
美 [ˌpriməˈtjʊr]英 [ˈpremətʃə(r)]
  • adj.未成熟的;过早的;提前的;早产的
  • n.早产的婴儿;过早爆发的炮弹;过早发生的事物
  • 网络早熟的;早产儿;不成熟的

premature baby,premature death


1.未成熟的;过早的;提前的happening before the normal or expected time

2.早产的happening or being born before the normal length of pregnancy has been completed

3.草率的;仓促的happening or made too soon


考博英语词汇 ... prelude n. 序言;预兆 premature a. 早熟的;不到期的 n.早产的婴儿 prerequisite a. 必须先具备的;先决条件 …


关于汽车专业的英语单词_百度知道 ... precision 精确,精密 premature 过早的 prior 在先的 ...


疫苗名称及医用词汇中英文对照 猪 圈 ... 足月儿 Term Infant 早产儿 Premature 过期产儿 Post term Infant ...


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... preliminary 预备的,初步的 premature 早熟的,不成熟的 premier 总理,首相 ...


英语构词法记忆单词研究 ... prelude 序曲,序言 premature 太早的 premium 额外费用,报酬,奖金 ...


英语常见词根前缀后缀大全 ... prelude 前奏 premature 未成熟的 prehistory 史前的 ...

The reforms also touch upon the more fundamental question of trying to save viable businesses from premature liquidation . 改革也触及到更基本的问题:努力帮助还有希望的企业,使他们避免过早清偿。
He said the risk of premature birth was likely to be a mix of genetic and environmental factors. 他说早产的风险可能是基因和环境因素的综合。
As regard your proposal for make investment in your city, we deem it premature to take the matter into consideration. 关于贵方提出的在贵市投资的建议,我们认为现在加以考虑时机还不成熟。
In the last issue of the journal Pediatrics, there was a very small yet fascinating study on the effects of Mozart on premature babies. 在上一期的儿科杂志上,有一个关于关于莫扎特效应对早产儿的影响的非常有趣的研究。
It's good that they're on a bit of a roll, but it may be premature to be 'smelling a championship'. 他们现在势头不错,但说是可以闻到冠军杯的为未免言之过早。
Aides said the FSA would have to finish its investigation first and that it was premature to say whether a public inquiry would be held. 助理人员表示,英国金融服务管理局必须首先完成自身的调查工作,现在决定是否开展公共调查还为时过早。
Strong ultraviolet radiation, easy to make skin flexible Keratosis lost, resulting in premature aging. 紫外线辐射强烈,容易使皮肤角化失去弹性,造成早衰。
As I said at the top, I wouldn't buy any of these now after this huge -- and premature -- rally in the financial sector. 我在开头说过,在金融业这么大——而且过早——的升幅之后,我不会马上买进这些股票。
The RTTS Safety Joint is held inoperative by a tension sleeve located on the bottom of the mandrel to help prevent premature release. RTTS的安全接头通过位于芯轴底部的张力套保持原有状态来防止过早解封
Today the situation has improved considerably, although it would be premature to say that we are completely out of the woods. 现在形势已经有了很大好转,虽然说我们完全摆脱困境还为时过早。
This science is important and rightly deserves attention but splashing it on the front pages could be said to be somewhat premature. 这项研究的科学性很重要也应该得到关注,但被置于头条广为宣传似乎有些为时尚早。
The proclamation was greeted with elation and relief, even if it was premature by at least two days. 豪言一出,人人欢欣鼓舞、如释重负,连这句话至少说早两天都无暇顾及了。
This hormone has been used for a long time to help women who are infertile or to stop premature ovarian failure. 这激素已用相当长的时间,以帮助妇女谁是不育或停止卵巢早衰。
"It seems you were a bit premature in reporting the destruction of the Farrago" he said with a malevolent grin. “看来你那已摧毁法拉戈号的消息发早了。”他说话的时候恶毒一笑。
And when sex is "too short" (by whose definition? ) it is often characterized as a man having premature ejaculation. 当做爱“太短”(谁定义的?)这通常被认为是早泄。
Enjoying one or two glasses of wine a week - about two units - does not raise the risk of premature birth or impair the foetus's growth. 每周享用两杯小酒,让人量不宜过多,其实并不会引发早产情况的发生,也不会对胎儿影响造成不良影响。
The measures led to Mr Schr? der's premature ousting from office, ironically a few months before they began to bear fruit. 这些举措导致施罗德提前离任,而具有讽刺意味的是,此时距离这些措施开始见效仅有几个月时间。
Dr Michael Prager, a Botox specialist, said that, of all his clientele, office workers were most likely to show premature signs of aging. 肉毒素研究领域的专家迈克•普拉杰教授指出,他所有的客户中,有很多办公室上班族都出现早衰的迹象。
"It's one month, and I think it's a bit premature for anyone to say that we have broken the back of inflation, " he said. 他表示:“这只是一个月的数据。我认为,现在说我们已击败通胀,有点为时尚早。”
With so much red ink still to be spilled, it may seem premature to ask, as this special report does, what the future of banking looks like. 在这么多赤字仍将继续出现的情形下,像这篇特别报告一样,询问银行业的未来会是怎样似乎还太早。
Oversleeping seems to be the major problem that leads to premature derailment for almost everyone who tries adapting to polyphasic sleep. 其实看起来在多相睡眠中睡过头对绝大多数人来说是一个主要问题。
Gordon Brown wept in public last weekend when he spoke of facing up to the possible premature death of his son Fraser. 上周末,当英国首相戈登·布朗谈到自己可能早逝的儿子弗雷泽时,不禁当众拭泪。
She had taken out a $6, 000 car loan six months previously at the same bank and suggested one positive element of her premature demise. 她先前曾在这家银行用分期付账的方式贷款买车,6000美元分摊到六个月。在这个事儿上她的“提前死亡”倒是能起到一些积极的作用。
"I think it is too premature and too early for us to say we have come to an end of the pandemic influenza worldwide, " she said. 但是她指出其他地区如埃及和印度患者正在大幅增加。“我认为对我们来说全球流感流行已经结束还为时过早而且条件还不成熟。”
Let's put these common myths, exaggerations and outright lies about premature ejaculation to bed once and for all! 让我们一次性解决关于早泄引发的误区、夸大及彻底的谎言吧。
If it goes unchecked, toxemia can lead to the dangerous convulsions of eclampsia , or to premature separation of the placenta. 如果未得到及时的治疗,妊娠中毒症可能导致孕妇有危险的抽搐性惊厥或胎盘早期剥离。
Given that virtually every stock went down in 2008, nearly all buy recommendations turned out to be, at the least, premature. 考虑到2008年股市全线下挫,几乎所有的买进建议事后证明都至少是时机不成熟的。
Tan is the early experience led to his premature "in the body of the West as" the root of thinking. 谭嗣同的早期阅历更是促成其不成熟的“中体西用”思想的根源。
This algorithm has the advantages of fast convergence speed, small number of convergence and easy to get premature convergence. 该算法具有收敛速度快、迭代次数少且不易陷入不成熟收敛等优点。
Yes, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a threat, as this week's news of an outbreak among premature infants in London reminds us. 不错,单单从本周伦敦大批婴儿早产的事件中就可以看出,这种可以抵抗抗生素的细菌对人类是一种重大威胁。