
美 [pres]英 [pres]
  • n.按;压力机;出版社;印刷机
  • v.按;压;敦促;压榨
  • 网络冲床;压机;拥挤机

复数:presses 现在分词:pressing 过去式:pressed

press button,press case,press control,press demand,censor press
local press,british press,free press,national press,japanese press



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Sara presses a towel against the wound in his neck to help stem the flow of blood, meanwhile urging him to stay with her and keep breathing. Sara用毛巾压住他颈上的伤口,阻止血的流出,她还鼓励Abruzzi坚持住,持续保持呼吸。
Mucus type: the cells of this type produce a lot of mucus which presses the nucleus into a ring shape. 粘液型:这种类型的细胞产生大量的粘液将细胞核挤压成环状。
Place your hands, one on top of the other on the center of the chest. Push hard and fast aim for a rate of about 100 presses in a minute. 双手以一手放在另一只手上面的形式放在胸腔中间,用力迅速的按压,按压的频率是每分钟100下。
The timed button presses make it a lot more realistic and the Contain function allows you to hold up your opponent in 1v1 situations. 抢断由按键的时机来决定让一切看起来真实了许多,新的设计允许你保持和对手处于1对1的状态。
Dragging seems to work fine, but some of the button presses aren't recognized unless you press really hard. 拖放操作很正常,但有些按钮需要用力按才能被识别。
Present I, have many matters to have as if every day to think, pondered sometimes the matter presses me not to gasp for breath. 现在的我,仿佛每天都有好多事情要想,思考的事情有时候压得我喘不过气。
Since all printing presses had been seized by the army, it was impossible for a private person to have his say in print. 由于军方管制了全部的印刷所,私人言论根本就得不到刊印的机会。
Multi-color offset printing presses in color chronological if you do not consider this point, it is not possible to overprint. 多色胶印机在编排色序时如果不思考这一不面,叠印不离无法举行。
Such concerns seem to negate China's claim to promoting a "harmonious world" as it presses on with its strategic aims. 由于中国力推其战略目的,各国似乎都开端否认中国推进“调和世界”的宣言。
It is often desirable to specify a help topic that appears when a developer selects a node in Solution Explorer and presses the F1 key. 通常需要指定开发人员在解决方案资源管理器中选择一个节点并按下F1键之后要显示的帮助主题。
With the blade of her fork she presses down, punctures, gashes, saws, seesaws, slices into a plump, glistening pasta packet. 她用银叉的锐侧按胤压,刺破,又割又锯,把光润的意大利面食分成小块。
Our offices or printing presses are not located on the grounds of an old citadel these get be storing since the days of the Civil War. 咱们报社的办公室和印刷设备位于一座内战时修建的古老城堡里。
In an interview, Dr. Pachauri readily acknowledged that he presses for particular actions, but said he does so as an individual. 在一次访谈中,Pachauri博士承认他确实公开呼吁过采取相应的具体措施,但他也表示这些建议都是以他个人的立场。
Our offices and printing presses are located on the grounds of an old citadel that has been standing since the days of the Civil War . 我们报社的办公室和印刷设备位于一座内战时修建的古老城堡里。
Having used the presses to remove some of the cocoa butter, the cocoa powder producers were left trying to find a market for this fat. 可吃的巧克力使用压榨机除去部分可可脂之后,可可粉生产商就要想办法为可可脂找到市场。
State-of-the-art high speed progressive metal stamping presses with up to 100 ton capacity produce quality, tight tolerance components. 最新水平的高速连续送料式金属冲压件的生产能力很高,能够冲压高达100吨紧密度容限零件。
So why doesn't the U. S. government just fire up the printing presses and print a bunch of money to pay off the debt? 所以,为什么美国政府不干脆开动印钞机,印出一堆钱来偿还债务呢?
This means that you can often select the proposal of interest with only a few presses of the down-arrow key. 这意味着,只需按几次向下箭头键就可以选择感兴趣的建议。
As the mouse ball in the bottom of the mouse rolls over the mouse Dad, it presses against and turns two shafts. 当鼠标底部的鼠标球开始旋转的时候,有两个轴将会受到挤压并发生旋转。
The young man squirms as Mr Kanagaraj presses him for an answer via microphone and headphone. 当Kanagaraj督促他通过耳机和麦克风回答问题时,这个学生不安地扭动着身体。
When a user presses this button, the Twitter API will take the specified post and add the update to the Twitter stream of that user. 当用户按下该按钮时,TwitterAPI将获取指定的发布内容,并将更新添加到该用户的Twitter流。
The company has CNC, folding beds, cutting beds, milling machines, presses, lathes , Saw, argon welder and a series of sound equipment. 公司拥有CNC、折床、剪床、铣床、冲床、车床、锯床、氩焊机等一系列完善的设备。
The underlying logic is that no country defaults on its domestic bonds if it retains the right to set the printing presses in motion. 这其中隐含的逻辑是,如果一国保留了启动印钞机的权利,那它的国内债券就不会出现违约。
Did not close the floor area of the balcony presses his the half of umbriferous area calculates periphery level. 未封闭阳台的建筑面积按其外围水平投影面积的一半计算。
It was always the printing presses and the delivery trucks, not the words themselves, that were the seat of the publishing industry's power. 长久以来,出版行业的力量的基础一直是印刷机和送货车,而不是文字内容本身。
Domestic printing presses do not relate to the following mechanism. The design supplies a way of the new mechanism. 随动调压机构在国内印刷机上还没有涉及到,本设计为该机构的设计提供一种方法。
Michael presses the numbers at random and between each sequence watches to see if the red light above the box will turn green. Michael随机地按着这几个号码,每次按过后,他观察盒上的红灯是否会变绿。
Air pollution has been a primary environmental problem in city. The monitoring of air pollution also presses for resolving. 大气污染已成为城市的一个主要环境问题,大气污染的监测也就成为迫切需要解决的问题。
The fifth edition of my principles text is now rolling off the presses, ready for spring-term classes. 我的《经济学原理》第五版正在印刷中,为春季学期的课程做好了准备。
If he presses too hard on the ethnic armies it will backfire, and there will be a mutiny among the ranks. 丹瑞知道,如果自己对各少数民族武装组织施压过重,那么反而会适得其反、弄巧成拙,并且在军队内部也可能会发生兵变。