
美 [.pi 'ɑr]英 [.piː 'ɑː(r)]
  • abbr.对外联络;公关;公关人士(=praseodymium)【化】镨
  • n.公关
  • 网络公关(Public Relations);镨(praseodymium);孕激素受体(progesterone receptor)




1.公关,公共关系(全写为 public relations)the abbreviation for public relations

公关(Public Relations)

公关pr )服务(包括新闻媒体、消费者、经销商或客户要求特定对象)。 合理分配并掌控资源,提升各区域销售指标的完成 …


掺杂( Pr) 、钆( Gd) 的样品,是非晶结构,表面 载流子浓度提高到 10 11 ~10 12 Πcm 2 , 但载流子霍尔迁移率非常 小,说明薄膜 …

孕激素受体(progesterone receptor)

由于孕激素受体(PR)和糖皮质激素受体(GR)的C-末端氨基酸序列50%以上相同,因此它在抗孕激素作用的同时均呈现不同程度的 …


(三)以公共关系PR)策略来塑造企业形象 我们所说的“公共关系”,决不是指私人关系,公共关系系本姓“公”,它要研究和解 …

永久居民(Permanent Resident)

说道永久居民(pr), 我想在大学的老师目前还不用担心,但是我已经听到有人说pr renew 被拒 (新加坡的永久居民其实是不永久 …

人民联盟(Pakatan Rakyat)

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) obtained 613,490 votes while Barisan Nasional (BN) obtained 507,123 votes for the State Constituencie…

"It will come through a showcase arch with a bit of fanfare, " said the company's PR manager, Doug Wallace. 公司的公关经理道格华莱士说:“在一片鼓乐声中,汽车将通过一个拱形展示台。”
Third, the fact that you are writing on your daughter's behalf suggests that she lacks the extrovert personality required for PR. 第三,你替你女儿写信,说明她缺乏公关工作所要求的外向性格。
During the first meeting, we were finally able to come up with a couple of brilliant PR ideas for our client's product launch in the U. 开第一次会议时,我们为美国客户找到了绝佳的公关方案。
If any company should just give up the ghost and get out of China before making any more PR (and human rights) gaffes, maybe it's Yahoo. 如果一家公司能够轻易得放弃自己的道德准则,并且因此在退出中国市场前制造出更多公关(和人权)丑闻的话,那也许只有Yahoo才能办的到。
The analysis of these problems can provide some suggestions as to how to help the university teachers get out of the pr. . . 对这些问题进行分析,可以有针对性地提出解除高校教师隐性知识共享困境的实施对策。
Google updates in a bit of a mess, PR also can't really reflect the situation of the site. 谷歌更新的有点乱了,PR也不能真实反映站点的情况了。
She didn't get the job because she failed to act as if she was gagging for a career in PR. 她没得到这份工作,因为她没有表现出自己很想从事公关事业的样子。
I exist for business reasons. I do not exist as a PR stunt or as sort of an olive branch. 我的存在是公司商业思维的考量结果,即不是为了所谓的面子工程,也不是为了向对手抛橄榄枝(施加善意)的。
"Either the general was doing some sort of PR, or the journalists didn't understand what he was talking about, " he said. “要么是将军在做公关,要么是那些记者听不懂将军在说什么,”他这样说。
It's just a PR phrase invented by the White House to stick single-family mortgage deadbeats into the HAMP and leave out the speculators. 这只是白宫发明的一个公关术语,以便将有抵押债不还的单一家庭列入HAMP方案中,而把投机者排除在外。
Links must be on a PAGE with a Google PR of at least 3, not just a PR3 site. 链接必须是一个有至少3谷歌PR,而不仅仅是一个镨地皮。
It has taught us that sleeping with one of your husband's employees doesn't make for the best marital relations (or PR). 它告诉我们,跟丈夫手下某个员工上床并不能成就最好的婚姻关系(或者公关)。
Surgeons still had a bit of a PR problem. 外科医生仍有很多公共关系问题。
He exudes both competence and self-contained charisma, and has been called a "rock star" by one PR executive who used to work with him. 托莱达诺散发出能力与自制力的双重魅力,一位曾与他共事的公关高管把他称为“摇滚明星”。
PR: My first record came out in 1979. It was called ACOUSTIC GUITAR and contained all original compositions in a finger picking style. 我的首张专辑是1979年出来的,名字叫做《原声吉他》,里头包含了所有的拨弦风格的原创作品。
Some of our work is also dedicated to PR stuff and answering incoming emails (or at least forwarding it to the person concerned). 我们的一些工作还专注于公关方面的材料和回复来信(至少会将它转交给相关的人)。
From a PR point of view, the garden is a visible symbol of the company's commitment to both environmental issues and employee welfare. 从公共关系的角度来看,花园该公司致力于环境问题和职员福利的象征。
Of those teams, a strong willed coach (and PR department) would be a requirement for handling Artest. 对于这些球队来说,要想搞定阿泰,必须要有一个强势的主教练(和人事部门)。
The Company will also be capable of assisting manufacturing and technical partners with event management, marketing and PR. 该公司还将协助制造业及事件管理,市场营销和公关能力的技术合作伙伴。
Flickr was also the beneficiary of a great amount of mainstream PR, even if they did not instigate it themselves. Flickr也是搞好公共关系的受益者,即使他们自己本身并没有刻意为之。
Hoffmann lives with his wife in a $60m mansion outside Geneva and pays a PR firm to keep his name out of the press. 霍夫曼和自己的妻子住在日内瓦外的一个价值六千万美元的豪宅中,他还雇了一个公关公司以保证自己的名字不会出现在媒体上。
If it was America, they would have kept the trains running and hired a few more lawyers and a top PR firm. Well done China. 如果这是发生在美国,他们将会继续营运,然后雇更多的律师和公关公司。做得好,中国。
The head of PR for Business Week asked if I wanted to be put up in a hotel until the storm had died down. 《商业周刊》的公关主管问我要不要住到酒店,直到风暴平息。
Stuart Bruce points us in the direction of an emerging debate between PR lecturer Richard Bailey and one of his students Natalie Smith. 斯图尔特.布鲁斯向我们指出出现了一个新型的研究方向,由公共关系课程的授课者理查德.贝利和他的一个学生纳塔利.史密斯讨论得出的。
As a result, even though she was mentally and physically ready to run a PR, her digestive system wouldn't let her. 结果是,尽管她在心理上和生理上已做好创个人记录的准备,但是她的消化系统不允许。
Moreover, PR firms are beginning to encroach on territory that used to be the domain of advertising firms, a sign of their increasing clout. 此外,公关公司正开始进军过去属于广告公司的领地,体现了公关公司日益增强的影响力。
PR is simply a way of generating communication about a business, in an attempt to encourage purchase. 推广是推进业务交流的一个简单方法,可以鼓励顾客购买。
Here were two guys from one of the biggest PR agencies in the world, blustering around Silicon Valley like a pair of Keystone Kops. 全球最大的一家公关机构中出来了一对像启斯东警察(KeystoneKops)的家伙在硅谷散步流言。
However, Google China PR person in charge of the matter denied. 不过,谷歌中国公关负责人对此事予以否认。
Within any of the three scenarios, our main focus is to generate as much PR as possible with the general public. 在三个情况之一的,我们的主要焦点是产生尽可能多的宣传与一般公众。