
美 [praɪs]英 [praɪs]
  • n.价格;代价;荣耀;赌注与赢款之间的差额
  • v.定价;标上价目;(购买前)比较价格
  • 网络价钱;报价;单价

复数:prices 过去式:priced 现在分词:pricing

high price,average price,reasonable price,good price,same price
pay price,lower price,reduce price,get price,set price


n. v.

1.[c][u]价格;价钱;物价the amount of money that you have to pay for sth

2.[sing]代价the unpleasant things that you must do or experience in order to achieve sth or as a result of achieving sth

3.[c]投注赔率the numbers that tell you how much money you will receive if the horse that you bet on wins the race


at any price

不惜任何代价;无论如何whatever the cost or the difficulties may be

at a price

以高价;花大钱costing a lot of money

beyond price

无价的;极宝贵的;极重要的extremely valuable or important

everyone has their price

重赏之下,必有勇夫;人皆有价;有钱能使鬼推磨you can persuade anyone to do sth by giving them more money or sth that they want

not at any price

无论如何也不;给多少钱也不used to say that no amount of money would persuade you to do or to sell sth

a price on sbs head

缉拿(或杀害)某人的悬赏金an amount of money that is offered for capturing or killing sb

put a price on sth

(为贵重物)定价,作价to say how much money sth valuable is worth

what price…?

(认为得不偿失)…不值得,…有什么用?used to say that you think that sth you have achieved may not be worth all the problems and difficulties it causes


价格(Make Offer),您则可以在价格Price)下方的小框中给出价格作为买方的参考,也可以不给出价格。


服装英语_百度百科 ... pos.=position 位置 px.=price 价格,价钱 QC=quality control 质量控制 ...


杨阳摄影师 - ... 团队( Team) 报价( Price) 简介( About) ...


(2)定价price):为了迎合在大众眼中星巴克是为高层次消费者服务的形象,星巴克的产品的定价是属于比较高的。公司也 …


外贸英语词汇英汉全对照 [南方网教育频道] ... 运费 freight 单价 price 码头费 wharfage ...


... 电源:220伏 Power Supply:220V 售价:3500元/台 Price:3500RMB per unit 切圆角机 Round Cornering Machine ...


yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 87,port=carry 拿,带,运 89,preci=price 价值 90,punct=point,prick 点,刺 ...


二、低价格策略(price) 低价格策略 ikea的经营理念是“提供种类繁多、美观 实用、老百姓买得起的家居用品”。这就决定 了宜家 …

Cause: When trying to explain foot and ankle injuries, Price starts at the top of the body. 原因:当解释起脚和踝的运动伤害时,普莱斯是从人体的顶部说起的。
The death of an ambassador would not be seen as the occasional price of a noble but risky profession; someone had to be blamed. 一位外交官的死亡,没有被看做是一份高尚而危险的职业所带来的偶然代价;必须有人对此负责。
The bank has a 'buy' rating on Uni-President with a target price of HK $4. 88 over the next year. 该行给予统一“买进”评级,对它明年的目标价预期为4.88港元。
Now its price is only over 5, you can buy as many as you can. Then you needn't come to the securities firm until when I tell you to sell it. 股价才五元左右,尽可以大买特买,然后回家睡觉,别再来了,一直等到卖出之时。
Many women don't pay attention to the price of proper clothes. Although these clothes can take a real bite out of the bank account. 许多女同胞并不在意她们中意的衣服价格,尽管这些衣服可能会花掉银行存款的好一部分。
Even though the interest receipt is fixed, the price of the paper may go down as well as up in line inversely with interest rate movements. 定息证券无疑可提供固定的利息收入,但基于证券本身的价格会随利率走势而反向变动,因此亦可升可跌,投资者必须提防。
"A price cut would be in line with past cycles, " said Paul Jackson, an analyst at Forrester Research in London. ForresterResearch驻伦敦的分析师保罗•杰克逊(PaulJackson)表示:“降价将符合过去的几个周期。”
As a so- called " wasting asset " , it has tax advantages , and there is always the consolation of drinking the asset if the price falls . 作为一种所谓的“消耗性资产”,它拥有税收优势,而且,如果价格下跌,总可以喝掉这种资产作为慰藉。
Advance data on pork and other agricultural products shows price rises beginning to slow down in October. 猪肉和其它农产品的领先数据表明,今年10月,物价上涨的速度开始放缓。
She said there was "tremendous uncertainty" over whether the price spike was temporary or part of a longer-term trend. 关于这波价格上涨是暂时现象还是长期趋势的一部分,Atkinson称这存在高度不确定性。
Record annual increase, does mean that remarkable, and all the signs indicate that this price trend will not change over time. 创记录的年度涨幅,确实意味非凡,而且种种迹象表明这种价格上涨趋势在一段时间内不会改变。
with a 40% tariff and a 17% value-added tax on US fruit, its price will be at least five times that of local varieties. 由于从美国进口的水果含40%的关税和17%的增值税,所以其价格至少是当地产的各类水果的五倍。
As we have already begun to see, the mere threat of a disruption to the world's oil supply has caused the price of crude oil to jump. 正如我们已开始看到的,单单是有征兆显示全球石油供应可能中断,就已导致原油价格大幅上涨。
All that, says Dan Smith, a metals analyst at the bank, could push the price up to $8, 000 per tonne this year. 渣打金属分析师丹·史密斯(DanSmith)表示,这一切可能会推动铜价今年攀上每吨8000美元。
Please do not hesitate to tell us if you think there is any problem of the price. 如果您觉得在价格上有什么不妥,请不要犹豫告诉我们,
Part of the economy class passengers, the price is often determined whether they choose to fly the first factor. 而乘坐经济舱的一部分旅客,价格往往是决定他们是否选择乘坐飞机的第一因素。
The inflated price tag is due to rare and expensive materials used for the handle and screws, all made of platinum. 高昂的价格主要源于制造手柄与螺丝的稀有昂贵材料,螺丝都是铂金的。
Attempts to launch an attack picks passes on the goalkeeper to press against, spells is running upon post's price not to leave the racket. 试图出击摘传中的门将促不及防,拼着撞上门柱的代价也没有将球拍出。
"For the wardens, allowing drug use is often the price of peace, " he says. "It reduces the risk of riots. " 他说:“在监狱长看来,许可吸毒常常能换来平静,这减少了闹事的危险。”
Well, I met a businessman online last week. He said he could supply me with goods of high quality and cheap price. 嗯,上周我在网上遇见一个商人,他说可以提供给我物美价廉的商品。
He added that this was the first time the company missed expectations in two years, and that is what hit the share price. 他说,新东方业绩两年以来首次不及预期,这是其股价下跌的原因所在。
Pricing: The price of a product is often the determining factor when a purchase is made and is always a key to profit. 定价:产品价格是制定购买决策的关键因素,又常常是控制利润的主要手段。
It may not be pretty, but apparently Wall Street has decided that the price won't be too steep. Or else, it would have put up the money. 这听起来可能有点吓人,但华尔街显然已经认定届时的拍卖价格不会低得离谱。要不然,他们早就投钱收购了。
But it's not just a question of marking up the price in between. 但这并不只是一个提高差价的问题。
But the price you asked for is too high; would you cut it a little bit for our good partnership'sake? 但是你要的价实在太高了,鉴于我们之间良好的合作,你能在稍微降点价吗?
That gives China credit for the full price tag of every product it exports -- even if it's only responsible for its final assembly. 报告表述的是中国每一项出口产品的全价--即使它只是负责最终的组装。
The price fetched by a single volume in a sale like that is a trifle, and I can't even remember how much I gave for it. 在这样一次拍卖中,区区一小本书的价钱是算不了什么的,这本书花了多少钱我自己也记不起来了。
The official did not mention the submarine price, saying only that Israel intended to be paid in installments. 这名官员没有提及潜艇价格,只是说以色列打算分批支付。
The prohibition of heroin has the devastating effect of forcing the price up to a level which can only be characterized as astronomical. 禁用海洛因所造成的严重后果,就是促使药价攀升到只能用「直上云霄」来形容。
The price of commodities helps determine how much a business can charge for a product and the profit it can make. 商品的价格可以帮助确定有多少企业可以收取一个产品,它可以使利润。