
美 [praɪs]
  • n.价格;代价;荣耀;赌博赔率
  • v.定价;标上价目;(购买前)比较价格

复数:prices 过去式:priced 现在分词:pricing

high price,average price,reasonable price,good price,same price
pay price,lower price,reduce price,get price,set price


Mills failed to help the association by limiting iron-ore imports in the run-up to the negotiations as a tactic to hold spot prices down. 中国各家钢铁公司没有在谈判之前限制铁矿石进口,以压低现货价格,从而未能给中国钢铁工业协会带来帮助。
That it had done so with investments in Treasurys at a time when Treasury prices are close to historic highs? 而且中国在美国国债和两房债券价格接近历史最高位的时刻产生了相关损失?
The paper found that the main determinants of consumer spending appeared to be real income and wealth as captured by property prices. 文件发现,消费开支的主要决定性因素似乎是实质收入以及物业价格所反映的财富。
THERE is nothing like high oil prices, it would seem, to free a European airline from protective national sentiment. 似乎没有什么能像居高不下的油价一样,能将一条欧洲航线从一种保护性的民族主义情绪解放出来。
Just as they enjoy decent earnings after years of falling food prices, governments seek to push prices down. 正因为他们在经过食物价格的多年下降后,终于享受到像样点的收入时,政府却寻找方法来压低价格。
Prices have soared by as much as 60% over the last two years, after plummeting 40% at the beginning of the financial crisis. 金融危机开始时这里的房价暴跌40%,过去两年最高上涨了60%。
These operated to the disadvantage of the South, a largely agricultural area, which had to pay high prices for imports. 这抓住了南方的软肋,因为南方是大片的农地,他们不得不为高价进口货物买单。
Since the comparison sites do not cover whole life policies, rising Internet use should not affect prices of these policies. 既然比较价格网站不提供关于终身寿险的信息,上网普及率的增加不会影响终身寿险价格。
In this article, the authors pose the question of how food prices might have influenced birth and death rates. 在这篇文章中,作者们提出了这样一个问题,食物的价格如何影响生育和死亡率。
FOB prices of international trade terms, is not behind the company name, but ready to ship the port name (Port of loading). FOB是国际贸易价格术语,后面不是公司名,而是准备出货的港口名(起运港)。
He said burley prices had slumped on the international market and would not be the best investment for the tobacco industry. 他说,国际市场上白肋烟的价格已经下降了,对于烟草业来说这不是最佳投资。
Given all that, it's challenging to see how oil prices can keep marching higher. 有鉴于此,油价如何能继续走高的确充满挑战性。
Buying a piece of Bear Stearns was attractive to KKR as an entree into the lucrative brokerage business at a time when prices were cheap. 对KKR来讲,趁机低价吸入贝尔斯登的部分股票,并借此进入利润丰厚的经纪业务是很有吸引力的。
Economists at HSBC say that the correlations between industrial output and commodity prices began to fall apart a few years ago. 汇丰银行分析师认为工业产出同大宗商品价格的联系在几年前就开始逐渐降低。
The prices quoted above do not include any taxes, duties, ~s and any other charges of any kind which may be levied. 上述报价不包括税款、关税、进口税及其他各种可能征收的费用在内。
Zeltner also said the bank would now start to raise prices for its services. 他还表示,瑞银现在将开始上调服务价格。
Critics say that huge change is one of the reasons corn prices on global markets have risen 77 percent over a year ago. 批评者说,这种巨大变化正是全球玉米价格在过去一年里猛涨百分之77的原因之一。
Self-sufficiency contributes nothing to the quest for reasonable prices, for it increases the total cost of food. 自给无助于对合理价格的探索,因为它增加了食品的总成本。
We should be able to see a recovery by then, even if it won't have done much of anything yet for natural-gas prices. 到时候我们应该可以看到经济复苏的迹象,即使天然气价格没什么变化。
Sometimes it's rational: when a company is genuinely more efficient than its competitors, lowering prices is usually a smart move. 有时价格战是很理性的:当一家公司确实比它的竞争对手效率更高时,降价通常是一个很聪明的举措。
At least a portion of every citizen's food needs are sold to them through ration books at heavily subsidized prices. 至少每个市民的部分食物需求通过配给供应手册以高补贴价格卖给他们。
Barge freight prices have soared on the Ohio River, one of the few waterways in the region on which grain is still being shipped. 作为该地区少数几条仍能运输谷物的水道之一,俄亥俄河的驳船运输价格已大幅飙升。
It's just a matter of time before investors realize that stocks are not worth prices in the top of the range. 投资者早晚会意识到目前股票并不值波动区域顶部的价位,这只是一个时间的问题。
The goal was to set up a clearinghouse as well as an electronic trading system that would display prices for credit default swaps. 其目的是建立一个清算所同时是一个电子交易系统,可以显示信贷违约互换产品的价格。
Inflation figures published yesterday showed that there had been a slowdown in the rate at which prices are rising. 昨日公布的通膨数据表明价格上涨的速度在减缓。
The big mining companies all believe that high commodity prices will return, although no one is prepared to say when. 所有的大型矿业公司都相信高价商品时代会再现,虽然没人准备说出具体时间。
After two years of pain, American house prices seem to be stabilising. But attention is now switching to the commercial-property market. 2年过后,美国房屋价格似乎止稳,但是现在的目光开始转移到商业房地产市场。
Zoellick believes that food prices continued to rise this year, sugar, increased consumption of meat is an important driving force. 佐利克认为,今年粮价持续上涨,食糖、肉类等消费量增加是重要推动力。
Meanwhile companies prepared to reduce prices can keep sales turnover strong, as they seem to be bucking the trend of slowing transactions. 与此同时那些准备降价的公司可以维持营业额强劲,他们似乎在逆交易放缓的趋势而动。
"Prices of primary goods - China's main imports - are at a low points now, while they were at historic highs just a year ago, " he said. “中国主要进口的初级商口价格,现在处于低位,而一年前则处于历史高位”,他说。