多的小巢鸡蛋变成房地产财富,艾伦决定分享他的强大系统。
The fact that companies can fix bugs by pushing out upgrades turns out to be a powerful temptation to ship incomplete products. 企业通过推出升级软件从而修补漏洞,对于发放半成品来说,是一个强大的诱惑。
it was a real pleasure meeting such diverse , open - minded , bright individuals and watching them turn into a powerful learning team. 能够认识这群有着丰富阅历、头脑开放、聪明智慧的人,看着他们形成强大的学习团队真是一次令人愉快的经历。
Alef can also be absorbed through the other powerful Vampire blood new skills, or to find the legendary instruments used in magic. 阿勒夫同样可以通过吸收其它强大的吸血鬼的血获得新的技能,或者通过寻找传说中的魔法法器。
The love between the leading actor and actress is so close yet so far, making it a Chinese version of Casablanca, a powerful tearjerker. 男女主人公在剧中爱得若即若离,催人泪下,上演了一部中国版《卡萨布兰卡》。
Jesus was one and his ministry resulted in the earthing of powerful energies of Light, which have remained to this day. 耶稣就是一位,他的神职给地球带来了充满力量的光之能,在今天依旧散发光芒。
Those creatures would not dare to betray such a powerful Demon Lord, he will be able to drive them before him into any battle. 这些生物绝对不敢违抗这样一位强大的恶魔领主,到时阿格雷尔便可以指挥它们在任何战场上冲锋陷阵了。
we considered what seems to be a pretty powerful counter example to that idea. 我们想这似乎是对于这个观点极其有力的反证
He could draw men round him and keep them bound to him; while his powerful attraction was there, disruption was out of the question. 他能够把人们吸引到他的周围而且保持他们的忠心;而他的强大吸引力所在之处,就不可能有分裂。
Please stretch out your powerful hands to lend me a hand, just like when you were a baby learning to walk I held both your hands. 请伸出你年轻有力的手搀扶我。就像你小时候学习走路时,我扶你那样。
Seeing and analysing such small galaxies at such a great distance is at the very limit of the capabilities of the most powerful telescopes. 看到和分析如此小又处在如此遥远地方的星系已经快到这些最强大望远镜的能力极限了。
Some Apple developers said that they were impressed by the iPad 2, noting that it was more powerful yet simple to use. 一些苹果应用开发者表示,他们对iPad2的印象非常好,并指出这款产品性能更加强大而又易于使用。
Yet when you begin the day with a positive action, even if it's just a little one, you set the powerful momentum of effort in motion. 然而当你以积极的行动开始新的一天,哪怕微乎其微的事情,将使强大的工作动力运转。
I tell you, meet this kind of woman, must use commanding eyes, with a powerful arm, her from desire rescue comes out among the sea! 我告诉你们,对付这种女人,一定要用居高临下的眼神,和一只强而有力的臂膀,把她从欲海当中解救出来!
In a statement on Monday afternoon, President Obama said Dr. Ride had been "a national hero and a powerful role model. " 奥巴马总统在周一下午的声明中说,莱德博士是“国家英雄和伟大的榜样”。
As long as we adhere to the reform and opening-up policy, we shall surely be able to build China into a powerful socialist country. 只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成为强大的社会主义国家。
With every passing year, I realize how much more powerful the idea of computation really is. 每过去一年我都意识到计算的想法是多么的强大。
Tesla's powerful thumbs found soft and vulnerable places as he continued to squeeze the life from his would-be foe. 泰斯拉继续将生命力从他的假想敌体内挤走,有力的拇指捏到了柔软脆弱的要害之处。
They are so powerful that the Dark Templar have outlawed their creation for a thousand years out of fear. 他们是如此强大,已取缔的黑暗圣堂武士为他们创造出了一千多年的恐惧。
"It was, " he said, "One of the most powerful moments of life together. " “那是”他说,“历史上生命连接最为紧密的时刻之一。”
As a protege of Rupert Murdoch's, Brooks quickly rose to be one of the U. K. 's most powerful journalists. 作为默多克的得意门生,布鲁克斯的地位迅速上升,成为英国最有权势的记者之一。
A team chosen by the brother of one of DC's most powerful lobbyists, and a White House headed by the quintessential DC politician. 由华府最有影响力的一政治说客的兄长挑选产生的一个工作小组,及由华府最出色的政治家担纲的白宫政府。
Many personal computers are powerful enough to run fast-moving, graphics-heavy games just as well as consoles. 许多的个人PC已经有着足够的性能运行那些高速移动,高图形负荷的游戏,就像在游戏机上运行一样。
If you're heading towards any sort of long-term goal, a simple journal can be a very powerful tool. 如果你正朝向一个长期目标前进,那么一本简单的日记就是一个非常有效的工具。
That he took on this diet is also a powerful demonstration of how the plant-based diet is going mainstream. 他的这个转变也强有力地证明了植物性饮食正在成为主流选择。
Hydrogen bombs have never been used in war and are thousands of times more powerful than atomic bombs. 氢弹从未在战争中使用过,它要比原子弹的威力强上千倍。