
美 [pritʃ]英 [priːtʃ]
  • v.宣扬;说教;布道
  • n.说教;训诫
  • 网络鼓吹;讲道;宣讲

第三人称单数:preaches 现在分词:preaching 过去式:preached

preach hatred



1.[i][t]布道,讲道(尤指教堂中礼拜时)to give a religious talk in a public place, especially in a church during a service

2.[t][i]宣传,宣扬,宣讲(教义、生活方式、体制等)to tell people about a particular religion, way of life, system, etc. in order to persuade them to accept it

3.[i]说教to give sb advice on moral standards, behaviour, etc., especially in a way that they find annoying or boring


《Friends》词汇表B ... bachelorette n. 未婚女子 preach v. 鼓吹 untied vt. 解开, 解放, 解决 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... pragmatic 重实效的,实际的 preach 传教;讲道;劝诫;鼓吹 precarious 不稳定的,不安全的 ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... 446. elaborate a. 精心的 448. preach v. 说教 452. integrity n. 诚实;完整 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... prayer 祈祷,祷告;祷文 preach 宣讲(教义),宣传 precious 珍贵的,贵重的 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... prayer 祷告 preach 传教 preacher 传道者 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... priest 牧师,神父 preach 布道 primate 大主教 ...


宣_百度百科 ... 宣教[ propaganda and education] 宣扬[ publicize;propagate;advocate;preach] 宣战[ declare war] ...


传字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 传导〖 conduct〗 传道preach;deliverasermon〗 传递〖 transmit;deliver;transfer〗 ...

I never in a million years thought this would happen to me; it was a major shock. I now preach to everyone that they need regular exams. 我从来没有想过,这会发生在我的身上。这对于我而言是个极大的震撼。现在我劝说每一个人应该进行常规的妇科检查。
Paul said that he had been given a direct revelation of Christ's gospel and began to preach his understanding of Christ to Gentiles. 保罗说,他已经接受了基督福音的直接启示,并开始对非犹太人宣扬他对基督的理解。
20Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus. At once he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God. 扫罗和大马色的门徒同住了些日子。就在各会堂里宣传耶稣,说他是神的儿子。
Buddha continued to preach until the age of eighty, spreading the philosophy that man has the power to shape his own destiny. 佛祖直到80岁还在传道,传播人有力量自己决定自己的命运这一思想。
It is not up to us that you hear. Just that we live up to our calling and preach Jesus Christ and His Way. 你能否听见也不在乎我们,让我们单单顺服神给我们的呼召,并传讲耶稣基督和他的道路。
His sins flooded up within him and he wept out his repentance, crying "Jesus, I'll even preach for you if you'll save my soul. " 他的心里充满了罪恶感。他哭着忏悔,喊道:“耶稣,如果你拯救我的灵魂,我甚至愿意为你布道。”
He said: The Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. 祂说,耶和华用膏膏我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人。
And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased. 弟兄们,我若仍旧传割礼,为甚麽还受逼迫呢?若是这样,那十字架讨厌的地方就没有了。
No doubt Peter had come south from Galilee to hear John the Baptist's preach. 彼得显然是从北边的加利利远道南来,聆听施洗约翰的讲道。
Now, it may sound as though I'm about to preach atheism, and I want to reassure that that's not what I'm going to do. 也许我现在听起来像是在为无神论讲道,但我保证这不是我要做的事情。
For if I preach the gospel, I have no boast, for necessity is laid upon me; for woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. 我若传福音,于我原没有可夸的,因为我是不得已的。若不传福音,我便有祸了。
But please don't worry that I'm getting ready to preach to you about, compassion or other directedness or the so-called "virtues" . 但请不要担忧,以为我正准备向你就同情,指导他人或所谓的“美德”布道。
You keep telling the children that their room is in a mess. Isn't it time you began to practise what you preach and tidied up the garage? 你老是对孩子们说他们的屋子太乱了,难道你不也该按自己的话去做,将车库搞得整洁一些?
Did St. Francis really preach to the birds? Whatever for? If he really liked birds he would have done better to preach to the cats. 圣方济是不是真的向小鸟讲道?所为何来?如果他真的喜欢小鸟,他应该已向猫讲过道?
27 "Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. " 我在暗中告诉你们的,你们要在明处说出来;你们耳中所听的,要在房上宣扬出来。
When the Lord chose His twelve disciples, it was "that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach" (Mark Hi. 14). 耶稣拣选十二个门徒,就是「要他们常和自己同在,也要差他们去传道。」(可三14);
He gathered about him a small circle of believers and presently began to preach in the town against the prevalent idolatry . 他身边聚集了一小批信徒,很快开始在城里布道,反对当时盛行的盲目崇拜。
He told a group of men that he especially missed being able to preach, but that God was teaching him throughout his recovery. 后来他对学生说,因为不能教导他们,使他心里很难过,但上帝却藉著他的病和康复教导他。
And He said to them, Let us go elsewhere into the nearby towns that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I came out. 他对他们说,我们可以往别处去,到邻近的村镇,我也好在那里传道,我原是为此出来的。
A man is no right to stand and preach if his home is not in alignment with the Word of God. 如果与家庭生活矛盾,没有甚么对上帝的事奉是有价值的。
Ministers began to preach sermons against "Ephemera, " and one, who too stoutly stood for much of its content, was expelled for heresy. 牧师们开始布道,反对《蜉蝣》,有一个牧师因为坚决维护那诗的内容,竟被以异端罪逐出了教会。
When Pastor Wang asked me if I would like to preach on this Sunday, I was excited and I said yes. 当王牧师问我是否愿意主日来讲道,我很兴奋的答应了,但接著感到自己的不足和无助。
Benjamin Franklin wrote of his desire to see the Mufti of Istanbul preach Islam to Americans from a pulpit in Philadelphia. 本杰明·富兰克林曾写下想要与在费城向美国人开坛讲道的来自伊斯坦布尔的伊斯兰学者见面的愿望。
I ll preach it the rest of my life. But let me put a little frosting on the cake. 我在馀生仍会宣讲这信息,但请容我在蛋糕上放点糖霜。
And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth. 耶稣对他们说,我们可以往别处去,到邻近的乡村,我也好在那里传道。因为我是为这事出来的。
To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man's line of things made ready to our hand. 得以将福音传到你们以外的地方、并不是在别人界限之内、藉著他现成的事夸口。
He began to preach from a makeshift church in Azusa Street, in a run-down part of town. 他开始在小镇的荒区亚苏撒街(AzusaStreet)一个临时凑合的教堂布道。
And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? Then is the offence of the cross ceased. 弟兄们,我若仍旧传割礼,为什么还受逼迫呢。若是这样,那十字架讨厌的地方就没有了。
I mistakenly believed that if I did not preach with power and persuasion, the congregation would fade away and the church would fold. 我误以为我的讲道若没有强大的说服力,会众就会离开,教会也不会成长。
You were born with a special talent. It may be to sing, write, teach, paint, mentor, preach, defend or befriend. 你生而有自己的特殊天赋。你的特长可能是唱歌,写作,教书,绘画,劝导,步道,辩护或交友。