
美 [prɪˈtend]英 [prɪ'tend]
  • v.假装;佯装;自称;模拟
  • adj.假装的;想象的
  • 网络装作;伪装;装扮

第三人称单数:pretends 现在分词:pretending 过去式:pretended

pretend notice


1.[i][t]假装;佯装to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth that is not true

2.[i][t](在游戏中)装扮,扮作,模拟to imagine that sth is true as part of a game

3.[i][t]自诩;自称;自认为to claim to be, do or have sth, especially when this is not true


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... dishonest 不诚实的 pretend 假装 use up 用光 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... presumably 大概,可能,据推测 pretend 假装,装作 prevent 预防,防止 ...


伪装的英文是什么?_百度知道 ... pretend vt. 假装, 装扮, (作为藉口或理由)伪称 Pretend 伪装 Pretender 伪装者 ...


伪装的英文是什么?_百度知道 ... pose vi. 摆姿势, 佯装, 矫揉造作 pretend vt. 假装, 装扮, (作为藉口或理由)伪称 Pretend 伪装 ...


佯字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 佯言〖 lie;telllie〗 佯装pretend〗 佯攻〖 feign(talse)attack〗 ...


矫字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 匡正;纠正〖 correct〗 假托;诈称〖 pretend〗 高举〖 liftup〗 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... intensify v 变猛烈;加强 pretend v 假装,借口 pretension n 自负;要求 ...


高中英语词汇表(3500单词)_王俊国_新浪博客 ... prepare 准备,预备 pretend 假装,假扮;自称 prevent 防止,预防 ...

No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, but beauty exerts its power over us. Surely there is simply no escape. 不管我们怎样去辩驳,或者假装我们对它没有什么感觉,美仍然对我们产生影响,而且根本是无法逃避的。
What could I possibly say to her? Pretend it was alright. No way in hell. So there was no other option really. 我能怎么可能对她说?假装它是好的。没有在地狱的方式。所以没有其他选择真的。
If a shop assistant told him she had not heard of it, he would pretend to be considerably put out. 要是女售货员告诉他从未听说过这些东西,他会装出十分遗憾和不安的样子。
I can only pretend to be strong, the surface has to pretend, but this moment I tried the. In the empty house, I cried. 我只能做到假装坚强,表面一再假装,但这刻我尽力了。在空无一人的房子里,我哭了。
We do not ask you to see something that is not as you want it to be and pretend that it is. 我们也不是要你看到不是你想要的事,而假装是那样。
Maybe he could call the company and pretend to be somebody with an airline, asking about travel records. 也许他可以冒充航空公司人员给她公司打个电话,询问旅行记录?
I certainly have had my share of beauty, but I do not pretend to be anything extraordinary now. 我当然知道自己以前很漂亮,但现在可不敢再说有什么出类拔萃了。
You don't want to go, but to get yourself there, you pretend that you really can't wait to pound it out on the treadmill. 你不想去,但是迫使自己去。你假装真的等不及要在跑步机上连续跑步。
Just as I am about to get out of the car and pretend to look in the trunk, the passenger door opens. 就在我刚要下车假装要看一下后备箱的时候,车门开了。
To be a nobody and yet to have yourself helped is better than to pretend to be somebody and to have no food. 做小人物和使自己被帮助比装大人物和没吃的要好些。
You could pretend to be someone else, as if you were a character in a play. 你可以拌成另外一个人,就像在戏里扮演一个角色。
But please do not pretend to be friendly to my husband and wink at me like an Ovidian lover, because I will never have an affair with you. 但请勿假装对我老公友善,却似奥维德(Ovid)情人一样对我挤眉弄眼,因为本人永远也不会与您发生婚外情。
pretend to understand type new to a unit, obviously do not know what, but also desperately pretended to know everything looks like. 不懂装懂型新到一个单位,明明什么不懂,却也拼命装出一副什么都懂的模样。
I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns. 我不可能假装对颜色无偏见。我为鲜豔的颜色感到快乐但真心地为可怜的棕色感到抱歉。
Because after today, you won't have to pretend that you are actually trying to learn something while networking with your classmates. 因为,今天之后,你不必再假装你是真的想通过和你的同学交流来学东西。
United themselves lost at home to Besiktas last night and Neville did not pretend to be happy with the result. 曼联在周中欧冠主场输给贝西克塔斯,内维尔并没有试图假装感到高兴。
She loved what she was doing so completely, there was no need to pretend to be anyone else. 她那么全身心地爱着她所做的事,丝毫不必以假象示人。
A virtual computer is a bit of clever software that emulates a pretend computer deep within the operating subconscious of the real computer. 虚拟计算机是在真正计算机运行的潜意识深处竭力效仿计算机的聪明的软件。
No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, beauty exerts5 its power over us. There is simply no escape. 无论我们多么用力辩驳,或假装对它置之不理,美仍然对我们产生影响,而且根本无法逃避。
The easiest thing for a tester to do when he first receives a specification for review is to pretend to be the customer. 当测试人员第一次收到《规格说明书》进行评审的时候,最简单的事情就是把自己当成是客户。
put on =pretend She said that she felt ill, but she was just putting it on. 她说她生病了,其实她只是装出来的。
He thought there must be some other ways to get out of here, and he should pretend to be obedient while look for another way to escape. 他想,肯定还有其他办法离开这里,他应该装得乖一点,然后暗度陈仓。
If you know the end of the story, you may be choose to say, or pretend not to say, don't start to speak but hesitate. 如果你明明知道这个故事的结局,你或者选择说出来,或者装作不知道,万不要欲言又止。
A woman if unfortunate wisdom to know everything, then it must also know how to pretend do not know. 一个女人要是不幸智慧得什么都懂,那就必需同时懂得怎么伪装成什么都不懂。
The crystal handle will add an air of dignity as you pretend your lover is an obstinate mule while you ride him around the bedroom. 当你假装情人是一头犟驴,骑着他在卧室里转悠时,手中的水晶手柄会给你增添几分威严的气度。
Most women I meet only like me for my title, I vowed the next time to pretend to be a common American and see what happened. 大部分女孩子喜欢我,不是喜欢我本人而是喜欢我的头衔。我发誓下一次要装成一个普通美国人,看到底会发生什么。
You know what I used to do? I used to pretend the audience was naked. That used to relax me a lot. So. . . 你知道我以前是怎麽做吗?我以前总是假装观众都是裸体的,那种假想让我放松很多,所以…
In the name of the company, its long-standing tradition and pride, we never run away from our problems or pretend we don't notice them. 我以丰田的名字及其悠久的传统和荣耀的名义保证,我们从不曾回避责任,或对任何问题视若无睹。
Actually she was neither, but she could pretend to be. It made her feel more respectable and ladylike . 实际上她既不震惊也不愤怒,不过她可以装成那样,那会使她显得可敬一些,更像个上等人家的闺秀。
I pretend to be strong enough to get rid of complicated love issues. But I am in a real lost this time. 我假装坚强不理会复杂的爱情问题。但这一次,我真的迷茫了。